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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. It is possible they are trying something new. Perhaps its part of the experience. I do believe they would only change to FPS if they really felt it was necessary for the story considering Witcher didn't need to be third person except they worked so hard on the fighting for third person. Perhaps they will be sometmes in first person and when needed third person etc like mentioned above. Even if it is a bad idea... I doubt the game will come out bad. At least not like bad ideas in a Bethesda game (Fallout 4) We gotta give them a chance considering what they have done for the past several years.... however, it was mostly Witcher story not a different one. We don't really know what they do with a different story, environment, conditions
  2. ritualclarity

    Hot Tub

    Well that made two of us... You don't suck at art. nobody can suck at art.. That is a fact. Only thing you might have... is people not appreciating or liking your art. And if what I see with the likes... you don't have that problem
  3. ritualclarity

    Hot Tub

    ? don't understand... Then move it.. lol.
  4. I believe the version of Breeze this is compatible is the one you find on Nexus.
  5. ritualclarity

    Hot Tub

    Yea... right.. perfect angle backs together. Her coy thoughtful expression with a single finger teasing her mouth looking back... Sure... I am just a crazy alien that notices things like this... lol. You are just a good artist that you instinctual knew that that was the best position for her without realizing..
  6. ritualclarity

    Hot Tub

    Like the composition of that capture. I had to give a slight smile when I realized you had second girl in the capture doing the same thing...
  7. yea... That is "wrong" on so many levels...
  8. Well... I am willing to do some reading of the next installment... Just say'in. Nice outfit. ...
  9. Is it wrong that I think I like this LOL. Haven't see the series/movie but like the trailer... lol
  10. Oh, Hell, We have become so Politically Incorrect...
  11. if he didn't want to be called a pervert, he should have just bough a very soft sock... women can buy a full "stud" (body with large exchangeable dick) and not be called anything negative. A guy just thinks of something, not even buying anything, even the act it self is called "sick"... and women complain about "double standards"
  12. Kendo, if you wouldn't mind, forward it to me? Better yet, if possible upload it here? I'll put it in my Kendo mods folder for possible future use ... I am such a pack rat... I lost a lot of older mods when my memory went bad on my computer a few years ago. Corrupted 7zip files So sad. Oh, your previous post about you making something like that in the future... you'd have something already that you could just tweak for your needs Not something Nexus where the texture/mesh is blown up or otherwise resource wasteful... Kendo knows of the mod I am talking about
  13. I have alot of stuff that Kendo created in the past but I don't think I have that.
  14. Could be. Kind of hard to see from that angle.
  15. Don't forget about Kevin Tighe... http://lost.wikia.com/wiki/Kevin_Tighe (bottom right corner... )
  16. Elvis is by the door just outside of the photo.. lol You need one of those washable keyboards Vancheef!
  17. They think that is bad... Go play EVE. There isn't trash talking there. They will literally fuck your shit up, your game, your equipment, steal your shit and then post how stupid you were on the forums. Don't believe me, check out what goes on there. I enjoyed that game... Just takes too much time for me to play now Here is one such example. https://www.polygon.com/2017/3/25/15054854/eve-online-revenge-four-years-darvo-kackpappe
  18. Check this page http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-met-video-games-bully-hunters-20180419-story.html There is the full video.
  19. Yep.. They seen an old May West movie and decided that they would also say "come up and see me sometime" lol.
  20. That doesn't seem like a lot of mods... Are you merging some / many of them?
  21. Ah, I see you are back! :) How ya doing?

    1. Karma199696


      i'm fine thank :) but i'm actually quite busy, i login very seldom here and in any other site i used to visit...

  22. I expect him to do kung fu however, I was stating that as they could have used almost anyone to fill that position for a force sensitive. That wasn't a Jedi It might have been kind of cool to have a Chinese person for the storm trooper... lol I half expected him to break out in some Drunken style Kung Fu... lol yes, now we are getting stupid silly...
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