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Everything posted by Alkpaz

  1. I hope there is a pushback, and alternative banks, possibly with alternative forms of income to break away from this shit. We DO need alternative platforms, economies, schools, etc. so we can insulate ourselves from whatever craziness that is on the horizon, but Glenn is right; these past months have been lighting fast, so much so, it is hard to keep track of the hits coming from these pond scum assholes.
  2. Okay, this honestly freaks me the fuck out: I think I rather be dismembered by those people in the spoiler above, if this indeed comes to fruition.
  3. The video above isn't just foretelling, it is happing in other countries that didn't have much racial issues before. At least none that I can recall: "LAREDO, TX. (KGNS) -Many are outrage in Mexico after a Salvadoran woman died in police custody. A prosecutor said four police officers, three males and one female, will be charged with murder after an autopsy confirmed a police officer broke the woman’s neck. Victoria Esperanza Salazar screamed as the female police office knelt on her back to handcuff her. She was accused of disturbing the peace. One witness said police treated her like a dog. Salazar had been living in Mexico on a humanitarian visa working as a maid. She moved to the beach resort town of Tulum in the Yucatan peninsula. Her mother said she wants justice for her daughter. Salazar’s death spurred women to protest in Mexico City and Tulum. Women wrote slogans on government buildings demanding justice. One demonstrator said Salazar was killed because she was a woman, wasn’t white, wasn’t rich and was a migrant. When asked about her death Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said she was murdered." https://www.kgns.tv/2021/03/30/mexico-outraged-after-salvadoran-woman-dies-in-custody/ It is amazing how much our political/SJW/Cancel Culture/diversity training crapshoot spills over into other countries. Also, if you know anything about how police officers in Mexico treat criminals in the street, you would know they show up to their mug shots beaten and bloody. It is also kinda weird that they protest that as racism but not cartel executions where white skinned Latinos behead dark skinned Latinos. I guess that is okay, and not a "race crime". Oh, and those are totally approved firearms for citizens. Totally. One good thing, at least they are wearing Faucian-approved masks! Warning graphic content:
  4. Why isn't there a barf emoji?? The closest I can get is the confused one.
  5. The review is not my own. I just chose what seemed to be a good honest review showing the negatives. I usually look at negative reviews, and if they only complain of technical issues, I look at positive ones to make a deciding factor. This one shows that the gameplay itself is okay, but the sex (which IMO) is the main draw, is lackluster as of right now. Maybe they will improve and add a bit more to it, but that is why I wishlisted it, so I can find it again, as well as keep an eye on it. As for Skyrim animations, yes, they are well done, but I've seen most of them more times than I can count. I've been to every cave/barrow/crypt/etc and have probably had sex with every single NPC there more than twice + populated Skyrim npcs. It gets kinda old, and the gameplay, well, even an auto-playing Skyrim wouldn't keep me interested that long. It is one reason I kept going to Off-Topic on LL so much. I was done actually "playing" Skyrim. Yes, a "sex" game should have half-decent gameplay first, but if the sex isn't integrated into it in a somewhat decent fashion then it fails as a sex game. Maybe I'm just picky. I would consider some of what ME:A had as "decent integration", though it could have been a bit more involved, IMO much longer, or at least being able to do it multiple times. Hell, even The Witcher 2 had a good integration of sex scenes within the gameplay, much better than getting a card in The Witcher 1. As for Chaturbate: https://chaturbate.com/ I only watch, I do NOT tip. I've seen some guys tip cam girls 80 USD at a time over and over again (1000 tokens: https://support.chaturbate.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037125892-Buying-tokens ) One guy did it at least a good 10 times. He blew 1K USD on just a girl masturbating on a webcam. Now, that guy was really hard up. For that price you can get a top notch escort for the entire night. Heck, I had a hooker for 100 USD an hour. (benefits of living on the border). Although, I've spent more in one night with the possibility of having a good lay the normal way. If all I'm interested in is the sex, a hooker does the job just fine.
