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Everything posted by bjornk

  1. bjornk


  2. bjornk


  3. bjornk


  4. Don't make Todd angry, buy his game!
  5. Playing chissss in the chissss club
  6. This is Todd apparently.
  7. bjornk


  8. bjornk


  9. The next time you meet a pretty lady in a tavern (as if that's even possible), you now know where to look first: Hint: Not at her tits!
  10. The next time you meet a pretty lady in a tavern (as if that's even possible), you now know where to look first: Hint: Not at her tits!
  11. bjornk

    Cute Batgrill

  12. bjornk

    Happy Mary Jane

    I finally got Mary Jane her own costume, and I think she liked it. She wanted to wear mine all the time and I was so tired of telling her that I was busy and that there were so many criminals to catch and wrongs to right etc.
  13. In case you're curious, yes, I have tried describing Nazeem to the AI, told him how he was such an arrogant jerk etc. Honestly, I didn't think Nazeem was worthy of the results which were too decent.
  14. Looks like according to the AI, Fallout = Fallout New Vegas.
  15. Fallout New Vegas is a guy wearing the NCR ranger armor, well, probably because the way how the game was promoted, I guess.
  16. The "feel" is pretty close, the guy at the bottom right kinda looks like Harrison Ford as well.
  17. At least we have Darth.
  18. Pretty sure "the apes" in the movie weren't naked.
  19. Pretty sure there were at least four other Bonds before this guy.
  20. The real Catman:
  21. The real one: The AI clearly has no clue.
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