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Posts posted by ritualclarity

  1. What shows you how bad your group you thought you were part of is actually is can be seen as an example below:




    They just pushed him so late most people didn't even see him. I know some people (that liked him) waited through all that BS to see him and ended up just going to sleep before he was allowed on the stage.  Seriously? That is how you treat someone? It was bad enough that you both hid the fact that he was deteriorating from the public and then once it was so clear and the shit stunk to high heaven you ousted him. They had to go and disrespect him on what might be his last major public speech? Just wow.

    • Agree 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

    For about a week I've been getting bombarded on Youtube with shill/cope 'Ukraine is winning' video recommendations.  Just about every one I bother to look at is cobbled together stock footage with AI voiceovers.  Can't figure out if it's a psyops or hate-watch engagement farming.  Whatever is going on, I block them and they get replaced with another channel doing the same thing.  Now when something pops up I don't recognize it gets blocked out of hand.  Pretty annoying.

    I can't tell you how many videos I was given through Facebook regarding Kackles needing us to donate.  Right after she was the prime canidate this started. I kept on getting them until I realized that they were using a mailing list from the local goverment that is supposed to be used to give out details of policies, rules, general infromation regarding what is going on.

    I mention that as there might be something going on with your browser.  some random cookie that they are looking at to send this to you. Perhaps you are researching news on the subject.  My browser I used for bulshit searches dumps everyting once I shut it down. Nothing stays so I get fresh results based on the ... then current searches.  I used to get a metric shit ton of shit like that and other shit I had no interest in.

    • Like 1
  3. 12 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Commies git rekt


    Yep... I guess if you give the customers (that actually buy ) what they want they will buy the game.

    This along with Harry Potter game and Balder's Gate 3 will clearly show those companies that want $$$ what is needed and where they will go wrong.

    • Like 1
  4. On 8/17/2024 at 9:26 PM, endgameaddiction said:


    This bimbo thinks her socialist policies are going to jive with that majority of the American people. 

    The problem is the majority of the American people have been brainwashed. Extensive efforts have been taken to brainwash those in educational systems as young as Kindergarden through PHDs.  Punitve measures for people that even remotely try to think and and act differently.  The Felony convictiions of Trump is one such example.  The few experts capable of speaking on the subject and willing to speak what they see and not the brainwashed dribble that have been forced down their necks have all stated that this wasn't reasonable and in several cases legal. The justice system pushed an agenda and it is so evident by these experts (actual lawyers )  not only based on their experiences but a few actually cited laws and practices that can easily verified.

    Even with CNN stating that it would do more harm than good, people will still stay in their brainwashed confort and accept her because thay are so afraid of Trump (I see it as two prong approach. We are the best and Trump is the worst most evil person ever and a danger to our democracy)  It is obvious that she was hired due to her race as opposed to a stronger canidate that got the Dem's agenda done. This is because they had Biden.  Now she is selected because of both time and name recognition along with race. Reason why the democrats are gaining in the african american voting pols since she was announced.

    The danger to our democracy is all the agendas being pushed by politicians, media outlets and multibillion cooroporations. Pushing people that will do what they want to further their control over society instead of someone that will actually do society good.

    • Agree 1
  5. 23 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:



    My thoughts about Henry was meh previously but this has greatly raised my respect for him. Hopefully he doesn't crumble and do what they want.

    I agree I'd rather have no Warhammer then have some bastardized version. I am not even a fan of the IP.

    • Agree 1
  6. On 8/16/2024 at 8:45 AM, vancleef said:



    I have zero interest in the Olympics and never watch it or follow the news about it so this is literally the first time I'm seeing this.

    And I have to say, "What the everlasting fuck?" Seriously?

    I grew up in the 80s and there were street kids who were self-taught Break Dancers that left this ridiculous, middle-aged woman who should be driving her kids to their soccer game instead of embarrassing her country, in the dust.

    There is no way she got in without the deck being stacked. I realize that Cronyism and Nepotism have always been a factor in success, but most people have the chops to back it up. This is what a developed country sent to the Olympic games? THIS?

