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Everything posted by Alkpaz

  1. I sometimes need to see stuff like this to remind myself not to let my dick do the thinking.
  2. Some "metal" or is it "mental", anyhoo:
  3. Are they finally figuring it out? I didn't watch the entirety of this video, and neither should you, but seeing them finally coming to terms gives me passive hope that they "get" it. He did say that it may take 20yrs for the Democratic Party to fix this, but how can you even come back after wokeness? They drilled into a dead end and can't get back out, this may take more than 20yrs to dig out from, maybe a good 30 or 40yrs. I also found it interesting or telling that Democrat YTers cannot get Democrat congressmen on their platforms. I always assumed they did since I just watch conservative/moderate liberal (ex Russell Brand) and they always had Republican congressmen on their platforms. What that tells me is they can not defend their positions at all. That party is also trying to do some shenanigans with Pennsylvania, trying to get a Democrat senator in there instead of the Republican one. They are not stopping and neither should we. There was one comment I really liked from that comment section: "@FreeBellatrix You lost me as a mother on gender issues extremism and the state of public education. You lost me as a business owner on the taxes. You lost me as a middle class on economy (I will be never able to afford housing). As a person born in communist country and growing up in post communist country, you lost me on some of your communist tactics. As a legal immigrant, you lost me on illegal immigration. You lost me, when you lost common sense and try to enslave science for your propaganda. You lost, you lost, you lost. Oh, and you lost me also on how you treat your own. You backstabbed (not just) Biden while cameras were still rolling and everyone seen how you treat your own. I hold liberal values and would never ever vote for the madness you push. Many of us did not vote for Trump and republicans, many of us voted against you. We might not scream in public and cry when we are triggered. But we are watching. And we vote." The backstabbing is what really moved me, I voted Trump 3 times. I voted Marco Rubio in the primaries in 2015 who is getting a cabinet position right now in the Trump Admin. Seeing RFK Jr. getting slammed in a committee hearing while he was still a Democrat and seeing his anger in his face as he was, I knew that guy was going pull a Ross Perot because of how pissed off he was at his own party, and he did and then joined Trump at the end. Tulsi was another, they treated her like garbage and what did she do? She left the Democratic Party went independent and then joined the Republican Party at the end. The only reason Elon joined was because he was also backstabbed by the party, and it is his revenge for trying to have him killed by getting doxed (showing where his personal jet was landing). You think anyone will "be nice" after all that? Even Trump? I know Trump has a soft heart, he might have a tough exterior but he is a softy underneath, but after trying to have him killed twice and jail him for the rest of his life? I really think he put his walls up and is going to slam the Democrats will every inch of will he has. I could be wrong, but I don't see him "letting go" like he did during his first term. What "radicalized" me was during the Biden Administration. I wasn't a hard core Trump supporter. I was a one issue voter during the 2015 campaign. That issue was the FDA and vaping. I just had come off cigarettes (analogs), and knew they (the FDA and Democrats) were lying about the bad effects of vaping. I didn't vote for Mitt Romney for that reason when he was running against Obama. Guess we know now that Romney was as RINO as they come, I didn't then, however. So I voted for Trump while gritting my teeth. I voted for him again in 2019 because of how he just killed it during his presidency, ending wars and being the first US president to cross the DMZ and meet with Kim Jong Un. Un is a special case, in the sense he was always open to US culture. He and Trump love McDonalds, and Un loves American movies and sports (watch the documentary of Dennis Rodman going to N. Korea), so knowing this I knew Un was receptive to US pleasantries, at least to a certain extent. His father was anti-American to the hilt, so it was a perfect time for Trump to walk up to him and shake his hand, that and Un probably saw him more as a celebrity than leader of a nation. But after taking that shot and standing up shouting "fight fight fight" I'm sure Un now sees him more respectively and someone to admire, just like it shocked Putin. Russians love a show of strength, and by Trump taking a bullet and standing up to that showed all of Russia he is a man to be respected. THAT to me is a leader. That is why I love Trump now.
  4. RC, yes, that is the real RFK Jr. He was my inspiration in which I dropped over 100 lbs 2 yrs ago and kept it off. Edit: You may think, sure those guys like Tyson and RFK have been working out all their lives, and they very well could have. But explain this woman who started working out at 70 and looks like she could give most 20yr old females a run for their money. Point is, it is NEVER to late to start. All you have to do is have "ganas". "Desire" is what is missing in every mental roadblock you have. You have to have that desire first.
  5. Don't worry, we are going to have this guy in charge of health: Instead of this THING: And he is not going to touch the oil.
  6. I recently re-watched this flick. I didn't think anything of this scene at the time. "What imperative does a grey box have to interact with another grey box?" That is what the Left wants to do, to reduce us to walking grey boxes.
  7. It is just female MGTOW.
  8. To go along with the end of that segment Tulsi said they are trying to "Trump Proof" the presidency, they are not going quietly that is for sure. I thought it was bad when Hillary smashed all the computers and did 10K damage when she left with her husband from the White House in the 90s, but what they are going to do now and up until inauguration will make that look like a discarded can in the middle of a riot.
