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Everything posted by vancleef

  1. vancleef

    Tenpenny Slave Auction

    Always saw Susan Lancaster as an opportunist. If anyone would put their experience from Paradise Falls to use it would be her!
  2. Jeez if that's sexual assault then I'm a goddamn rapist! There were dozens of times rough-housing as a kid that I contacted both male and female genitalia!
  3. Sooner or later, they're going to call out Kendo and I...
  4. "I care about Muppet Sexuality! And I VOTE!" I can just hear the chanting now...
  5. Well, thanks! You haven't been a help but you've been so much more.
  6. New improved logo with some assistance from Kendo. I like the color of the Silas Caine text but not sure if I like the texture. May go back and try to make it "woody".
  7. And now I know what I'm going to have carved into my gravestone!
  8. Logo needs work. Text looks flat & lifeless:
  9. I'd take this a step further and title it, "Why Men are refusing to work with anyone." I started my own solo business 5 years ago and I don't have to deal with anyone I don't want to, colleague or customer. More people should try it. It's the Secret to Happiness.
  10. This gives me the chills. Seriously. I am a sarcastic dick most of the time. But not now.
  11. vancleef

    Vault Bimbos

    Credits: Molina's Vault Suits (center and right), bodies and textures by Kendo 2 Vault Utility Suit and T6 body on left by Izumiko
  12. vancleef

    Vault Bimbos

    3 Girls totally out of their Comfort Zone.
  13. When I get diagnosed with Cancer, this shit is on! Who's comin' with me?
  14. So in my scatter-brained manner instead of finishing issue 2 of Fall In: Vault Bimbos in Peril I've resurrected the original series I created years ago instead. It features the character Silas Caine, a cynical, ruthless wandering lawman who roams the DC Wasteland dispensing Justice. It proved to be popular and had a few dozen fans and a lot of anonymous readers. I enjoy making these strips because they indulge my love of Westerns, especially the work of Sergio Leone. While there is action and dark humor these comics feature a better crafted story. Fall In will continue to be more of a comedy and I'll leave the darker stuff to Silas Caine.. Instead of posting each page as it's finished I'll merely put up a few teasers and release the whole thing in one go this time. Not only will that allow me to edit and tweak the pages before publishing there will be more surprises for the reader. Enjoy and thanks for stopping by.
  15. vancleef

    Predator & Prey

    Not sure. Smart money says the Raiders but you know how sneaky those Vault Girls can be...
  16. vancleef

    Predator & Prey

    Thought I'd try an Action Shot posing a number of characters instead of just one. Also, major credit to Kendo. All the bodies, textures and most of the outfits are his.
  17. Bjornk wrote: You know what? I just realized I am guilty of this. Not on purpose but mostly because I am a Flake. I need to get over to my Blog and post a bunch of "thank yous" for the TONS of help I received creating my comic. Thanks for pointing this out.
  18. If sarcasm is banned then I'm unable to comment. Seriously. It's impossible for me to speak without using it.
  19. vancleef

    The road ahead

    Shot from the next issue of my comic. Just really liked the composition of this one. I might redo it with the subject dressed up in proper adventuring gear!
  20. This is where I come to talk about boobs and ray guns. Politics belong elsewhere. Keep up the good work guys
  21. Issue #1 of Fall In: Vault Bimbos in Peril is posted in the downloads section: Thanks to all the folks who have followed the work-in-progress and to potential new readers! Enjoy!
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