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For thsoe that don't know three are three main systems in Linux. They use the same Kernel but have some slight command differences. They use different I'd say names but the format is thte same. Hard to explain. Example sudo apt update is Debian.  sudo pacman update is Arch. I don't remember what Fedora/Red Hat does. There are different ones than the ones I mentioned above but the three are the main ones. The ones that a newer person should stick with until they really know better or have a really specific case need to use something else. The commands mentioned above is a simple command you use to update your system. Note: this updates the programs and OS that you have from my understanding. sudo apt upgrade is a command where you get the newer version of the apps and such. Big difference especially for Arch .

There are versions that last a set number of years like Windows and there are rolling releases that constantly give you the newest and greatest. Rolling releases can cause problems as something might not be fully updated or there might be an unknonwn or a know issue that they are working on. Not a problem for someone that can roll back easily but can be a pain for someone that isn't that good with linux.

There are also immutable OSs that you update the entire OS (small download) when there is an update. You use sandboxed apps and if there is any problem there is a simple command and you can roll back to a previous OS edition. Think about Windoze when it gives you a major update that has a version number. When it fucks things up. You have to go in and dig through and find out which part screwed your OS. With a immutable OS just one command and reboot later and you are off to the races.  I have used Silver Blue from Fedora. It was quite good and I only moved to Mint as i could'n't use some of the apps I needed (without layering. That is another whole thing something you shouldn't need to get into and actually not advised by the developers. There is alot of information on this ont he web. Way better explainations that I have given.


Sad if true.

He did make sense.

I'd be happy if there was a limited application for Steam os.


Oh, not all is lost. Lots of what is being developed by Steam and other companies are being released to the public so that it can be added to other linux distros that will allow better support for your gaming sessions. Just reminder that the newest and greatest hardware and evne games might have some issues upon release. A good excuse to wait for a good sale for a tasty game you want to play. Or have a spare windoze computer (or duel boot ) to get those itches taken care of.

  • 3 weeks later...
10 hours ago, Doublezero said:

@ritualclarity Do you use bottles? I've got some really old Windows games on discs that I want to play again, and I'm curious if I can use this.

Run Windows in a Bottle

No, I don't. I also never heard of this. 

You know that virutalization is built into Linux? Qemu. The rest is tools.

I don't have my machines combined ... yet.  I prefer to keep a dedicated windows machine for my gaming as I don't really need to use anything windows when I am on my Linux machine.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@Doublezero and anyone that is thinking of getting linux.

I tried Kubuntu today. It has a nice base software. Debian based (like Mint) and looks pretty good. It does have Snaps which I don't like so much but it does give other options for example in my case, setting up a complex program required jumping through a lot of crap to get it to work properly. Manually installing many components and rebooting mutiple times. IT did however have a snap option. Much easier however did require me to input the permissions manually in the console but it nicely gave me the list (complete command by the way not making it hard for noobs) More difficult than a sudo apt install program command but not bad if I say so myself.

Those that like customizations so far there seems to be way more with the plasma GUI (what people see when they sit in front of the computer showing their information)  Like Mint there are downloadable options that have a ready made pack for you to get close to where you want to be. Haven't gotten into it very deep yet just installed it.

By the way, 20 minutes was all it took to install and update (from an old iso however same version #.  Upgrading is a different story all together, not a rolling release) including installing all my needed apps that i come to learn to enjoy. Screen capture and video players and the like. Even changing the GUI look and feel. (I made a mistake and missed the encrypt the drive option on the installation process and had to reload lol didn't take much time at all)

Still the same base which means anythign you can do in Unbuntu or Mint can very likely be done in Kubuntu. I was resistant to follow what somenone I work with suggested as his daily driver for the past several years. He stated that Snaps were ... well snappier. lol They are indeed. I have this installed on my oldest laptop An old windoze 10 8th gen  i5 laptop. Not a power house by any means.

Now if only I can get the spell corect to work on the web and discord.

Opps I forgot to get discord. Guess it will be 20 minutes and a half  to set up ... lol

  • Like 1

Sorry for double post.

An app that I use is https://dupeguru.voltaicideas.net/

sudo apt install dupeguru

above is the command. Doesn't show up on Kubuntu and likely their various flavors store.

Raited  as save and used by many. Still be careful and make a complete backup (or save one of your 3 copies on seperate drives .. you have that right... RIGHT? )  then use it and see if the results is what you want. I need this because I am an internet pack rat and often have downloaded something I downloaded sometimes years ago.


Don't forget to

sudo apt update

followed by

sudo apt upgrade

before any command upgrades.


11 hours ago, Doublezero said:

I see Kubuntu has a Windows 10 desktop look. I like it. I might go with it as the OS for my next PC.

I wish I had stayed in touch with Cronikx and Turkey and those other Russian coders from when I was on Nexus.  They had Windows cracks for Linux on just about anything imaginable.  The way Microsoft is getting ready to fuck us up and force us to buy new PCs is criminal.

13 hours ago, Doublezero said:

I see Kubuntu has a Windows 10 desktop look. I like it. I might go with it as the OS for my next PC.

You can also check into changing your desktop to KDE and then choosing the windows image. At least as I have been told. I would'n't have changed to Kubuntu if it wasn't for the snaps. I didn't want to experiment on my current Mint laptop.

Try this? I haven't followed it so not sure but it should give you an example of what is going on and what you can do. From my understanding you can change the destop like you open a program (well not quite but it is doable. just it will take more resources as you have both running. )

1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

I wish I had stayed in touch with Cronikx and Turkey and those other Russian coders from when I was on Nexus.  They had Windows cracks for Linux on just about anything imaginable.  The way Microsoft is getting ready to fuck us up and force us to buy new PCs is criminal.

If I am understaning what you are saying ... then there are lots of "cracks" for windows programs currently. Way more than previously when you would have been on Nexus. It might take a bit to find all of them and get them installed with some command line work but it can be done. You can run many windows programs pretty well and in some cases better than on windows. You can also duel boot and have both working at the same time with. On two different monitors like they were two different machines. Lots of stuff can be done.

  • Like 1

This was almost 10 years ago but they had Blender, 3Dmax, Photoshop. executables, JarFiles, pyfs, encrypted dlls, browser extensions, etc. all working on Linux.  At the time I was 'meh', but I should have latched on when I had the chance.  Those Ivans had straight ports of PS3 games working on a Linux PC and I blew it all off cuz corporate CoolAide and shills.

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