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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. He dug his own grave and I have zero sympathy. Maybe he'll get better fame scrubbing toilets for a living.
  2. https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2019/04/16/report-jussie-smollett-cut-from-starring-role-in-broadway-revival-of-take-me-out/ It must suck right now to be that "gay Tupac". One of the most cringeworthy comments ever of 2019. I bet Tupac would've knocked that faggot out for saying that if he were alive.
  3. Never knew about it till now. Looks interesting. For the price it's going for, I'll wait.
  4. What traditional means to them means something much greater to us. What Turd Howard really means by traditional is more games like Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 4. Continue with Creation Club and half arsed DLCs like Hearthfire and those worthless workshops in FO4. What traditional means to us is go back to the Morrowind and Fallout 3 days where they actually made DLCs and there was no Creation Club..
  5. And she goes into hide mode after being such an idiot calling a jew a Nazi. She's not so brave now. Reminds me of that idiot SJW in a purple sweater who kicked that girl's smartphone who also went on hide mode. Or rather, was aiming for her phone but soy boys can't fight anyhow so their aim sucks.
  6. I remember watching some chick's youtube video a long time ago, during the time when FO76 was official and getting a huge backlash. She was defending the developers because they are just doing what they are told and that it's the upper managements fault. But what she doesn't understand is that they are part of the problem. Just like fanboys when they continue to support these bad practices that affect us all. If all of this was only centered around Bethesda, it wouldn't matter. But it spreads across the industry like a plague and takes a toll on us because we begin to have less and less games to support because more companies adapt to the idea of predatory practices through micro-transactions. That's why I officially decided after Skyrim that I would never support Bethesda again. For as long as I do, I feed into the problem. You can bet when corporations start to put their dirty fingers into something, it's bound to go bad. They did it with the music industry and we have the worst music with no talented "artists". Till this day mainstream music, for the most part, remains to be garbage. Even more so when mainstream is filled with libtards.
  7. That's the problem. And it's not a millennial+ generation issue full of stupid willfully blinded morons who know little to no basic economics. You have grown ass adults who cater to these predatory practices so long as they continue to get their fix. Frankly, I'm at the point where I don't even care about the game industry anymore. We, those of us who constantly argue against this are always the one who's paying the price because of them. It happened with DRM. The corporate shill won't get their dirty hands off of it because the dumbasses who play into their scheme continue to do so and the rest of us have to accept what we are given or continue to bitch which solves nothing. I'm not so sure that people are woke because of 76 now. Not after all these years of constantly trying to get them to see what Bethesda really was for years. Bethesda spitting in our faces for many years and fanboys in turn 'Oh, I love me some Bethesda, they treat me S.P.E.C.I.A.L.!'.
  8. Yet, I'm not so excited about it, nor do I want it. Only thing I have installed is their software for RGB lighting adjustment because I have a keyboard and mouse by them.
  9. EVE's character customization is leagues ahead of many game studios. The more in-depth the better and I've always wished for something like EVE's version in a SP game. What also helps in the scene is the lighting. Good lighting helps greatly. I doubt Bethesda will change their ways and stick to the same formula as always. They'll never pull off anything like this. Maybe in 20-25 years, if they're even still making games.
  10. It's going to be interested how they manage to fuck up this one. Unless they pull off another big hit like Skyrim, regardless if we know how mediocre and not so much of an RPG it really was, if they can manage to make TES6 a big hit, faith will be restored. I don't think Starfield being a new IP and all will play a big part of that. That game can flop and it wouldn't matter for most TES fans. The major concern is TES6.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5zo_ItNgXE https://i.imgflip.com/1w0rtf.jpg
  12. @ritualclarity 3d printers can be very pricey but can be a good investment if you want to sell dildos action figures...yeah that's what I meant.
  13. I've pretty much gotten numb over the game industry. Too many sheeple and they will always throw their money at the wrong cause. It's time to pack your bags and find a different hobby.
  14. It would still be fun to see his reaction if he was hit with a hard question regarding the flop of 76.
  15. They're going to invite only people who are still jocking them. You won't expect to see any real gamers like at Blizzcon who'll stand up and ask hard hitting questions like Mr. Red Shirt guy did.
  16. Bethesda's New Resolution: Lets double down on our stupidity.
  17. Welcome to NSFWmods community. Great to have another modder on board.
  18. If there was a Skyrim youtuber I could tolerate, it was Brodules. I think I butchered his youtube name.
  19. @ritualclarity Switch to Ublock Origin. It's much better. I stopped using Adblock Plus for years now.
  20. I knew this game wasn't going to completely fail. If they take their time with an expansion, a new world to explore, it will lure in disgruntled gamers. Last thing we need is restoring fate in a company only to eventually repeat their predatory practices once again. I for one am completely done and would rather see Fallout and TES in the hands a more competent developing company so that we can actually get a overall good game. Even at the cost of no mod support.
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