  6. A review: " POSTED: MARCH 26 I really wanted to like this. I was one of the original backers so I've been waiting for this game for a very long time and I remember being excited about how much money it earned because I thought there'd finally be a high quality porn game but this is barely a porn game. First let me say that the gameplay is actually pretty good. I've never played a shmup before and I rarely play turned based fighting games but I really enjoyed both of them. I enjoyed them so much that I flew to every single galaxy and played every available side mission thing. As of now I have nothing left to do in the game except jerk off. However, the reason I (along with thousands of other people) backed this on kickstarter was because it was a porn game and it's just not a very good one. While I was waiting for this game to release, I started playing a bunch of adult virtual novels (some of which are on Steam) and this would fall into the bottom quarter of the ones I've played. This game got over two million dollars and all the sex scenes are just 3 second looping animations with a fixed camera angle and all the "special" scenes are the exact same except they have a slider to set the speed. I can think of dozens of VN's made with a lot less money that has more engaging sex scenes than the ones in this. On top of that, apart from the recruitment missions the sex isn't integrated into the story at all. You'd think that a porn game would have the porn be apart of the story but nope. They just make a bunch of references to sex and when you want to see any of the scenes you have to go to the captains room and view them there. It feels like they had put off the porn until the last minute and just decided to put everything into a corner instead of trying to integrate it into the game. Maybe things will improve as more updates come out and if they do then I'll change my rating but as of now this game is not worth the money. You'd be better off playing one of the many other VN's on this platform for a third of the price." I placed it on my wishlist just to monitor if they continually update it. Along with this one that I've been eyeing: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1495320/Carnal_Instinct/ Which seems to be unpurchaseable until they update it fully.. considering this review: "You'll need to spend $10/month on patreon to get the latest monthly build. That's right, buy the game for early access but then pay again on their patreon for the privilege of actually accessing the latest version." At this point I'm thinking of just shelling out bucks for: https://3dsexemulator.xyz/ Or just deal with the same o'l animations of Skyrim/TS3/TS4. Fun for a quicker buildup for an orgasm, but that is all those games are really good for after thousands of hours played on them. I'd prolly get bored just with that, and just watch Chaturbate or something.
  7. Sadly there aren't many alternatives, most are Chrome based, so Opera/Edge are the same.. Chrome-based. There is Waterfox which uses the same as Firefox. https://www.waterfox.net/ I don't know if it would do the same shenanigans as FF, since it does use the same architecture, worth a shot.
  8. RC, that autopilot mod is something I joked about to another mod author years ago when he made either a auto-harvest/auto-loot/auto-enchant/auto-potion mod. I joked about it saying now I just need something to auto-play the game for me, and after all those years, they finally have one! (It was a Nexus comment) As for the vid I posted, I think you've seen that before a few years ago, I posted it a while back on LL. Still shows what level of research average YTers actually do, which is actually more cringeworthy than the video itself at times.
  9. "To serve and protect" My ass. Oh, yeah this was aired last night, not sometime in 2020. Yanno, when cases are down across the board. But we need to protect people with a iron fist, here is another case: They were okay to fly back and forth with their child all throughout 2020, but this is the "New Administration", the "New Normal" that we need to "do as you are told". If I could staple every video just in the past 2 months of this "Administration", in this thread, it would probably fail to load due to too many videos. IMHO the destruction of this country was finalized when the fence went up around the Capitol, and the right to see your elected Congressmen was denied. Not even during the hippie days did this occur, when Black individuals were being sprayed with water hoses. Segregation is back in vogue (teen vogue because that is the mentality right now in this "country" [yes, it is in quotes] ) with University graduation ceremonies segregated based on the color of your epidermis. They have never changed. This was their plan all along.
  10. This is not just cringe, it made me damned angry.
  11. The State of the Union will go more like this: Okay, more like this, with asking Nancy for permission to speak: Now for Nance to take his launch codes and war powers from him.
