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Status Replies posted by ritualclarity

  1. Though not active on LL, I keep tabs. I find it necessary to make note of a thread by Nonsequitur. Cannot ignore it! I know that he has logged into LL many times since I left... I guess to be certain the coast was clear, as cowards do.

     He begins is little whine, fully referencing me, knowing I am not there to respond, and continues to do so in several of his comments.

    He whines about being called out for theft. His last was minor, but was the final straw. In the past, I simply never bothered to share my work after he would make a sloppy version and upload a couple of days after stealing my idea. Last was one I posted a few pics and said that "this is a WIP..." And a few days later... there would be his version.

    I could not believe that he claimed to have mentored me!!! JoshQ was, and always will be my mentor. I opened a thread asking how to make open bottomed garments, and JoshQ replied. That thread continued for quite a while, with my questions and JoshQ's answers. That would be mentoring. Some I got, some no... some were face slap 1 year later. Nonsequitur joined that thread. Perhaps suggesting things, but none that I used, as the results were... not so good.


    During time on that thread, is when the stealing began. I posted a Blender image of a male kit I was working on, to show Josh. A few days later, Nonsequitur uploaded a kilt. I never bothered to upload mine, as it felt like people would think I was stealing his ideas. So, my next project was an outfit to upgrade my Harley Quinn (LOVE HER!) I made the mistake of showing Josh what my plans were. This time, Nonsequitur actually announced that he was going to make a Harley outfit also... and chose the same that I was working on. 

    I felt competetive, and thought to show off the multiplier I was working on. Nonsequitur copied the image, used it for his project, uploaded it, and PM'd him about stealing it, actually BITCHED that he had to resize it so he could use it!

    Believe it or not, he was not the main reason I left LL, but certainly a contributing factor. Now he whines about drama queens and trolls (he was listed as one of MY followers, so he could basically stalk me on the threads, I guess), and how he is not motivated to create, because I called him out.

    I saw that both @Kendo 2 and @ritualclarity had posted on that thread. Both, referencing aspects of "trolls" and how they operate... some, to make a seemingly vague post, but obvious to one being talked about (in this case, believing it to be behind her back), as I was the only person I know of to remove all of her content from LL in the passed week, which Nonsequitur referenced.

    That is my RANT!!! I will go breathe now, and enjoy some chilled vodka! 😇

    1. ritualclarity


      Mod corner is a thank you for the modders of the site. It is open and a chance for me to learn some features of the site. You don't have to use it if it doesn't work for you.


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. Though not active on LL, I keep tabs. I find it necessary to make note of a thread by Nonsequitur. Cannot ignore it! I know that he has logged into LL many times since I left... I guess to be certain the coast was clear, as cowards do.

     He begins is little whine, fully referencing me, knowing I am not there to respond, and continues to do so in several of his comments.

    He whines about being called out for theft. His last was minor, but was the final straw. In the past, I simply never bothered to share my work after he would make a sloppy version and upload a couple of days after stealing my idea. Last was one I posted a few pics and said that "this is a WIP..." And a few days later... there would be his version.

    I could not believe that he claimed to have mentored me!!! JoshQ was, and always will be my mentor. I opened a thread asking how to make open bottomed garments, and JoshQ replied. That thread continued for quite a while, with my questions and JoshQ's answers. That would be mentoring. Some I got, some no... some were face slap 1 year later. Nonsequitur joined that thread. Perhaps suggesting things, but none that I used, as the results were... not so good.


    During time on that thread, is when the stealing began. I posted a Blender image of a male kit I was working on, to show Josh. A few days later, Nonsequitur uploaded a kilt. I never bothered to upload mine, as it felt like people would think I was stealing his ideas. So, my next project was an outfit to upgrade my Harley Quinn (LOVE HER!) I made the mistake of showing Josh what my plans were. This time, Nonsequitur actually announced that he was going to make a Harley outfit also... and chose the same that I was working on. 

    I felt competetive, and thought to show off the multiplier I was working on. Nonsequitur copied the image, used it for his project, uploaded it, and PM'd him about stealing it, actually BITCHED that he had to resize it so he could use it!

    Believe it or not, he was not the main reason I left LL, but certainly a contributing factor. Now he whines about drama queens and trolls (he was listed as one of MY followers, so he could basically stalk me on the threads, I guess), and how he is not motivated to create, because I called him out.

