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Everything posted by bjornk

  1. My favorite character from that show was Vera...
  2. The first ever Grammy winner, for both Record of the Year and Song of the Year, the only Eurovision Song received a Grammy Award, and somehow made it into New Vegas as a quest. Nel blu, dipinto di blu (aka Volare)
  3. By Bill Brown. From the original Ghost Recon, was one of my favorite games.
  4. Got bored of FNV (again) and went back to my all time favorite game, might as well create a thread for it. Jagged Alliance 2 is a tactical turn-based RPG, and is quite possibly the best game ever made in terms of overall depth and attention to detail and I've never said this for any other game, ever. In the past two decades there's been many sequels and spinoffs made for it, none of them was as good as JA2. From what I've heard Jagged Alliance 3 is currently being made but aside from contemporary 3D graphics, it doesn't seem to be anything special, most likely gonna be another inferior copy with many missing features. If you've never heard of JA2 or have never played it, I highly recommend it. Jagged Alliance 2 is on GOG and Steam has the Gold Edition with "Unfinished Business" (which is sold separately on GOG), but I don't recommend using Steam. Pirate it if you want, it's almost a 25 year old game anyway. To run it on modern systems (i.e. in higher resolutions) you'll either need Stracciatella or the 1.13 mod, the former for the vanilla experience. Worth noting that the complexity of 1.13 might overwhelm you if you've never played the vanilla game before. JA2 Reviews: 1.13 Reviews: LP's: History of JA Games: Misc. JA/JA2 Videos :
  5. bjornk


    Found her. Have to admit she looked better in the dark. MerchantChick.7z
  6. There is some sort of incompatibility between this mod and the latest Sexout. I don't know if it's been discussed before, but when I don't use the Breeze BSA that comes with Sexout, K2 Breeze's body suit appears normally but occasionally when a 3rd NPC is involved, they appear without a torso, which suggests that the body mesh they use was inside the BSA which is now inaccessible. I've looked at the undressing/body swapping script and it seems there are two different male body suits, one for a specific plugin (Amra something) and another for all the other cases, but it seems to me that Sexout still uses the other body suit even though that particular plugin isn't there. If I enable the Sexout's Breeze BSA which contains the meshes and the textures for that body suit, its textures appear incorrectly because K2 Breeze overwrites them and they are incompatible. The only possible solution that comes to mind is to change the texture paths of K2 Breeze and leave the Breeze BSA of Sexout enabled. That way K2 Breeze would do what it's supposed to do and for all other cases it doesn't cover, the BSA would take over. Simply adding an additional 'K2' folder to the texture paths of the meshes and move the textures accordingly would probably resolve the issue.
  7. bjornk


    I've figured that if you modify an NPC -any NPC- and check the "Is CharGen Face Preset" flag in FNVEdit and save the modification as a new plugin you can then select them as a character preset at CC. Don't know whether or not it's possible to modify them using sliders etc, haven't tried that, but I'm sure you can at least change their hair style and color later on using showbarbermenu.
  8. bjornk


    There are a bunch of mods that seem to add presets of certain vanilla NPCs, mainly Cass, Sunny, Red Lucy etc., but don't seem to cover everyone. It would be awkward to play as them (or in fact as any other NPC) though. Better player presets are what we need. Player character presets are almost always shit in every role playing game, the female ones are especially neglected. I guess that's because of the mindset that assumes these games will be played by guys only, so they spend extra time to create attractive female NPCs, but no time for female player characters.
  9. So one evening I met this merchant on the way to Vegas. She looked pretty cute for a vanilla NPC. Why can't I pick a face like this at CC, hmm?
  10. Since this mod and the HH Tribals modifies a few FNV DLC races, both the female and the male variants of those races are inevitably modified, which makes any other plugin that modifies the same races incompatible with this mod. I've been using the Type 4 body mod and it also modifies these races for the female variants and I only want this mod to change the males (since Breeze Redux for Honest Hearts are for Type 3 female bodies), so I've created a patch for this mod to do that. Install instructions are below if anyone is interested. Install Instructions: Note that I assume that you have already installed THIS mod (i.e. everything except misc. fixes and the FO3 stuff) as well as Honest Hearts Tribals and the Type 4 body mod. 1. The new plugin combines the two ESPs so they are no longer needed. 2. The new plugin combines the race modifications for males from K2 Breeze and the modifications for females from Type 4 plugin. 3. The new plugin must be loaded AFTER the Type 4 plugin, because it carries over the changes made in the Type 4 plugin. 4. The mod assets of Breeze Redux (e.g. meshes and textures) must be overwritten/overridden by Type 4. 5. Hide or rename Sexout's BSA for Breeze body if you're using it or place it somewhere ABOVE these mods in your load order. For Mod Organizer users: a. Mod order on the left pane: -K2 Breeze Redux Mod -Type 4 Mod b. Plugin load order on the right pane: - T4-plugin.esp - K2_Breeze_Redux_for_Type4.esp Don't forget to hide (or make them optional) the two K2 Breeze Redux ESPs (K2_HonestHeartsTribals.esp & OldWorldBlues_K2LobotomiteMaleFix.esp) which are no longer needed in this setup. Note: For manual installation, install K2 Breeze first and then Type 4, and then this plugin. K2_Breeze_Redux_for_Type4.7z
  11. bjornk


