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LadySmoks presents... 2 Batmobiles!!!

Well, I'm makiing some cars and motorcycles. They may not be the best, but they are different from what's out there for TS3. BATMAN!!!

First is the Batmobile from Batman Vs Superman. It's converted from a model by sab64 on DeviantArt. I learned a lot while making these. I knew vehicles was nothing like garments, but it's really another world!

The second Batmobile is the original one from 1966 TV show and movie. The model was converted from MMD model by caplagrobin on DeviantArt.

BVS has 2 presets, battle worn and one that's more black. 1966 is strictly overlay. Neither are much for recolor, but who ever heard of a pink Batmobile anyway?

So, these are my first, and getting things to work was... fun 😒......... Anyway, I did manage to get the wheels to spin, and the lights sorta work ok, so there's that.

Understand that I had absolutely no clue what I was doing when I started these projects, and kinda just picked an EA car as donor, and ran with it. So both Batmobiles require EP4 Generations EP. 

I hope you like them! Batpod, my version of Batgirl Cycle and some hover bikes are coming soon... soonish...


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