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Everything posted by bjornk

  1. I'm not shitting on your mod or whatever that is, just talking about why I wouldn't play as an old guy in the game, i.e. my personal opinions. I'm not an NPC in the game, unlike them I have opinions on things happening in the game. Karliah may be 170 years older than Brynjolf but she clearly isn't an "old lady". As for companions, it's not just being called a whelp, which by the way, is still ridiculous cause you may have joined them as a much higher level character than any of them, after slaying Alduin, Miraak etc., but their disrespectful tone that accompanies it is what would annoy me. Why would you want to do their errands as an old guy? Take my sword to the blacksmith, take this shield to that cunt... I would want to tell them to fuck off if I was an old guy, so it wouldn't work for me. If you are okay with these kind of crap, good for you, I'm not judging or anything. I have no issues with the idea of playing as an old guy in a role-playing game in general, but for Skyrim in particular, I think that would be utterly ridiculous, if not laughable. None of the kill/fetch quests would make any sense in the game, cause what kind of a douche would send an old guy to a dangerous ruin filled with god knows what to kill/fetch some shit? The guy might even forget what he was supposed to do there on the way. Or if some 70 year old wanted to join the Imperial or Stormcloak army they'd most likely laugh their ass off at the idea. Again, my personal opinion. Edit: Not to sound like a hypocrite, I must add that I often play this game as a female Breton. Does it make sense? No, and you occasionally realize that the game expects you to be "a guy". When, for instance, some douche bag of a guy wants to prove his "strength" by beating you (a woman) in a fist fight. You can play the game as a mudcrab if you want, but the more you deviate from the character the game expects you to be (a young male Nord) the number of immersion breaking and annoying instances like this will no doubt increase. It's just a matter of how much of it you can tolerate.
  2. In Bethesda's idiotic mind the Dragonborn character is a young male Nord. Not old, not female, not anything else. That's the only character that fits every situation in the game and most likely the one they used to design the game around and everything else added later as basically an afterthought. Imagine joining the Companions as an "elf" to help them retrieve the "Elf Killer", or joining the Stormcloaks as a "Dark Elf" or "Argonian", or playing as a Khajiit to be made a thane of a hold, while no one else of your race is even allowed to come in, playing as a high elf to fight against them etc. etc... I usually play as a Breton and no other Breton in the game recognizes me as such, neither the ones from High Rock, nor the local Forsworn. Even the fact that the Forsworn was put in the game as an enemy faction proves that you are not meant to be a Breton. You are to play the game as a YOUNG MALE NORD, and NOTHING ELSE if you want things to make some sense. And I disagree with @Kendo 2 on playing an old guy not being immersion breaking, cause even though I'm fairly good at role-playing characters, suspending my disbelief etc. getting called as "lad", "whelp" etc. as an old guy would kill it for me, would be on the same level as playing the game as Alduin.
  3. Which voice set does he use? The default MaleEvenToned wouldn't fit this guy, unfortunately, I don't think the "old guy" voice (e.g. Windhelm court wizard) has matching "shouts" for that voice.
  4. In 21st Century, one can have a male body and a goatee and pretend he is a female, and call it as progression, cause the physical appearance of a gender totally develops independently of their gender roles... Delusional fucks.
  5. After having mastered the ways of the voice Force, Tolfdir's long lost twin brother Tobi (aka. Tobi-Wan Kenobi the Jarl of Tatooine) finally returns to Skyrim as a Jedi Master... Spells and Abilities: Call Servant (to bring food), Conjure Viagra (you never know), Conjure (female) Housecarl (not available until he finds one), Conjure Ewok (for distraction) and Conjure Java (to pick up the loot) and Jedi Mind Tricks (for speech checks). Unfortunately for him, his lightsaber was confiscated by the Imperial authorities at the customs, so he will have to build a new one, to do so he'll need two flawless gems (depending on the LS color you want), two steel ingots, three blabla and something else he keeps forgetting... On a serious note, most quests and dialogues in Skyrim assume that the player is quite young, so playing as an old guy would either be quite annoying or quite immersion breaking, or both, e.g. hearing Brynjolf calling you "lad".
