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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. I didn't see the Xbox exclusive. Bet that wasn't their intentions until *ahem* someone bought them. I guess that sucks for all their PC fans who wanted to mod this. Maybe the next Fallout and TES will follow suit. I saw another video stating it was xbox exclusive. Is this for PC as well? 5:06;37 shows that this is an Xbox exclusive.
  2. Yeah! Yeah! Cool! I haven't seen this is so long.
  3. Speaking of TMNT. Splinter is very real.
  4. I swear I could upload 100 videos daily with the amount of content out there. lol
  5. lol Fuck I'm so stupid. I forgot to check up there. I was busy looking in the Object Window with no luck. I got so used to CK I thought it was in the Object Window....
  6. Basically I'm trying to give a follower mod by someone else a unique race so they have their own assets. For some apparent reason when I am in GECK I cannot find where the list of hairs are so that I can drag the hair I want to it so that I can assign it to the NPC. I was under the impression that it would be listed under Actor Data in GECK. And when I check my old custom race in FO3Edit it lists hairs in it's own branch like eyes. In GECK it also doesn't show hairs. This is driving me nuts because custom race tutorials don't show you exactly where it is. One tutorial just says go to characters hair, but I can't find anything related to that. I remember when I would drag custom hairs over to my custom race, but it's been so damn long I don't remember.
  7. Really dig the warm lighting. And the models and model of course.
  8. @vancleef I saw this last night while looking for some extra vending machine models
  9. This is just sad. Dark times ahead if this woke shit doesn't end. We won't be alive with a bunch of sissy cunts in rainbow uniform.
  10. What about the one from Athletic Body? I too have been looking for one but that's the only one that I have seen that's muscular. I think I used the one from here and for some reason the muscular abs looked pixelated on one of my character.
  11. I wish there was a way to incentivize liberals to move to San Fran and stay in that dump. Or California in general.
  12. AP is the dumbest fucking mod I've ever used. I never realized how stupid and bugged it was. My female character asks to be fucked a certain position and instead I'm fucking the male... It worked fine for a minute but now every time I'm screwing the guy. Some positions the guy will screw my character. I guess I'll have to rename the .kf files to get it to temporarly work properly
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