  9. WEBB COUNTY, Tex. (KGNS) - For the first time in more than 100 years, Webb County has flipped to red in a presidential race. In a historic shift, more than 50% of the votes in the county went to former President Donald Trump, marking a significant change in the county’s voting patterns. The last time a Republican candidate won the majority of Webb County’s votes was in the 1912 presidential election. For those who don't know Webb County is on the border of the US/Mex and is 97% Hispanic and 75% Democrat, or was... LOL https://www.kgns.tv/2024/11/07/webb-county-flips-red-first-time-100-years-trump-wins-majority-vote/
  10. Time to rub it in their fucking faces, like they have ben doing for 8yrs. All their bluster about Hitler and dictatorships, and they are all pissed, GOOD. They can take their wokeness and have it shoved so far up their asses they identify as pink elephants. Fuck the Democratic Party, and fuck the entire Left.
  11. Yanno, I'm playing a AVN right now and Stormy Daniels is eerily familiar to one of the characters in "My Sister, My Roommate" (not available on Steam) in that Ashley (character you date) is a crazy vegan and protests naked for PETA that she murders a guy because she "loves you". She strikes me exactly like a crazy stalker who would murder someone because she thinks she is in love with Donald Trump. If Trump ever had his way with her at any point, he should have known better than to stick your dick in crazy. AVN Link: https://mega.nz/file/UzJQiABb#QVPNZ-c_tXe0LTur2OXnpKFeYnQgKQXFYrIkB4LhtKQ
  12. ritualclarity You just nailed it all in one post right there. You should read some comments on some of the videos. According to them, we (those that hold views similar to your own), don't know "farm life". If we humans can domesticate wild wolves and breed them into dogs, why can't we work on fixing those dogs who behave more like wild wolves? I'd argue we have a moral/ethical responsibility when it comes to dogs since we humans created the species.
  13. Want cringe? How about the fact that Kristi Noem (who is hot btw) stated in her own book how she killed her puppy. Now, I could understand if she wanted to self-nuke her political career, but now the Republican party is going to look like a bunch of dog killers. I can already hear the Dems using that for elections from here till they get tired of it (never). Couldn't she have said something like she slept with someone other than her husband? I don't know something that doesn't look like she is a serial killer. Killing a dog?! Really....
  14. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CT3VCQC5?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details A little old by 2 weeks but in case you missed it: (Had to stick to the topic so added this) Remember, THEY project.
  15. Sorry I've been AWOL for a year, kinda stopped adult modding. Good to see you guys are still alive and kicking. As for cringe:
  16. Leaving this here, they are using time machines! (This was recently pointed out to me by a family member) This didn't surprise me, but soon it will be everywhere. Lincoln is no longer a "Republican" because it "triggers" people. Abraham Lincoln was an American lawyer, politician, and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. Wikipedia Born: February 12, 1809, Larue County, KY Assassinated: April 15, 1865, Petersen House, Washington, D.C. Height: 6′ 4″ Spouse: Mary Todd Lincoln (m. 1842–1865) Party: National Union Party Children: Robert Todd Lincoln, William Wallace Lincoln, Tad Lincoln, Edward Baker Lincoln Presidential term: March 4, 1861 – April 15, 1865
  17. Kinda weird that shows up in my feed, or not considering this craziness:
  18. A must watch: https://rumble.com/embed/pj.v1to6s2/
  19. Must be some privacy setting or something. Odd it happens on your phone and tablet which, more than likely, have different settings. Unless, you were over OCD and kept every setting the same across devices.
  20. No issues on my end. You may have to clear your browser history, but first check using a different browser.
  21. Pay stupid prices, you get what you pay for. It's okay though, the PSU makers will make a better cord. (nVidia Corp thinking) My last GTX x80 card was a 980, since then it's been x70s and 1660S's (Which is essentially a 980, only cheaper benchmark wise) The only reason to own a x90 or x80 at this point is for VR or playing on a massive screen, one of those curved screens, or monitor spanning. I actually use a 1650 on a 17in monitor and I get great framerates because of the lower resolution. So now I have a new love of small screens. The second video reminded me of nVidia sounding like the Biden Administration saying "There isn't any recession" or "Inflation is only transitory", almost the same talking points. BTW why would AMD use those same connectors?! It's like the ultimate illusion of "choice" like Pepsi Zero vs Coke Zero/ Caffeine Free Diet Coke same ingredients and exact same taste. Pepsi does cost a little less though, so AMD would be Pepsi in this analogy.
  22. Thanks to SMR1957 (aka Steve) for pointing this vid out. This guy should also put how many hours he spent in xedit. (More than likely double what he has in Skyrim).
  23. Several countries are condemning the "study". My observations using data from WorldoMeter that showed 30% mortality at the start of the pandemic. The mortality now globally is 1%. (COVID Live - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer (worldometers.info) Dr. Anthony Fauci recently said his department had nothing to do with that study, distancing himself from any liability on a segment from CBS. They mention it towards the end of the segment.
  24. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11323677/Outrage-Boston-University-CREATES-Covid-strain-80-kill-rate.html "Boston University scientists were today condemned for 'playing with fire' after it emerged they had created a lethal new Covid strain in a laboratory. DailyMail.com revealed the team had made a hybrid virus — combining Omicron and the original Wuhan strain — that killed 80 per cent of mice in a study." Every single person who was involved in this should be sealed in a room and injected with what they created. Enough is enough.
  25. Well, he was from Poland so a VPN is like standard in the EU. You could probably tell who he is simply by being the #1 owner of the most Steam-based games in Poland. (he constantly bragged about that) I think he used different accounts to just troll the admin of https://steamcommunity.com/groups/ANTI-EA (rfzm ↑) But what made me remember that was I was always nice to rfzm ↑ but since I was friends with Greg, he assumed I was the same way and since then he has pretty much ignored me (it has already been almost 10yrs now). Meh, drama among the community groups thing. At least Kendo doesn't hold a grudge.
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