    I saw that both @Kendo 2 and @ritualclarity had posted on that thread. Both, referencing aspects of "trolls" and how they operate... some, to make a seemingly vague post, but obvious to one being talked about (in this case, believing it to be behind her back), as I was the only person I know of to remove all of her content from LL in the passed week, which Nonsequitur referenced.

    That is my RANT!!! I will go breathe now, and enjoy some chilled vodka! 😇

    1. ritualclarity


      I wasn't aware of what CPU did. I don't pay that much attention to the LL threads now a days. Mostly go there to PM and communicate to those that I have a relationship and to monitor and address issues with my tutorials, guides and sometimes give basic support.  I wouldn't have even been on the troll thread if it wasn't for Kendo jumping on it. :D  Its fun watching him post (troll). 


      Probably could contact someone, but just is not that important to me.

      Yes, you can if you wanted in the future. I am sure they can do something.

      Again, can't say how awesome JoshQ is as a mod author and a person.


      Anyway, once I get set up, I will probably use the new LL page as an ad for here. ))) 

      Sounds good if you still want to work with LL. If not it is all good if you don't. We as a site aren't concerned with traffic or popularity or any of that. It is a site for mod authors to do their thing. 

      The modder's corner is for all mod authors to post in an environment away from the general members. A place where they can be themselves. Possibly collaborate amongst themselves. etc.  I see it as a place also where projects can be worked on. Threads can be tweaked and such before something is ready to roll out.

      @Doublezero is very open to suggestions and improvements. If you see something that might help the Sims community and general development and such, run it past him.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. Though not active on LL, I keep tabs. I find it necessary to make note of a thread by Nonsequitur. Cannot ignore it! I know that he has logged into LL many times since I left... I guess to be certain the coast was clear, as cowards do.

     He begins is little whine, fully referencing me, knowing I am not there to respond, and continues to do so in several of his comments.

    He whines about being called out for theft. His last was minor, but was the final straw. In the past, I simply never bothered to share my work after he would make a sloppy version and upload a couple of days after stealing my idea. Last was one I posted a few pics and said that "this is a WIP..." And a few days later... there would be his version.

    I could not believe that he claimed to have mentored me!!! JoshQ was, and always will be my mentor. I opened a thread asking how to make open bottomed garments, and JoshQ replied. That thread continued for quite a while, with my questions and JoshQ's answers. That would be mentoring. Some I got, some no... some were face slap 1 year later. Nonsequitur joined that thread. Perhaps suggesting things, but none that I used, as the results were... not so good.


    During time on that thread, is when the stealing began. I posted a Blender image of a male kit I was working on, to show Josh. A few days later, Nonsequitur uploaded a kilt. I never bothered to upload mine, as it felt like people would think I was stealing his ideas. So, my next project was an outfit to upgrade my Harley Quinn (LOVE HER!) I made the mistake of showing Josh what my plans were. This time, Nonsequitur actually announced that he was going to make a Harley outfit also... and chose the same that I was working on. 

    I felt competetive, and thought to show off the multiplier I was working on. Nonsequitur copied the image, used it for his project, uploaded it, and PM'd him about stealing it, actually BITCHED that he had to resize it so he could use it!

    Believe it or not, he was not the main reason I left LL, but certainly a contributing factor. Now he whines about drama queens and trolls (he was listed as one of MY followers, so he could basically stalk me on the threads, I guess), and how he is not motivated to create, because I called him out.

    I saw that both @Kendo 2 and @ritualclarity had posted on that thread. Both, referencing aspects of "trolls" and how they operate... some, to make a seemingly vague post, but obvious to one being talked about (in this case, believing it to be behind her back), as I was the only person I know of to remove all of her content from LL in the passed week, which Nonsequitur referenced.

    That is my RANT!!! I will go breathe now, and enjoy some chilled vodka! 😇

    1. ritualclarity


      I believe most people that were telling you to stay at LL was stating so that you can still react and interact with the site and people (some that you might still need to due to their actions and some that you want to due to your relationship) Not that you needed to keep your mods there.

      If ever you want to use your new account to post a thread (proper with pictures) and then link to this site so that you can have better interactions then do so. Not necessary.  Also, a moderator can lock the thread for you so that nobody post on that thread. At least they can (and IMO should) and with a link to page here or a shared folder system like Google docs you can maintain control over the assets you have. In a much easier way to manage. I do tutorials and my last tutorial is on the cloud and links can be added where ever. One place I go to update and work.