    Hell, I am confident that a middle aged wonan in decent physical shape was taught just 2 or 3 months how to do some stuff they would do better than she did. Either they lied or where she came from nobody dances.

  7. 4 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Make A Wish does the Olympics.

    So, in all of her country there wasn't anyone capable of doing better?  Seriously?

    Now they are questioning why these petitions are occuring?

    Almost anyone that has learned and practiced this can do better. 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, bjornk said:

    Just like the case with Mozilla, Linux also has been going downhill for quite a while now.

    It depends on the distro and how much you know about Linux and willing to do the "work". 

    you can even pickk and choose and make your own distro with all the stuff you want.

    Regardless of Linux going down hill (which some have done and some choices are not the best.. looking at you Snap Packs) it is still much more secure and open than Windows even with one of the lesser distros. (Looking at you Unbuntu )

    Some of the choices are actually promising llike the imutable OS. You can't have your OS go bad. You have sandboxed apps (in reality the only choice which does have some limitations)  Not perfect by far. have to jump through hoops to get anything that requires low level access to run (apps etc. pass through etc.) but do able if you can learn and get it to work. The upside is besides not being able to do any changes (from a bad actor) to the OS, each update you have at least one backup. You can go in and save mutiple backus (at a increased use of disk space but with large disk now being cheaper and cheaper this isn't much of a limitation for a desktop and only slightly more limiting for a notebook)

    Lots of videos and guides on the web to help you, however, most of them are geared to the main distros (like Unbuntu) but if you learn the core distros Arch, Debian, Red Hat then you can just change the key commands words to the distro of your choice and get most things to work. Most in being that not all distros have the same featues. The freedom to do whatyou want combined with opensource and not too many cooporations means a lot of mess there.

    You want plug and play and not windows you have to do Apple. (which also has gone down hill in some aspects but I aplaude their use of the new M1 chip over intel)

    There are several game mod developers that I know that use Linux as their main driver and even play most of their games and just pass through the devices to a Windows VM to get their windows only games (games they can't get to work or needs serious works around or not stable yet) to work.

    Bottom line, despite some miss steps from Linux community and such, you can do so much more with it now than you could do 30, 20 or even 10 years ago. Hell even 5 years ago the IOMMU wasn't as solid and functional as it is now. There is even a work in progress to pass the video output from the graphics card (dedicated) to the system to show on your linux desktop with only very small microsecond delays. Very impressive.

  9. 17 hours ago, vancleef said:

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's just like Prohibition. We'll have to put up with this Woke shit for about a decade but then people come to their senses. Mostly after the second time they post a half-a-billion-dollars loss quarter.

    What I'm waiting for is the creative content that's being held back until all this shit sorts itself out. Right now there's a game that is going to blow our minds just waiting for the right time to release. And that studio is going to be the new King.

    Why wait? There are games that are being relesaed that are killing the market. If this content is something great, it should be done now IMO. When the woke sters decide to attack it, it would get free advertisment. Like Harry Potter or Baulders Gate 3.

    Hell I bought Harry Potter just because of the woke having a shit fit stating they would boycott the game and it wouldn't make any money. I bought it to support a company that would release such a game. Ended up it wasn't a half bad game even for a non harry potter fan.

    • Like 1
  10. Quote

    How do you implode a series based on the most popular miniatures wargame of all time and featuring a bankable star?

    You go woke.

    they fucked up Rings of Power. That shit looked visually good when I first started watching it but the story was a snoozefest and then it started getting woke and I just lost interest. I forced myself to see a couple of episodes as sometimes I can watch a show even with their woke shit but I forget what happened but some shit came up and I stopped watching it and started watching other stuff and soon forgot about it.

    Now Amazon is pushing this hard (season 2) each commercial has to have that playing. I don't care how much you push it in commercials. I am not going to suffer through any more of that crap.

    • Agree 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Empty seats don't lie.

    Kackles, what record?

