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Everything posted by Alkpaz

  1. This made me cringe for the guy doing it:
  2. Not just Big Business but Big Tech has been buying up farms as well: Indians successfully thwarted Big Tech this time. Even hippies see it. You are not alone though, in seeing the light in once were conspiracy theories now becoming fact: It is less than a minute long, probably because he had to admit Alex Jones was right all along, the rest is advert. I won't pull up a Tim Pool video because I know endgameaddiction doesn't like it, but he had a video today where he shows someone being arrested in a Panera Bread located in NYC for not having proof of vaccination status. (He was arrested for "trespassing". ) Still think it is a NYC-only problem? Denied food because of being non-vaxxed. Taken out of the market (not store) for "trespassing". How are peaceful protests going to solve all these countries depicted in this one clip?? I have no clue. I don't see it getting better, and the worse it gets, I fear people will bow down even faster, like they did 80yrs ago. Does kinda give credence to the whole NWO idea. (Also, I watch wayyy too much of this daily, it gets me pretty jaded. Would not recommend) Oh, and the wooden ship/climate change comment I made was me being sarcastic. Obviously, I don't think we should go back to using wooden sailing vessels.
  3. Great video, and saddening at the same time. And some 12 Days of Christmas erm Brandon.
  4. Wooden sailing vessels where a good percentage died on board due to disease. Fighting climate change and overpopulation. But don't expect the elites to stop using their mega-yachts.
  5. Wish I didn't have to, but this sounds like an establishment position.
  6. 6% sounds better month over month than 14% The problem with raising wages is that it is a downward spiral. Every time they increase minimum wage everything else goes up in value along with it. I think I heard Dan Bongino say, a few years ago, that it reduces the value of the dollar so badly you spend more on common goods when you factor in the inflation. The problem now is the price of diesel, it is hovering above 3 USD/gal in Texas. What that means is the goods being trucked across the country will cost more to adjust for the increase in gas prices. Minimum wage was never supposed to be used as a livable wage, it was used to pay people still in college (or younger) so they get experience. You can fault corporations for using it as a livable wage, it was never intended to be a UBI or anything like that.
  7. Look at this bute: "I get that in the sense of people whining about "first world problems" like not being able to buy anything they want at the Holidays because of supply chain issues which are the result of Pandemic problems." - From Psalam [ https://www.loverslab.com/topic/66595-whats-on-your-mind/page/152/#comments ] So, inflation is a Pandemic problem? You can tell right off the bat what side this guy sits on. What is worse is that this guy is in his 60s. (mentioned he was retiring) and a pediatric doctor, no less. Guess he never watched this video: https://youtu.be/KVwm-KJvGzk You have ass kissers over there thanking him for saving lives. Um, a general pediatrician doesn't "save lives" a neonatologist does, and other specialty doctors do, but a general practice physician hardly ever does. But, what do I know? I just come from a family of physicians, as well as being an office manager (over 12yrs) for my own mother, who was a physician (she is retired and unvaxxed (from COVID) and in her 70s). BTW, I noticed they took Greg (moderator) out. The lone conservative voice over there. That should also tell you something.
  8. I had to lookup why. Although, I kinda suspected. This sort of thing is just sick. Why is McCarran airport being renamed? The Clark County Board of Commissioners voted in February in favor of renaming McCarran after Harry Reid, the powerful Democrat who served Nevada in the US Senate for decades, including a stint as majority leader during the Obama administration from 2007 to 2015.