      Finally YEA! you joined the club. Hopefully other mod authors join. Keep in mind it is a general club where EVERYBODY can join provided they have mods on this site. A place to communicate with other mod authors about things that concern them.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. Though not active on LL, I keep tabs. I find it necessary to make note of a thread by Nonsequitur. Cannot ignore it! I know that he has logged into LL many times since I left... I guess to be certain the coast was clear, as cowards do.

     He begins is little whine, fully referencing me, knowing I am not there to respond, and continues to do so in several of his comments.

    He whines about being called out for theft. His last was minor, but was the final straw. In the past, I simply never bothered to share my work after he would make a sloppy version and upload a couple of days after stealing my idea. Last was one I posted a few pics and said that "this is a WIP..." And a few days later... there would be his version.

    I could not believe that he claimed to have mentored me!!! JoshQ was, and always will be my mentor. I opened a thread asking how to make open bottomed garments, and JoshQ replied. That thread continued for quite a while, with my questions and JoshQ's answers. That would be mentoring. Some I got, some no... some were face slap 1 year later. Nonsequitur joined that thread. Perhaps suggesting things, but none that I used, as the results were... not so good.


    During time on that thread, is when the stealing began. I posted a Blender image of a male kit I was working on, to show Josh. A few days later, Nonsequitur uploaded a kilt. I never bothered to upload mine, as it felt like people would think I was stealing his ideas. So, my next project was an outfit to upgrade my Harley Quinn (LOVE HER!) I made the mistake of showing Josh what my plans were. This time, Nonsequitur actually announced that he was going to make a Harley outfit also... and chose the same that I was working on. 

    I felt competetive, and thought to show off the multiplier I was working on. Nonsequitur copied the image, used it for his project, uploaded it, and PM'd him about stealing it, actually BITCHED that he had to resize it so he could use it!

    Believe it or not, he was not the main reason I left LL, but certainly a contributing factor. Now he whines about drama queens and trolls (he was listed as one of MY followers, so he could basically stalk me on the threads, I guess), and how he is not motivated to create, because I called him out.

    I saw that both @Kendo 2 and @ritualclarity had posted on that thread. Both, referencing aspects of "trolls" and how they operate... some, to make a seemingly vague post, but obvious to one being talked about (in this case, believing it to be behind her back), as I was the only person I know of to remove all of her content from LL in the passed week, which Nonsequitur referenced.

    That is my RANT!!! I will go breathe now, and enjoy some chilled vodka! 😇

    1. ritualclarity


      I got inspired! I created a basic mod author's club and you were invited. I tried to invite other authors and hope I didn't miss anyone.  You can join and get a feel. If you and Josh and other sim authors want to create a club for Sims modding that should be fine as well.

      Many post... much caffeine... Sorry! :P

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  5. Though not active on LL, I keep tabs. I find it necessary to make note of a thread by Nonsequitur. Cannot ignore it! I know that he has logged into LL many times since I left... I guess to be certain the coast was clear, as cowards do.

     He begins is little whine, fully referencing me, knowing I am not there to respond, and continues to do so in several of his comments.

    He whines about being called out for theft. His last was minor, but was the final straw. In the past, I simply never bothered to share my work after he would make a sloppy version and upload a couple of days after stealing my idea. Last was one I posted a few pics and said that "this is a WIP..." And a few days later... there would be his version.

    I could not believe that he claimed to have mentored me!!! JoshQ was, and always will be my mentor. I opened a thread asking how to make open bottomed garments, and JoshQ replied. That thread continued for quite a while, with my questions and JoshQ's answers. That would be mentoring. Some I got, some no... some were face slap 1 year later. Nonsequitur joined that thread. Perhaps suggesting things, but none that I used, as the results were... not so good.


    During time on that thread, is when the stealing began. I posted a Blender image of a male kit I was working on, to show Josh. A few days later, Nonsequitur uploaded a kilt. I never bothered to upload mine, as it felt like people would think I was stealing his ideas. So, my next project was an outfit to upgrade my Harley Quinn (LOVE HER!) I made the mistake of showing Josh what my plans were. This time, Nonsequitur actually announced that he was going to make a Harley outfit also... and chose the same that I was working on. 

    I felt competetive, and thought to show off the multiplier I was working on. Nonsequitur copied the image, used it for his project, uploaded it, and PM'd him about stealing it, actually BITCHED that he had to resize it so he could use it!

    Believe it or not, he was not the main reason I left LL, but certainly a contributing factor. Now he whines about drama queens and trolls (he was listed as one of MY followers, so he could basically stalk me on the threads, I guess), and how he is not motivated to create, because I called him out.

