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Everything posted by vancleef

  1. I live in Pittsburgh. Braddock is an independent borough just outside the city limits. It's a shithole. He brags about what he did with it but it's not much. A couple of Hipster bars and a housing development. Basically, it's Detroit Light. Fetterman is a Class-A douchebag. He's a Trust Fund Kid masquerading as a Working Class Hero. That guy is so full of shit you can smell him from a block away. And I love how "beating someone up" is suddenly okay with Lib-Tards...
  2. Any time you bitches wanna come for MY hair, bring a friend. He can call 911 for you...
  3. My local supermarket was out of potatoes the other day. POTATOES!?!?! Wasn't that what drove half my ancestors away from their home country? We're fucked!
  4. Jeez but how do you keep making them better?
  5. Man, I gotta say it: your new Girl looks awesome. She's my favorite you've ever done.
  6. I literally spit coffee when I saw this:
  7. Haha! Anti-Gun Activists are arguing that instead of hailing Elisjsha Dicken,the legally licensed to carry gun owner who took down the mall shooter in Indiana, as a hero, he should instead be arrested because he was carrying a firearm in an area where they were forbidden. It's as if they'd have been happier to be shot than "rescued" by a gun owner. Libtards.... Also, remember that Alec Baldwin, vociferous Anti-Gun Activist, has actually killed more people with a firearm that 99 percent of licensed gun owners.
  8. So equipment pushed to slow Climate Change...um...causes Climate Change...okay. Noted.
  9. vancleef

    Warrior Princess

    Jeez...I think I'm in love...
  10. vancleef

    Ciri in Skyrim

    Nice character. I like her "harder" look, a welcome break from all the jailbait Waifu they post at other sites.
  11. vancleef

    Maeb the Evil Fairy

    Yikes! Love the spider arms!
  12. vancleef


    Is this your Hentai body mesh?
  13. Technically, they did and in record time. What was it? The day after the Capitol Storming they had a fence around it? Funny how all the politicians claiming "fences don't work" suddenly jumped on THAT fuckin' project!
  14. vancleef

    Prince Douché

    Technically, though, what with their low Testosterone counts, aren't all Boy Bands missing their...ahem..."members"?
  15. vancleef

    Prince Douché

    Somewhere a Boy Band is missing a member...
  16. That will herald the End of Days. And what a way to go!
  17. Holy shit that cover is amazing! Can't wait to see what's inside. EDIT: Just finished it. Great artwork, as is all your stuff. Good story, too. I like how you've taken the more traditional "grim" versions and twisted them a little bit. "Happy Endings" but not in the way you think! I don't know if the breaking of the Fourth Wall on page 5 was intentional or not but it cracked me up! And Poe is the best! My favorite character!
  18. The standard Skyrim animations will work with console commands. For example, waving, reading a book, drinking and eating, etc. Mixed success with pose mods, though. I think it's locating the name of the idle. That seems to be where I'm having trouble right now. Of course, it could be conflicts through mods, maybe one mod overwriting another. I have, I think, three different creature sex animation mods, for example. Could be that I need to run an example from each one and see if they work. While experienced, I am far from an expert when it comes to knowing how all this shit works. If I figure out how to do it, it will probably be a creative solution that is not efficient!
  19. Having a problem. I'll try and keep it as brief as possible but I want to include EVERYTHING I'm doing to help troubleshoot my problem. I have dozens of posing mods installed and I use Poser Hotkeys for most of my work. However, now and again I need to use an animation that isn't available in PH, such as all the Skyrim animations from the game. In those cases I open the console, type the command playidle followed by the name of the animation. Usually this works. I am working on some screenshots involving a creature and a player character. I'm using Billyy's SLAL Animations (link below). I can access sll of the human animations via Poser Hotkeys. However, none of the creature animations are listed in PH. I tried several different methods of adding them, no luck. So I'm trying to use the playidle command to pose the creatures but either it's not working OR I'm not using the correct name for the idle animation. Can anyone tell me where to find the name of the idle? Do I have to open up the Creation Kit? Or is there a faster way? Any help massively appreciated. Billyy's SLAL Animations (2022-6-1) - Animation - LoversLab
  20. vancleef

    Poor, poor Gretel.

    Aw. wook at dat cute, widdle face!"
  21. vancleef

    Up to no good.

    YAAAAAAAS! The Witch!
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