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Everything posted by vancleef

  1. RACIST! Oh, sorry...I went temporarily Left there for a few minutes. Was I out for long?
  2. I am happy to announce that the impossible finally happened for me. A few weeks back, right after Jeffery Epstein's "suicide" I was standing in line at the grocery store and scanning the magazine rack, reading all sorts of lurid headlines about Epstein. I realized that for possibly the first time ever, the tabloids were actually reporting Real News!
  3. vancleef

    Male Space Suit

    YES! You're going with the blue!
  4. vancleef

    Jungle Girls

    Why do I suddenly fear one of the crewmembers is going to be turning on a spit over an open fire...
  5. Seriously. You need to stop being so awesome.
  6. Exactly. After World War 2, the US made up only 7% of the world population but produced more than 60% of manufactured goods. That's a lot of money being shared by a very small group. There was no competition at that time. That's why the government could tax Corporations 80% and get away with it. A'int gonna happen again, at least not in our lifetimes. A very unique coalescing of time and events.
  7. What the current generation wants is the 1950's-60s era of prosperity in this country. But without having to invest their own equity and sweat to achieve it.
  8. I still like the green, too!
  9. You know how many people in this country alone are killed or crippled in traffic accidents? Gun deaths don't even come close. Sometimes I think we should ban vehicles! But seriously, at least make the licensing laws so strict that only competent drivers could operate them!
  10. The way movies are tanking, sooner or later the studios will realize that they'd better start dropping the PC shit. The average guy doesn't give a shit about any of their agenda, he just wants to be entertained. Right now, movies especially are so blatant about broadcasting their agenda that even the more dense audience members are recognizing it for what it is: at best, caving to the Liberals who the studios think make up their audience or a blatant attempt to outright cultural re-programming. My prediction is that the next "007" film will be delivered stillborn. You watch how fast Eon re-casts a White Male stud as James Bond. A few years from now the shareholders are going to step in and right the ship. Look at how many companies are already reeling from their misguided "Get Woke, Go Broke" schemes. You think those CEOs will be around in five years? I don't.
  11. vancleef

    Bug Alien

    Wow! Best alien yet!
  12. HOORAY! I've finally found my place!
  13. Seriously. It's like people are slitting their own throats just to prove a point. "I want a cleaner planet but I still expect to own a car, have air-conditioning and pay cheap food prices!"
  14. I'm definitely a Racist: I hate the entire Human Race.
  15. I think she looks cool. Very fishy and H. P. Lovecraft-ish.
  16. May have already started...he's been sharing cocktail recipes...
  17. On the Chimp! On the Chimp! On the Chimp!
  18. Final Hammer Glamour (for today, anyway...). Madeline Smith:
  19. One of my customers is the former Texas Democratic Party Minority Whip. I think that's the right title. Anyway, even he thinks the likelihood of Texas turning Blue is near zero.
  20. That awkward moment when a guy with a burglary rap starts calling for gun control.
  21. Kendo, Ritualclarity and I were talking about Hammer Horror films in another thread. So here's Caroline Munro, my favorite of the Hammer Glamour Gals!
  22. NO! We want Cosmos! We want Cosmos! We want Cosmos!
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