    I saw that both @Kendo 2 and @ritualclarity had posted on that thread. Both, referencing aspects of "trolls" and how they operate... some, to make a seemingly vague post, but obvious to one being talked about (in this case, believing it to be behind her back), as I was the only person I know of to remove all of her content from LL in the passed week, which Nonsequitur referenced.

    That is my RANT!!! I will go breathe now, and enjoy some chilled vodka! 😇

    1. ritualclarity


      Sorry for the extra post.. it is Clubs you can create a club and add the Sims authors to the group and have peace of mind that it is fairly private (being only members of the club and perhaps a moderator or admin being able to see what is going on. )  That is likely the bests option. You can add many mod authors and such to it. Think about it.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. Though not active on LL, I keep tabs. I find it necessary to make note of a thread by Nonsequitur. Cannot ignore it! I know that he has logged into LL many times since I left... I guess to be certain the coast was clear, as cowards do.

     He begins is little whine, fully referencing me, knowing I am not there to respond, and continues to do so in several of his comments.

    He whines about being called out for theft. His last was minor, but was the final straw. In the past, I simply never bothered to share my work after he would make a sloppy version and upload a couple of days after stealing my idea. Last was one I posted a few pics and said that "this is a WIP..." And a few days later... there would be his version.

    I could not believe that he claimed to have mentored me!!! JoshQ was, and always will be my mentor. I opened a thread asking how to make open bottomed garments, and JoshQ replied. That thread continued for quite a while, with my questions and JoshQ's answers. That would be mentoring. Some I got, some no... some were face slap 1 year later. Nonsequitur joined that thread. Perhaps suggesting things, but none that I used, as the results were... not so good.


    During time on that thread, is when the stealing began. I posted a Blender image of a male kit I was working on, to show Josh. A few days later, Nonsequitur uploaded a kilt. I never bothered to upload mine, as it felt like people would think I was stealing his ideas. So, my next project was an outfit to upgrade my Harley Quinn (LOVE HER!) I made the mistake of showing Josh what my plans were. This time, Nonsequitur actually announced that he was going to make a Harley outfit also... and chose the same that I was working on. 

    I felt competetive, and thought to show off the multiplier I was working on. Nonsequitur copied the image, used it for his project, uploaded it, and PM'd him about stealing it, actually BITCHED that he had to resize it so he could use it!

    Believe it or not, he was not the main reason I left LL, but certainly a contributing factor. Now he whines about drama queens and trolls (he was listed as one of MY followers, so he could basically stalk me on the threads, I guess), and how he is not motivated to create, because I called him out.

    I saw that both @Kendo 2 and @ritualclarity had posted on that thread. Both, referencing aspects of "trolls" and how they operate... some, to make a seemingly vague post, but obvious to one being talked about (in this case, believing it to be behind her back), as I was the only person I know of to remove all of her content from LL in the passed week, which Nonsequitur referenced.

    That is my RANT!!! I will go breathe now, and enjoy some chilled vodka! 😇

    1. ritualclarity


      Oh and Josh is AWESOME person and mod author. Can't say that enough.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. Though not active on LL, I keep tabs. I find it necessary to make note of a thread by Nonsequitur. Cannot ignore it! I know that he has logged into LL many times since I left... I guess to be certain the coast was clear, as cowards do.

     He begins is little whine, fully referencing me, knowing I am not there to respond, and continues to do so in several of his comments.

    He whines about being called out for theft. His last was minor, but was the final straw. In the past, I simply never bothered to share my work after he would make a sloppy version and upload a couple of days after stealing my idea. Last was one I posted a few pics and said that "this is a WIP..." And a few days later... there would be his version.

    I could not believe that he claimed to have mentored me!!! JoshQ was, and always will be my mentor. I opened a thread asking how to make open bottomed garments, and JoshQ replied. That thread continued for quite a while, with my questions and JoshQ's answers. That would be mentoring. Some I got, some no... some were face slap 1 year later. Nonsequitur joined that thread. Perhaps suggesting things, but none that I used, as the results were... not so good.


    During time on that thread, is when the stealing began. I posted a Blender image of a male kit I was working on, to show Josh. A few days later, Nonsequitur uploaded a kilt. I never bothered to upload mine, as it felt like people would think I was stealing his ideas. So, my next project was an outfit to upgrade my Harley Quinn (LOVE HER!) I made the mistake of showing Josh what my plans were. This time, Nonsequitur actually announced that he was going to make a Harley outfit also... and chose the same that I was working on. 