  6. Looks like Firefox finally has a working implementation of the ECH draft, which wasn't the case for version 96.x and older. Don't know which version received this update first, but I'm posting this using portable FF version 110.0 and SNI messages seem encrypted. How to check: https://www.cloudflare.com/ssl/encrypted-sni/ should report https://crypto.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/trace should report sni=encrypted https://defo.ie/ech-check.php should report SSL_ECH_STATUS: success
  7. Yet another reminder to not waste time or money on games that are not complete. You're not a developer, a designer, a tester or the funder of somebody else's game, you are not to build somebody else's dream or take part in somebody else's scamming scheme.
  8. Imagine a character creation screen, in which, instead of fiddling with sliders to browse through the premade assets, you verbally describe what kind of a character you want, just like in the videos above, and the AI generates the character for you from scratch, once you are satisfied with how she/he looks. All the body meshes, textures and everything. Yum, so mouth-watering... Too bad I won't live that long to play with it, but we're getting there.
  9. One of the reasons why I wanted to try Midjourney AI, was to try to create or re-imagine one of my game characters in a more photo realistic way, like a real person, using the /imagine command on Discord, as shown in the videos below. If you're okay with sharing your phone # to create a Discord account you might want to try it out too.
  10. Not a DC character I'm familiar with or have ever been interested in, not to mention I've never seen any shows/movies with her in it. I wouldn't be able to recognize her even if the sound recording was in perfect quality and sounded exactly like her. It's also a bit like saying someone "sounds like Batman", but which one, West, Keaton, Kilmer, Clooney, Bale...?
  11. Guess I'm in big trouble now, cause she doesn't sound like any real person or fictional character that I know of. Who is she? She sounds like a real person despite the poor sound quality. Edit: Ugh, never mind, it is a voice changer and that's cheating, I thought it was a text voiced by AI.
  12. Nah, I'd rather take my two sabre cats and head to the street to wait for my good death.
  13. Keep in mind that the free accounts that these AI companies offer are nothing but a basic demo and are pretty limited in what you can do. Despite that I wanted to try out Midjourney to create some AI art, was even willing to create a Discord account until they asked my phone number, fuck that. Anyway, let us know if you can find some interesting stuff.
  14. Constantly avoiding negative emotions (e.g. getting offended by minor things) is one of the things that make people dumb. It's akin to skipping school on the days emotional training takes place.
  15. First Google, now Youtube, both completely broke the search functionality. Two massive corporations run by complete retards. Youtube search, which has already been shit, now completely ignores command filters like the dash (e.g. character creation -hogwarts). Why would I even use your shit if I won't be able to find what I'm looking for?
  16. @endgameaddiction I've recently been using an AI generated "voice pack" for the mod "Sexist Guards" in Skyrim and most of what you say is true for at least half of the AI generated talk, but occasionally the quality is indistinguishable from an actually voice acted line, which, by the way, makes the game quite amusing. When the overall quality of the AI generated speech is more of less the same and it doesn't sound robotic, I think it's preferable to not having speech at all. Procedures, training time and the quality of training sets are very important in AI based speech generation, so the quality will no doubt improve in the future. The only downside of using AI generated voices in games locally is the massive size of the generated sound files, which requires a significant amount of storage space and memory.
  17. To see perverts in their natural habitat.
  18. I wonder what affect would that have on her "carry weight".
  19. "SHUT UP BACK THERE!"... Hilarious.
  20. ...as I have said many times before for decades... Imagine yourself arguing with people who defended Fallout 4's dialogue interface in an age of intelligent virtual assistants (Siri, Cortana etc.)... anyway, not gonna lecture you about that right now (though I might, later on), just gonna share some stuff related to this topic... Note that there's also a HUGE dilemma in the increasing use of AI in seemingly everything we do. It will create many social issues, massive unemployment etc. just like the Industrial Revolution, most likely will be far worse. It is another and definitely more important topic to discuss, but not in this thread, which is mainly for fun. Perhaps there won't be "a future" for video games, BECAUSE of AI, who knows... Edit: Human civilization will NOT survive the climate change, so perhaps we shouldn't worry about the AI either... well then let us enjoy our few remaining decades playing with AI... Skyrim - AI voiced dialogues (for the player and NPCs)... Morrowind - NPCs voiced by AI Fallout NV ChatGPT in Bannerlord (NPC dialogues thru AI)
  21. She looks like someone who first smothers her victims with her huge bewbs and then kills them by "snu snu".
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