  9. People getting by, however they can. It is kinda neat though. Most 3rd world markets are open like that (if you have ever been to one)
  10. That Star Wars experience looks a lot like a generic sci-fi adventure, not specifically Star Wars. 3K a night??! I guess just millionaires will be able to afford to go. or at the very least people making 6 figures but on the high side of the 6. This isn't marketed for the lower to middle middle class. So let the wealthy have their Non-Star Wars experience. As for the "internet will respond", yeah, Twitter/YT is the internet, sure buddy. I also have a quibble with how Fox News thinks the American people will respond to the mandates. Really? The same American people who witnessed the burning of Americans cities and businesses and STILL voted Biden?!? Screw them. Want to know why I voted Trump the first time? Same exact reason, RIOTS! I was a registered Democrat before, and even though I didn't like Trump at first (I voted Marco Rubio during the primaries) I saw what he DID and ignored what he SAID and noted that some of what he said was trolling, like injecting bleach, buying Greenland, and nuking a hurricane (funny stuff), but his policies and his promises were KEPT. This then leads to why I received this in the mail: Thank you taxpayers for the birthday card! Why is this cringe? Because it is a reminder I used to bat for the other team. At least I got rid of the Change.org e-mails I used to get at the beginning of the Trump years, after seeing he was doing what he said he would do. Adding this to my post: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/suicide-machine-sarco-euthenasia-assisted-dying-b1970685.html Tim Pool mentioned this very briefly in a video. I looked it up. I have to admit, those suicide machines look very Sci-Fi. Reserve your suicide, today! "A coffin-shaped capsule that allows occupants to kill themselves has passed legal review in Switzerland, according to its creators. The Sarco machine can be operated from the inside –conceivably just by blinking if the person suffers from locked-in syndrome – and works by reducing the oxygen level in the pod to below a critical level. The process takes less than a minute and death occurs through hypoxia and hypocapnia, which is intended to allow a person to die relatively peacefully and painlessly."
  11. "aspirations\aspiration_tuning.py" means it is either a trait or an aspiration that is causing the issue. I've had that before with an old Bimbo trait (not updated).
  12. I don't need to watch it, I can tell just by the headline.
  13. Wait, Cowboy Bebop made Anime, Anime??? I may be a bit too old but I thought Akira and Ghost in the Shell along with Appleseed that made Anime, Anime. Heck, you could throw in Angel Alita in there as well, even though I read that comic decades ago (90s). Granted, I don't watch Anime anymore, except if it is adultish, but to say that Bebop is what made Anime, Anime is just wrong. I remember watching the first few episodes when it came out, but it didn't interest me. Vampire Hunter D along with others DID at the time. Maybe because I expected a Ninja Scroll type thing where it had ultra violence + nudity.
  14. LGB! In other news: Floyd has now achieved Sainthood! So now we must all refer to him as Saint George Floyd. "He said an image of “a Black mother and a son who was unjustly murdered by the state” was true to the “nature of the personhood of Christ.”
  15. Is it really that bad?? I've never watched the WNBA, just never seemed like something to talk about fellow co-workers with.
  16. Well this is why I flipped in 2015. Did you know that Abraham Lincoln (the founder of the Republican Party) made Thanksgiving a holiday? Why do you think the Dems want to remove it?? It isn't because of Native Americans, just like it was never about Black Lives, it was maintaining control. I still won't watch the NYT, or CNN, NBC, not even CNBC or ABC, and, I really abhor PBS; they were more Lefty than CNN, in the beginning. You may have been taught, like I was, that the political parties switched sides, but that was all a lie, they never did. Schools teaching propaganda??? They have been doing that for DECADES! It is time to wake up people, or be "woke" in a good way. BTW, did you know Candace Owens used to be a Democrat, as well as Blaire White? Yups, they flipped and are madder than hell.. ask yourself why. You even have actual hippies talking about it! Russell starred in the movie "Forgetting Sarah Marshall", he played.. well a hippie. If you think Russell is a "far right extremist":
  17. Not as good but: IMO, neways. More sci-fi: All Korean.. I know.
  18. Thankskilling reminds me of Or Just not as good as either of those.
  19. https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_Milk_Farm_for_DeviousDesires Scroll down to animations
  20. Now that is all they ever talk about.. Jan 6th. Oh, here is an update: I think Tim just flipped from being on "the fence", but he could still remain there in principle for his audience. He really loves Ron DeSantis now!
  21. To be fair that was a IRL video that he often clips segments out of. I've heard from several comments that he has been AFK for a week now. If you watched him, he never takes a break that long. Also, his Twitter hasn't been updated. His last post. I did hear from one subscriber to his webpage that he and his staff felt "under the weather" and are taking a break. So yeah the hatemongers are running with it pretty bad right now. Edit: he's back, all is well.
  22. Real or not.. who knows. I couldn't find any real info. Def cringy if VICE actually posted that at one point.
  23. Well, it is a post-apocalyptic game.. so before? Noticed you saw that Target employee vid.
  24. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1779770/MUNCHIES/
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