    I felt competetive, and thought to show off the multiplier I was working on. Nonsequitur copied the image, used it for his project, uploaded it, and PM'd him about stealing it, actually BITCHED that he had to resize it so he could use it!

    Believe it or not, he was not the main reason I left LL, but certainly a contributing factor. Now he whines about drama queens and trolls (he was listed as one of MY followers, so he could basically stalk me on the threads, I guess), and how he is not motivated to create, because I called him out.

    I saw that both @Kendo 2 and @ritualclarity had posted on that thread. Both, referencing aspects of "trolls" and how they operate... some, to make a seemingly vague post, but obvious to one being talked about (in this case, believing it to be behind her back), as I was the only person I know of to remove all of her content from LL in the passed week, which Nonsequitur referenced.

    That is my RANT!!! I will go breathe now, and enjoy some chilled vodka! 😇

    1. ritualclarity


      I wasn't sure if that was who he was talking about but now his post is more clear with your comments. None of the admin accept mod theft and Kendo can tell if it was theft pretty easy and pretty sure Doublezero can as well. They know the processes and can check the files and see if they are the same or modified etc. There are tell tale landmarks to check and t hey know how to do that. Once in the past Kendo explained it but I am too stupid of an alien to remember and understand these things.

      I'd suggest you use our messaging system to communicate with Josh while you are here to keep your projects secret until you are ready to release. Same goes for any other people you work with.

      I also believe we started some group system (if it is still part of the site) where you can create a group to work with and only those people can interact with you. I could be wrong, confused. Will need to check into that a bit more. If that is the case, you and Josh and whomever you choose can create the group and collaborate on your projects together in peace.

      Also remember that we were referenced as Tolls ;) (well kendo references us as one lol)

      Enjoy your chilled vodka!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. To anyone who may follow me here from LL, 

    Thank you for supporting me. I am definitely taking a break from making anything for a while. I plan to eventually get set up here, and reopen The LadySmoks Boutique in the coming weeks. It is always difficult moving, as there are some at LL who I already miss. 😢 


    1. ritualclarity


      @LadySmoks You do what you need to do to make yourself happy. If it is here, there, or elsewhere. We are that type of site. I know of some that have deleted their accounts and then later opened another one with a different name to PM and communicate and get a mod or two but not to be as active as they were. Also helps a bit to keep the general population from knowing who you are if you have issues with some members.

      @ErinC WE are happy to have you here as well if you like the environment and the way we do things. We strive to be as open as possible.

      To both... we are very open and free community however, if someone starts shit on your mod/support thread. Let us know. If someone starts shit elsewhere.  You are welcome to tell them off.  Also, Sims (either 3 or 4) is pretty light here. Recently we got another mod sex framework so Sims is growing.. all be it slowly.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. To anyone who may follow me here from LL, 

    Thank you for supporting me. I am definitely taking a break from making anything for a while. I plan to eventually get set up here, and reopen The LadySmoks Boutique in the coming weeks. It is always difficult moving, as there are some at LL who I already miss. 😢 


    1. ritualclarity


      Many have moved here from LL. Many still keeps an account there for PM and communication if those they miss aren't here. And sometimes even if they are.  Still some go and post from time to time there as well from this site. I do as well as Kendo. No reason someone doesn't go there to say hi to old friends.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. Sorry for spamming, the good news are this was my last upload of 2020. The bad, not good, awful news are I still have lots, lots and lots of stuff to share for next year, after I take a breath for a moth or two.

    1. ritualclarity


      Sounds like good news...
      at least for us :D Keep up the good work but of course take vacations as you need them ;)

  11. Fishnet_nodes_1.thumb.jpg.ac12e88ec9acd313ba1da7f6491c8113.jpg


    1. ritualclarity


      I cannot express how much I like when you break down the processes like this. 


    Friendly reminders:

    • Every single piece of CC made under my name is free, forever. Avoid scams
    • I only “exist” in two places: Loverslab and NSFWmods. No twitter, no facebook, no discord, no tumblr, etc
    • No rules, no tou, no nonsense. Like my stuff? Download it. Want to modify it or even port it to other engine? Don’t even ask me, do whatever you want
    1. ritualclarity


      That is what makes you so awesome! 

      One of the reason I click Like to every mod and tutorial/guide support you submit on either site. NSFWmods is lucky to have such a person as you on our site. I am confident that the admin and other moderators will agree.

      Keep up the great work and stay true to yourself.