    My problem was not only finding a decent nude body but also a full armor replacer for that body. Unfortunately, even if I could easily find that, when the body deviates too much from the vanilla, it becomes incompatible with other mods that were made for the vanilla body. I had this mod called High Desert tactical gear or something, which I really liked back when I was playing this game for the first time, I still have it but it was made for the vanilla body. There's no patch for it for this particular body. There's no patch for this body for many other mods either. People's obsession with these "curvy" bodies create a lot of problems in terms of mod incompatibility. Even if you had a tool like BodySlide, not every mod would support it. Why not just stick with a higher quality vanilla body without deviating too much from its original proportions? "Nah, I want big huge melons and skimpy armors". Imagine wearing a combat armor and more than half or it is missing. LOL Skimpy may be fine, when they're NOT armors. I mean look at this outfit, takes all the immersion out of me. Who would wear something like that? It's just cringe. Anyway, if anybody has a better alternative armor replacer in mind for Type 3 Berry/Alice please let me know. I'd be more than delighted to get rid of this ridiculous skimpiness. In case it wasn't clear in the first post: I definitely want to continue to use this race but it only works with its original body (Type 6z or something) or Type 4, if you use a second mod to patch it to do so. And there's a third mod, which comes with Type 4 compatible meshes, but their body shape is Type 3 Alice or Berry. Type 3 however doesn't have a high quality armor replacer. Replacers for Type 3M/6M are also fairly skimpy, though perhaps not as ridiculous as this one.
  12. bjornk


    This is also the first time I'm using a weather mod as well as an interior lighting mod. Won't affect the game play of course, but make things looks interesting, which is also why I reduced the resolution, to compensate for the possible frame rate issues on my potato laptop. Anyway, back to gaming...
  13. bjornk


    For smaller boobs, you can override the body mesh with a Type 3 Berry (or Alice) variant made for Type 4 without getting a neck seam, but the actual problem is to find a complete armor/clothing replacer for that body, which I failed. Didn't want to use Exeter's garbage, or the other ones made for Type 3M and 6M. In terms of proportions (arms & torso), this body is also shit, but still way better than anything available (i.e. other Type 3/6 variants).
  14. bjornk


    The actual character looks way different than how she appeared in "Reflectron", super annoying. Also, a decade later I've discovered a tool that allows me to import/export my characters and made things way less frustrating. I've also realized a lot of mods now support INI files to store settings, so I don't have to re-set everything in every pt.
  15. bjornk


