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Everything posted by vancleef

  1. HOORAY! I've finally found my place!
  2. Seriously. It's like people are slitting their own throats just to prove a point. "I want a cleaner planet but I still expect to own a car, have air-conditioning and pay cheap food prices!"
  3. I'm definitely a Racist: I hate the entire Human Race.
  4. I think she looks cool. Very fishy and H. P. Lovecraft-ish.
  5. May have already started...he's been sharing cocktail recipes...
  6. On the Chimp! On the Chimp! On the Chimp!
  7. Final Hammer Glamour (for today, anyway...). Madeline Smith:
  8. More Hammer Glamour. Ingrid Pitt:
  9. One of my customers is the former Texas Democratic Party Minority Whip. I think that's the right title. Anyway, even he thinks the likelihood of Texas turning Blue is near zero.
  10. That awkward moment when a guy with a burglary rap starts calling for gun control.
  11. Kendo, Ritualclarity and I were talking about Hammer Horror films in another thread. So here's Caroline Munro, my favorite of the Hammer Glamour Gals!
  12. NO! We want Cosmos! We want Cosmos! We want Cosmos!
  13. Well, then, allow me to retort: And if his portrayal of Dracula isn't bad-ass enough for you, Lee also served behind enemy lines in the SAS during WW2 and released a Heavy Metal album ( featuring him as lead singer...his mother was a noted Opera singer) in his 90s!
  14. Baby steps...baby steps. Or, in this case, baby light years.
  15. "and not slither and slop like they do in my head. " You say that like it's the only thing that slithers and slops in your head...
  16. And Justified, Law & Order and even has a short appearance in Twin Peaks!
  17. One of the greatest comedies of all time. No one, regardless of Religion, Race, Class, Sexual Orientation, etc. escaped getting slammed in this one. Probably one of the most inclusive movies ever. And as kids, my brother and I would often shout (in Camp gay voices): "He hit buddy!" "C'mon, girls!" And then rush and beat up our friends. Man...I miss the 70s...
  18. Ouch. Poor Jenny.
  19. vancleef


    Midnight snacks
  20. vancleef


    Escape is futile
  21. vancleef


    Some of them are good. A few are very good. There is unfortunately a lot of bad as well! I'll see if I can't make up a list. In any case, Hammer always had fantastic looking Babes in their movies. Search Ingrid Pitt, Caroline Munro, Veronica Carlson and Madeline Smith. And those are just my favorites!
  22. vancleef


    I have tons of those Hammer flicks on DVD. Grew up on that stuff. Love it. I always remember my Mom's reaction to Hammer flicks. "Wow. Those special effects are terrible. But that actress has a nice rack!" Needless to say, I had a very unusual upbringing!
  23. vancleef


    Teaching myself how to create custom races. Working on Vampires. Thanks to Kendo for the face and body textures! I like this one. It reminds me of a Hammer Horror film.
  24. Loved this one...especially for Sam Waterson's corny jokes.
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