    Quick tip to accelerate baking times in Blender 2.83

    Go to ‘Tiles’ and change the value to the resolution you’re baking into, in my particular case 2048x2048 (if you want to go higher be sure your GPU has enough VRAM, mine has 2GB). 

    Optional: activate ‘Adaptive sampling’ and change the threshold to ’0.1’ this will generate some faint noise, how visible or desirable this is will depend on your particular case.


    Using both options my times went from 2-3 minutes per bake to less than 1, it sounds insignificant but because I’m doing several tests at a time any reduction helps, of course better hardware might get quicker results.

    What about reducing rendering samples? In my tests I noticed a reduction in image quality so I’m leaving the samples alone.

    1. ritualclarity


      Excellent. I'd suggest that you pop that into the blender section. It is too good to loose with future status updates :D

  14. ImpossibleHeels_Misti_Strappy_teaser.thumb.jpg.be02eeca08450bff365a0843ff784ec5.jpg

    1. ritualclarity


      I like that extra touch of branding the shoe! :D

  15. TightLeatherPants_teaser.jpg.3c3b8f26fecdc4c7625b1093214732aa.jpg

    1. ritualclarity


      The 70's called and they want their pants back :P


  16. Femshep hair updated:



    1. ritualclarity


      Both sexy... lol

      Love tossed hair!

  17. outtakes:



    1. ritualclarity


      did I say I really like your Shepard?

      It is better than the actual game! 

  18. Where to learn how to use Blender?

    Well, everybody and their grandmas have already uploaded hundreds of videos on youtube, but I believe CG Boost have some good tutorials that teach the basics and then some. From there you can go to Grant Abbitt, Blender Guru and Jayanam and the rest is just practice.



    So I was watching a video about ‘non-destructive modeling’ which is a technique that makes heavy use of Blender’s modifiers (for example ‘subdivision’), the advantage is you can make complex shapes from simple ones which saves times and makes editing very easy.

     I “learned” to model the old and hard way so I’m almost used to the pain :P but I gave it a try anyway:

     One downside is that the result is high-poly BUT because it consist of neat face loops reducing the polycount shouldn’t be a problem (‘decimate’ works pretty fine). And of course it still needs the insoles, feet, uv map, morphs, bones, textures, etc. so I think I will have to use “destructive modeling” to complete this one.


    1. ritualclarity


      Choices are a good thing, correct? At least there are options now.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. FiveMoreYears.jpg.9b91e145785aaea60ca5d586e7d38156.jpg

    Everything was so difficult, no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t make sense of even the most basic of concepts. That frustration was the fuel to keep trying, the process was painfully slow but the learning experience made it worthful. And after all the problems -past, present and future-, I don’t feel like stopping.

    Thanks to Loverslab / NSFWmods’ admins and the people who shared their insights, created the tools and paved the road for the rest of us. And finally to EA, your heroics shall never ever be forgotten…

    1. ritualclarity


      I feel your pain each and every time I try to mod my game, create a mod or do other work on any game be it from Sims to something Bethesda created..

  21. Probably I’m only going to have time for one release for the next month:


    1. ritualclarity


      it is all good.

  22. When I decided to get into modding I chose one simply rule: make stuff you’re going to use.

    Last year I bought Sims 4 and a couple of expansions and I was committed to port my CC, there’s a couple of them already on the download section. But then I started to play the game less and less to the point it became a chore, I was hoping the latest expansion would allow me to regain some interest but it didn’t. I also tried several mods but the result was the same, so I’m abandoning TS4 for good, my apologies to the people who were left waiting.

    I’ll continue to make CC for Sims 3 under the same condition: anyone is free to modify it, no questions asked.

    1. ritualclarity


      Sorry things didn't work out for TS4. I used it a bit and thought I'd enjoy it alot as well but it just started getting ot a point where I wasn't inspired to play it.  however, to be honest, I am not inspired to play any games currently so it might be just that.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Brace yourself for a bunch of stuff, before or after xmas (26-27ish).


    I’m making CC at a fraction of my usual pace because I have very little free time, probably I will wait til before year’s end for my next releases

    1. ritualclarity


      It is all good. You create great content and you don't ask for or accept money and on top of it allow totally free use of your works.

      You take the time you need man. :)

  25. Ok,little brother i've lightened my posts on this site and require you to delete my account,forthwith.

    The thread in question is nothing more then a misogynistic,racist,anti-humanist troll thread.That it is tolerated says a lot about the trash running this site.

    Hehe,my request to start a anti-theist thread was sarcasm,that none of you identified it as such is not surprising.  


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