  12. A whole lot is pretty cringy right now; here is the latest:
  13. There is a reason why I bought spare TVs and computer parts including GFX cards right when the pandemic started, I knew that prices would go through the roof for tech. I did some searching for 3070 and it was 1.5K USD for a single card. I've seen Xbox Series X consoles going for about 2K. It maybe availability, but it could also signal something powerful is coming in terms of economic downturn.
  14. Checked out my recommendations, this was the first to come up: Another recommendation: As for ads, I mainly get ads on my TV of alcohol and truck (+insurance) commercials. I thought it was giving the same ads to everyone, but they seem to be targeted, as well.
  15. Well, in comparison to what it is like now.. Battlestar is mild. You could say the same for Star Trek TNG, if you want to pick apart the woke-ish bits. If you watch any documentary [example PBS Doc]/series/movies you will be flooded with terms like "Privilege", "Patriarchy", an Indian that says if the cops see someone that looks like him, he would be dead, (The Magicians Season 2), Trump is bad mentions (The Good Fight [Season 1], Grey's Anatomy [Season 13], etc). PBS with their documentaries talk about how systemic racism started in 1619 and progressed from there, all the while talking about historical figures being slave owners and rabid racists. (Literally, they use the term "racist" and "systemic") It used to be more subtle, now it is blatant. There is a difference, so much so, it could just evaporate the moderate leaning populists.
  16. It isn't that bad of a series Bjornk. It isn't Batwoman, or Supergirl levels of "wokeness". It does have some of that, but nothing blatant which would distract from the overall series. It is a good Sci-Fi show, on par with Battlestar Galactica (new). It gets a little strange at parts like Battlestar did, but it makes sense as you go through it; again like Battlestar. I also tend to shy away from modern (2017+) films/series, when they started getting more and more "woke".
  17. https://www.kgns.tv/2021/01/15/vaccinations-can-be-required-by-workplace-according-to-attorneys/ Remember to take your child vaccination card to your next interview. Don't have the polio vaccine? No job for you. Wait, this only ONLY applies to COVID-19.... how odd. How about we take it a step forward and require every vaccination for everything to be required to get a job, ride an airplane, get an Uber, apply for a bank account, signing up for insurance, paying for your electric bill, ISP, Water, Gas, etc. If you are illegally in the USA, you are exempt, and can vote, but only vote for 1 party. (you get a special ballot)
  18. Parler has been nuked: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/breaking-amazon-kicking-parler-off-web-server-shutting-platform-find-new-host/?utm_source=Parler&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons So if you used this instead of Twatter, you may have use Gab ( https://gab.com/ ), until they shut that one down too. Man, are they trying hard, and they think this will "calm things down"??? Are they that mentally special?! Wait, I know the answer to that. Here is Beck's take on it, he gets fired up on this one as well, but he makes an awesome point:
  19. @Nessa if you thought Bill Whittle was amped up.. check out Glenn Beck, I thought he might get a heart attack. As for the Tea Party, he was referencing this movement: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea_Party_movement not the historical Boston Tea Party. He, also, was using the modern military as an example of a disciplined army, not the "Red Badge of Courage" historical army. I do think there will be more of this coming from extremists. They will see the death of this woman as a martyr, along with the others who succumbed later. Kent State ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings ) didn't pacify the crowds, all that did was galvanize the support. The people in our Congress right now, are of that era. They know what will happen next, they've seen it, they lived it. They will do what they think will be necessary to quash this, by cracking down HARD. Will that be the solution? Probably not. I, am frankly a little scared right now, not shaking in my boots in a corner scared, but more of a deep worry, about where we go from here as a country, with inflation hitting, lockdowns forthcoming, tech censorship of anything they might see as "dangerous", etc.
  20. This is who he is: As well as here: And here: https://crossfire.movie/ A member of BlazeTV (Glenn Beck). https://www.imdb.com/name/nm10914355/ I missed the part where he came out on with "Louder with Crowder".
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