    I love it that she can't draw a crowd. I remember when I was younger and having a canidate run for Senator in our state visiting a store. You could hardly get in the parking lot. You couldn't get in the store. (She was standing outside of the store) The inside of the store was pretty much empty.  Clogged up the streets. (I lived right behind the store so it was easy for me to get around through various back yards that I knew the owners etc. ) Fuck it was crowded. This was for a no name canidate running for Senator. She lost.  What the canidate for president and even more the vice president and acting president should draw should shut down the entire neighborhood, perhaps even more. Hundreds .. and in a very strong Union/Democratic state? With fellow locally elected democrats with her? Just fucking wow.

    I hope all this out right fucking lying and bullshit doesn't interfer with the proper election of the president. 

    I wouldn't have even believed you if you stated what is happening now was from a movie much less actual reality?


    • Like 1
  12. But Todd was a member of the Chess Club!


    AS for the heavy information regarding your background would have played quite well if in the end you could find out you were a synth.  Many elements lean toward to this direction IMO.

  13. 33 minutes ago, vancleef said:

    If I believe my homepage headlines, then Kamala will win in a landslide. The spin machine is still trying feebly to sway the populace. The Democrats and the media have tried everything to sway the vote and it isn't working. The "felon" is still as popular as ever.

    The Dems (and I'm guessing the Republicans too, since they have almost as much to lose to an "outsider" as well) bet everything on the Hush Money trial. Despite the conviction, it blew up in their faces. And now that Biden (literally and figuratively) shit his pants at the 11th hour and torpedoed the Democrats run. they're stuck with Kamala who nobody wants. Democratic voters will still vote for her since they have no choice. But I'm betting the swing voters give her a Hard Pass. The only cheat the Dems have left is to rig the election. And since their early mail in votes probably have Biden's name on them, even that ain't gonna work!

    I am pretty confident that they will have new mail in vote sent with proper presidents on it. I believe that would be a major problem for the election committie if this was allowed to happen. Sure the committie might look over a lot of fraud but when it is that in your face.... I don't think so. However, some of the outright bullshit that has been happening like having a nominee that they claim is fit that well over a year ago had a extremely difficult time keeping his thoughts for just one fucking sentence much less the conversation.

    I agree they are really trying to sway the populace which I beieve should be against the law. The information should be sent in a impartial manner and any "opinions" should be noted as such. I am old enough to remember when the reporting agencies were more non-bias and sure they would let their thoughts go but that was so obvious that almost anyone with a couple of brain cells would know. I had to do reports on the stuff when I was in grade school. So I had to watch the stuff.

    As for stuck with Kamila, if I understand the process correctly, they aren't They still have to nominate her in their committies. they chose her. Likely due to her being very present in the news so a name that people knew throughout the US but also because she is black. I read many reports from mutiple sides and seen reports from outside the US (often more truthful. Not all but in general) that the democratic black votes were going to Trump. After his conviction then even more after his assisantation attempt. There are other people that they could have chosen which has a better democratic track record of getting their agenda done so I can't see any other reasons than mentioned above.  Not reports from reasonably reliable sources are saying that Trump is loosing SOME of those votes. Not as much as the US media wants people to believe.

    A funny thing that I was thinking of. What if all this claiming that they will win in a Landslide backfires as well? I mean if Kackles has no real challenge in the elections why should I go and vote? Why do we need to go out of our way and vote (for the public election. keep in mind the election is NOT the public elections we do, and what we do doesn't mean the person elected will win. Most of the time it does reflect the process but not all the time)

    So it backfires and people don't go and vote and Trump wins due to their bullshit PR machine crap! LOL. An alien can dream.

    • Like 2
  14. 48 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Rule of thumb: No matter the poll, take 3 points away from Democrats and give 3 points to Republicans.

    Also, go back to 2016 and look at how accurate their polling was then.


    However, while also looking back there were claims of rampant fraud.  The past several elections have been ripe with claims of fraud. Counts so close that the election hangs on a hanging piece of paper in the past.