    After a frustrating week I've finally given up. This is what I'm going with despite the fact that I hate those huge melons and the skimpy outfits. Although I like this race way more than MD, which I think @endgameaddiction was also using. The body is probably the best available, except the melons and there's no bloody neck seam. One more thing, I can also wear hats with this hair without appearing bald. In case you're curious, no the melons don't bounce, despite being promoted as BNB.
  16. The female gender produces an egg and the male gender produces sperm... makes you wonder what those 3rd and 4th "genders" do precisely...
  17. Both the new hardware and software are actually MORE susceptible to attacks, cause they have potentially more undiscovered vulnerabilities. Remember the Meltdown, Spectre etc. a few years back? Suddenly all NEW CPU's became vulnerable to attacks. Also hackers, attackers would prefer to concentrate on what's newer, more common, more contemporary. They wouldn't waste their time on some ancient machines that only 5% of people currently use. The only advantage of newer stuff is the "potential" of a quick fix for a potential problem, but just a potential, not a guarantee. Don't know if they've been fixed but the vulnerabilities I mentioned affected at least a few generations of CPUs. Keep in mind that in order to use new software you also need new hardware with potential vulnerabilities. So what Valve claims there is total horseshit. Not to mention that the main reason for dropping support is goddamn Chrome, a fucking browser in a DRM client which turned into a massive bloatware that I've never wanted or needed. I have(?) some games on Origin that I've never played cause I fucking hated the client. Buying games has always been a waste of money, more so if you're actually paying for the right to use, rather than the right to own. And the funny thing is the operating systems Steam claims to be "safer" are a literal spyware themselves.
  18. https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/4784-4F2B-1321-800A Do you think these sons of bitches will provide me with DRM free copies of my games, or perhaps a refund at least?
  19. One of the reasons they dumb things down is to cater to a larger audience, as you said. The other one is, dumbing things down means less work, less work means they will be able to work on another game in a much shorter time which will keep investors happy, and they will have to deal with a relatively smaller set of bugs and glitches. Imagine Skyrim, quests, NPCs, spells, pretty much everything in the game has at least one associated bug. If it had a more complicated design, imagine how things would be. It'd be much more difficult for them to make things work in the game. There was no weapon/armor degradation in the original games, that was probably introduced by Bethesda. Good idea in terms of realism, but poorly implemented. Having to rely on picking up junk to repair things while having a limited inventory space can become really frustrating in a short time. I give credit to Bethesda for one thing though and it's VATS. It was a relatively good alternative to the body part based attacks in the original games, which, by the way, they could've improved and could've made it work on TES series as well, but they chose not to. Bethesda created a Fallout themed/flavored Oblivion (i.e. Oblivion with guns) and their adoption of ideas in Fallout was very superficial. While Obsidian did a better job in FNV in that regard, they weren't fully in sync with it either, as most of the Obsidian people (e.g. Avellon, Sawyer, Urquhart) who worked on the original games, weren't really involved in the design of the 1st game. Because of that, FNV has some annoyingly superficial approaches to Fallout, perhaps to a lesser extend when compared to Bethesda, but they're there. I've personally never cared for Fallout 4 once I realized what it was and I'm not more interested in Fallout 5 than I'm interested in Fallout 77. Just like you, Fallout is a dead franchise to me.
  20. All the games I have on Steam have their own "launchers". I've never wanted or needed a goddamn bloated DRM client that tries to be a game launcher, a browser, a messaging app, a music player, an interface for smart TVs, as well as an in-game streamer/recorder etc. all at the same time. The only thing I have ever needed from Steam is a small and simple utility to download MY games. Well, with Steam, they're not actually MY games, cause they can prevent me from accessing the stuff I paid for in many different ways. WTF is this? The pet parrot of a sea thief? Reminded me of... Nothing wrong with the industry, it's the sheeple: "Steam is great, all muh games are in one place!", Circa 2004. I've had so many arguments with these kind of idiots in the past, because of their sheer number I had to give in.
  21. Fallout New Vegas... what a piece of trash this game is. Not only it's a bug infested crash-fest that runs much worse than Skyrim despite literally being a FO3 mod, but its design is also mindbogglingly stupid; bullet sponge enemies, weapon damage tied to gun skill, irradiated food/water that only affects the player, must use the pipboy to wear/equip something etc. But the most annoying thing for me is its retarded karma system. Take some junk or trash that's lying around, eat some rotten food, and the game will give you "bad karma", cause apparently even a bent tin can seemingly thrown away as garbage has an "owner". Stealing from the Powder Gangers gives you bad karma, killing them "good karma". Why? Is thievery worse than murder? Kill the owner of a container and the container still keeps its owner, you get bad karma if you steal from it, but hey, you can loot the owner with no consequences... It's quite amazing to see how some people have been praising this shit and its "karma system". Fallout has six major games as series and except for "tactics" which I have never played, all of them are total crap. The first Fallout at least was unique and original for its time, the rest are nothing but copycats and are just as bad or worse in every aspect.
  22. I accidentally went "online" with Steam this morning, and it caused me all sorts of troubles (couldn't go "offline" again for some reason) and I unfortunately had to "update" the client after many years. And wow, what a pile of turd it has become. The new client easily eats away 500 MB of memory for literally doing nothing, whereas the old one (2014) needed just 1/10 of it... I had the previous client from 2018 and with the update I can't use it, not only requires too much memory and it's very sluggish on my laptop. Luckily I still had my 2014 client on the other PC (which was older) and I was fortunately able to revert it back to that. It also refused to launch FNV because of a "new" update I apparently lack (some additional app Steam works or some shit) and I refused to download it, fiddled with the config files after I went offline and managed to remove the "pending update" notification. Did the same for Mass Effect 2 which for some reason also required a small update after 4 years, whatever that is. Fuck Steam. I really should find some cracked executables for my games and ditch this shit. By the way, I've realized that I can no longer go "online" with the 2014 version of the client. Not that I care. They've most likely updated servers, CDNs or authentication protocols. If I need something to download I'll create a copy of the Steam folder (without the games), update to the awful new client, download whatever I need and then delete the shit. My advice, NEVER buy anything on Steam again, or on any other shitty DRM platform with an additional client, ever. You may find yourself unable to use, even access the games you've paid for.
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