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Everything posted by vancleef

  1. The newly acquired Super Powers will be worth the hassle. Just make sure to get a proper costume designed. Don't try and fight crime in some half-assed DIY Cosplay!
  2. vancleef

    Study Hall

    "BTW, when I had the mod, I put that idiot in a pillory and left him to rot somewhere down in the Midden. " Fucker had it coming. Good riddance. I was ready to uninstall DCL and then I decided really work with the MCM. I eliminated most containers as spawn points, adjusted the number of items affixed and just toggled the rape function off. After that, it was way more playable.
  3. vancleef

    Study Hall

    If you have Deviously Cursed Loot installed, Julius Tullus (I think that's his name) is the College's resident Perv. Guy makes you trade a blowjob for every clue he distributes!
  4. Man, do not EVEN get me started! Our asshole Governor who shut down the state twice is now rebuking Republican state senators to pass the aid bill he and his cronies stonewalled earlier in the year that would have made Trump and his administration look good...
  5. Finally! Some good news for a change!
  6. It's been popping up all over Facebook this past week. After the Twits and Twats started censoring their platforms, people are looking for an alternative.
  7. vancleef

    Study Hall

    That dirty, 'Ol Bastard! But can you blame him?
  8. And just like that, they figured out that border walls DO work!
  9. First and foremost, I condemn the storming of the Capitol by the protesters as much as I condemn what the Left has been up to the last 12 months. There are extremists on both sides leading around a mob of gullible idiots. If I had to label myself, I'm a Centrist who leans Right. I imagine there are a lot of Centrists who lean the other way too and I hope they're as disgusted by this whole shitshow as I am. So while I lean Right, I won't defend them just because. That said, I consider many on the Left to be naive at best and loyal to a fault at worst. And vice versa. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm doing my best to be objective and neutral but everyone is calling for you to choose a side... I think the frustration is that the Right is fed up with a do-nothing government made up of career politicians whose entire agenda is "get re-elected". 48-51% of the country (depending on whose statistics you believe) voted in a Reality TV star and professional buffoon to send a message. And what did the established political elite immediately do? Try to impeach him. They were scared and rightly so. A candidate that should never have even made it to the debates was elected President. By. The. People. Voting. Not rebelling, not protesting, not burning down neighborhoods. By voting. All summer long the same people who voted peacefully watched as the Left threw a tantrum and destroyed private property, trespassed and "occupied" public and private property, and vandalized public property, specifically historical monuments. And how soon everyone forgot the IEDs being planted in Portland by Leftist extremists... Instead of the violence being condemned and immediately quelled, by force if necessary, instead you have the media defending the violence in the name of Social Justice and the politicians afraid to lose even more voters by issuing condemnation. And any opinion to the contrary, no matter how reasonable or civilized, got that person labeled Racist or Fascist. Now the Right has, unfortunately, shot themselves in the foot with this stunt. Politicians don't care if you burn down someone else's neighborhood but suddenly it was THEIR house being invaded! Watch how subtly ALL protests will be monitored and policed in the next four years. They're going to crucify this protest and it's members and supporters because NOW it's in their interest to do so. And instead of anyone looking back to try and figure out why it happened in the first place, they'll instead ignore history and just suppress a movement that should never have got to this point. The political establishment was sent a message with Trump's election and I can guarantee you that that's the last time in my lifetime that an outsider will be a serious contender for any Federal office. Did any of that make sense? Or am I just a crybaby?
  10. Burn down some working guy's business this past summer and you're a Social Justice Warrior. Storm the hall of the people who get us into these messes in the first place and you're a rabid traitor. I'm washing my hands of anyone even remotely Left. So. Done.
  11. vancleef

    Study Hall

    Now THAT'S worth studying!
  12. vancleef

    Study Hall

    Thanks, Master Urag!
  13. vancleef

    Study Hall

    Any chance I could get the key to the Forbidden Bookshelf?
  14. Miss you bunches, Brother=From-Another-Mother! Get well soon! This place ain't the same without your Curmudgeonly comments!
  15. vancleef

    Study Hall

    To summon Atronach, begin by processing...blah, blah, blah! Study Hall sucks!
  16. I knew there'd be side-effects but damn!
  17. Tattoo is from a mod. I have to go in, extract the .dds and re-do it with some transparency. Tattoo looks like a sticker!
  18. Looks like Sonya's got a new tattoo!
  19. vancleef

    Bandit Captive

    Derp! Yes, Special Edition! I always forget to say that when I ask for advice from modders!
  20. vancleef

    Bandit Captive

    Joking! I mean, yeah, I AM lazy but I do have a lot of luck with Google searches and the like. Once I learned console commands, it opened up a whole new world for me. So far I haven't had any luck finding a mod that allows me to "pick up and move" live NPCs. I can move them with condole commands but if I can find a mod that works like the Groovatron from Fallout, I would be over the moon=level happy. Do you know of any?
  21. vancleef

    Bandit Captive

    And how is it that I'm just discovering this awesomeness now?
  22. vancleef

    Bandit Captive

    I think it's from Devious Devices. They never show up in the game but I add them to the character's inventory using the console. If you have DD, open the console, type: help rope And they should display. Add them to your inventory and have fun! And if you need some advice using the console commands, I would be glad to help.
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