    I had issues with both Trump and Biden didn't really like either of them, however, I absouletely hate Kackels.  Some of the stupid shit that comes out of her mouth even when the reporter is trying to help her by reasking the quesiton and hinting to think twice about what she is saying she doesn't get the hint. So cringworthy IMO. I am sure there are people (perhaps here) that love her.

    Why the f did they choose her? There are many others that have a better track record of getting their shit done at least as far as I have seen.

    Each election seems to be getting more and more out there. Is it just because I am getting older and more aware?



  15. Some of the sources I am coming across are stating that Trump is loosing the black swing vote that he won after being convicted. Is it true? Partially loosing due to Kackles being black and partially due to his choice in VP. Some sources stated he is starting to regret it.

    Please tell me he is still a strong contender.

  16. 12 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Especially since her angle is going to be 'the Prosecutor' vs. 'the Convicted Felon'.  Once she pulls that stunt ALL the garbage things she did in CA will resurface; laughing about convicting people on pot charges while she was high herself, hiding evidence that would exonerate a black dude serving life for a crime she knew he didn't commit, holding black inmates past their parole dates so the state could profit off of their SLAVE labor, threatening black mothers with jail time if their kids skip school.  Trump is going to bring all that up the way Tulsi Gabbard did and it's going to torpedo her campaign...AGAIN.

    Malicious prosecution is her calling card and Trump has always claimed he's being maliciously prosecuted.  That's how fucking dumb democrats and The Cackler are; prove Trump's point for him.

    I was just peacefully enjoying my lunch when I saw a report that Kamala was beating Trump in the polls. I was like WTF?  I had to see what was going on What did I miss? Apparently nothing. It was a liberal Democrat friendly news agency. I forget the name now. After checking several other sources I learned that she was "winning" and "beating" Trump within the margin of error.  Seriously? Claiming a win just because of such a small margin that the poll creators consider it within the margin for error...

    I guess they will try to take whatever win they can.  Looks like they will try to steal the election with bullshit claims like this.

    AS for Trump's conviction I have even seen Democrat lawyers state that that trial volated many standard operating procedures and others in the field stating that they had a hard time streching their minds to even imagine a felony. Many of them stated that it looked good for a mis demenor though. I don't necesarraly like Trump but ... fuck this shit. Seriously, I hope when the Judge reviews this during appeals that he/ she just drops all this shit

    It is one thing to dig up shit he did do and hold him 100% to the law but quite another to bend.. no .. break the laws to convict him of something that nobody else would ever be convicted of. 

    I would also love to see Kackels bring this up that she was a prosecuter etc. Hell bring up whatever she did as far as I know she sucked pretty much at every task she was given. I don't know and can't find anything legitimate and impressive that she did. Hell Biden did a better job than she did. (at least he was more successful then she was in the task he took on. ) You can look at his accomplishments and see something. Kackels.. not so much

    Fuck. The democrats had a chance to pull this out of the fire and get someone decent in office but they had to go with the diversity hire. I guess at least it coudl be said that they are holding true to their beliefs. lol


    • Agree 1
  17. 3 hours ago, vancleef said:

    The interesting part is I have friends who are die-hard, Liberal Democrats and they HATE Kamala! Seriously. Her being nominated is the best thing that could ever happen to Trump. 

    that is true throughout the liberal voters as far as I can tell. Nobody liked her.  The funny thing is when the debate occured and people talked about how bad he did, when I pointed out that if they vote for him, they are voting for her for president. They got silent.  I was so dam floored that they didn't consider that the vice president is just as important as the president on the ticket. Especially for the oldest person to ever hold the office.

    Then the democrats true to color use that position as a diversity hire. Correct me if I am wrong but there was so many other much higher qualified people to choose from. Problem would be that it would be hetro white rich male(s). From what I have read in reports he stated he wanted a women and of color for his vice president. The first qualifications he picked. Not expert in x,y, or z.  Skin and sex was what was important. Seriously?  We are the laughing stock of the world goverments.

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