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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh8oOSVa2oo The last 10-12mins or so gets really good. Those fake tears though.
  2. In a capitol market sure. But the issue is that EA's loot boxes was created in a form of gambling and underage had access to participate in that gambling. There have been far too many cases of adult's lives being ruined through the addiction of gambling. This will have a more impact on the underage. They aren't capable of making responsible decisions with money and they are much more vulnerable to becoming addicted. That's why we are very strict with gambling and where I live you are required to be the age of 21+ to gamble. I believe like with loot boxes the same with paid mods, eventually development will slow down a lot, allowing these companies to continue to milk and milk consumers and released half arsed DLCs or expansions to keep beating on the dead horse. And the next thing you know, a huge open world game developed in 7 years will now take 10+ because as long as people keep playing and buying they barely have to lift a finger only releasing even more mediocre content. If this was contained within a few developers and not cause other developers to want in on some of that action, I wouldn't care. I hated DRM. Still do. I had to narrow down games I liked because of it. I'll have to do the same with loot boxes and eventually paid mods as it will become a standard eventually.
  3. EA doesn't deserve no sympathy. I hope that they continue to deteriorate into nothing and serves as a valuable lesson to greedy companies out there. Somehow fanboys will spin this and pin it on those who were against loot boxes.
  4. Bet he's trying to get in good with Bethesda for a job.
  5. You know it's doomsday when you have to whip out those DVDs.
  6. I guess the pouting cry baby removed his sticky once he got his way. I can just picture the patreon modders doing the same. 'Since, I haven't gotten more donations, I'm not going to release any future work. If you don't support me, then I'm done.' It's bound to happen when either their donations get cut off, or significantly drop. Their so used to depending on other people's approvals and finances they shudder at the thought of losing it.
  7. I just noticed this... https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94067?tab=posts Cry me a fucking river, dude. And the fact that he has a patreon account for support, he's not doing himself any good with that attitude if wants ongoing, or more support.
  8. I like the guy's attitude in the second video. Very optimistic about life and has no proiblem cracking jokes about his disability. SJWs more than likely gave this a thumbs down.
  9. People who fake their deaths, illnesses for attention...
  10. FFXI Online was the only MMO I got into. If these sissy "gamers" ever got into that game back in the days during it's prime time, they would of quit and started crying long ago. The MMO was not for everyone and progressing took days, weeks or months, depending how dedicated you were and the time you had. It was so satisfying once you've made it to the top among other players and started doing endgame events where only the top of the top skilled players were able to participate. I did that for many years and ran my own guild for a long time. I truly miss those days. Had so much fun and many friends on my server. I wanted to return but Square Enix destroyed that MMO when they catered to the low level cry babies who eventually cheated their way to max level and started to attend endgame events with zero skills in their class because they never put the effort to learn how to play it through progression and it became a slap in the face to many veterans like myself. It was stupid to cater to a minority and dick over your real loyal players who put the time and effort into the game.
  11. I can't help but think a bunch of hipster geeks developed Fallout 76. It's very corny.
  12. @ritualclarity I know they won't do it. That much is obvious. The possibilities are right there, but whether it's a risk they don't want to take. or because they just don't have the talent, their games have been spiraling downward for a long time because it's the same repetitive way of developing their games. Some formulas work and others don't. This isn't a case of "if it's not broken don't fix it". It's entirely the opposite for that matter. I doubt they are going to switch up their formula. As long as they can get away with it and their core fans will constantly eat it up like they always do, they'll continue to use that same formula that works for them. Even if it's outdated, broken and sloppy. For a long time the community has depend upon modders to polish Bethesda games and so long as the mod community of loyalties are there, it gives the community an excuse to buy these outdated development style games, and it gives Bethesda the excuse to slack off and continue to do what they do that lets them get away with it.
  13. The only good thing about Bethesda games is the fact that you can mod it. One of the greatest aspects of being able to mod their games is to be able to create scenes and define a story through screenshots and your own written stories, which allows you to roleplay by the characters you create. Which is something you, Vancleef and others do around other sites. But when it comes to the game itself, it's very difficult for me because no matter how much I try to use my imagination, my demon girls will always be the dragonborn and perhaps side with the stormcloaks or imperials if I give a damn. To me, the solution for this is to ditch the whole fixed protagonist and give us the option to start the game through various different factions or non faction choices such as a farmer who was harvesting his wheat and a dragon decided it would be funny to fire breathe it all to ashes and you decide to go on a vendetta because now you can't make bread. XD
  14. I have a very hard time roleplaying with Bethesda games because of the mere fact in their games, you can be anything and everything. My biggest pet peeve is the fact that you can join all these factions without repercussion. Without consequences. And when you have no conequences, there is little choice to be made because it has no impact on the way you play. There are mods out there that can help alleviate that to an extent, but the issue pretty much remains. I've had this argument on LL in the past and it's one of the reasons why I fail to see Skyrim as an RPG, because consequences and choices don't really factor. Only when you have to choose between the Stormcloaks or the Imperial Legion. And even then, that's just a side quest. I guess you can also include the point where Delphine tells you to kill Paarthurnax, but even though it's a choice, there isn't really any consequences behind it. What do you gain if you spair Paarthurnax's life, morality? What do you gain if you fullfil Delphine's wish by killing Paarthurnax? I always let Paarthurnax live because I have never been convinced ever to give a crap about the Blades. Delphine isn't a character that grows on me. She seems pretty useless to me throughout the whole entire game and so does the Blades as a whole. I'm the fucking Dragonborn, you bow to me. At least the Greybeards grant me shouts and all they do is sit on a mountain all their lives. So the only thing I really do is create a backstory for my characters and just play as them. I don't stick with just playing as a thief, or just a warrior. I used to play as a mage but I got bored with it. But if I did, I would be all because in Skyrim there isn't really classes to pick. There isn't a path to choose that locks the others forcing you to play as a mage, a warrior, or a thief. You can be anything and everything and that is mediocre to me. They treat their games like MMO, which makes sense to allow the player to be everything because they want people playing MMOs for a very very long time. But it stinks for single player games.
  15. Brett: I've never even... Christine: I can't remember... FBI: This whole thing is a joke. Investigation is over. Dems: But...but... Reps: Finally...
  16. Doesn't CDPR own the IP of Witcher? I thought they only develop games they own the rights to. Like CP2077.
  17. He's a bitter man because what used to be his IP, CDPR is making bank off of it and he's not. Tough luck. You sold the rights to CDPR fair and square. Bet he wishes he still had it and licensed the IP to a developer instead. Well, he hated video games, he can stick with that mentality since it served him well.
  18. Article 44 is shit. He shouldn't get nothing more than what he was already given when he sold the rights to CDPR.
  19. endgameaddiction


    Pipboy Readius is where it's at. Though, I sometimes like to have the vanilla pipboy. But it really gets annoying when using outfit mods that have sleeves and it clips with the pipboy. And the thing is way to big for the forearm. They should have made the pipboy a hand held device you store in your zipped pocked on the vault jumpsuit. The pipboy on the wrist just makes it seems like your property of vault-tec.
  20. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92920 Ibramovic gets a sex change.
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