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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. Is that the latest Zaz Animation mod for the rope straps?
  2. I saw that video yesterday. There's another one of a lady who's fed up of wearing a mask in a Walgreens or something like that. Here it is. MSM and their fear mongering. And then the people who believe it. Also, I overheard rumors of people being put into coma and even having their limbs amputated because of COVID-19. Being put into a coma due to overwhelming pain in their body. My roommate told me this because he has a female worker who said her father died because of COVID-19 and not getting out of the coma and the virus taking his life. I don't remember how he heard of the amputation, but supposedly some woman had 3 fingers cut off because of COVID-19. None of that makes any sense to me. It sounds more like BS to me.
  3. So the investors are not to blame here. They deliberately went along as if the game was ready to be released. OOOF! So much for their goodwill. I'm seeing it flush down the toilet.
  4. @ritualclarity Probably at some point it'll happen. Or maybe this was before one of the patches.
  5. Okay, this is supposed to be an MMO but will have single player from what I've read. But we all know how things change overtime. Official Site: https://crimsondesert.pearlabyss.com/en-US/Main/Index
  6. I wonder what's running through Mike Pondsmith's mind with this whole shit show.
  7. I found this purposely looking up Judy Alvarez and decided to take a peak. Two things I noticed that really looked bad for a "next gen game". When they were suited up to go in the water, they were bare foot and once they jumped in, they had their flippers on. And while swimming the flippers didn't even bend. lol I have yet to watch more of it. Bah! You'll have to watch it on YT. I'll admit this is a pretty sexy scene. But she actually looks like a crack whore in game.
  8. Some of these we already seen before, but some I haven't seen.
  9. Funny you mention that. A year or so back I posted a comment on one of LegacyKillaHD's video about CP2077 saying that CDPR at one point will probably end up like the rest because there's no guarantee a company would forever be passionate and hold integrity. All it takes is new management, or an opportunity and things could change. He responded with protecting CDPR and saying that wouldn't happen. Well, it happened sooner than I thought under same management. I lost all hope for the game industry. One day they are a beacon of light, the next they are another EA/Bethesda/etc.
  10. I don't see a tool kit coming out for CP2077 for a long time. The last thing they give a shit about is a tool kit for PC when they have to get the PS version in working state because they are losing millions. Then they have to worry about the multiplayer and the DLCs to come.
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