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Posts posted by ritualclarity

  1. 22 hours ago, Doublezero said:


    What they can do if they were smart would be to do what they did with Second Skyrim release.  REbuild the entire game engine and do their changes and let people that own it have a free copy. Then they would have what they wanted. Better tools for their Creation Engine crap. If I understand this correctly they wanted to add some tools and such so that they can expand their options and be supported.

    Another option would be to use Unreal Engine or something like that and migrate it over on this.  They have the assets, they have the quest and such so all they would need to do is to set it up in the engine of choice.  From what I learned the engine cost to use for the game isn't that much. They can also add the mods (the mods that they want to add that is, not the added scripts and such) which would let them do what they really want and leave the old game fucking alone.

  2. 5 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    They left out the DLLs and other covert Market Place bullshit they're violating your existing license with.

    If they are volating the licenses then why aren't someone starting a class action?

    (I have been part of 3 or 4 of them so far. Free $$$ lol. Not a lot mind you... except this last one was a few thousand dollars but most of the time it is only a couple of hundred bucks. Good to go out to a nice steak resterant!

  3. 2 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


    Normal people take their dog in and have a vet evaulate it then if it is deemed necessary have it put down professionally. It isn't like she doesn't have the money to pay for the vet or the procedure(s).

    It could have just been a correctable behavioral issue. Many rescue agencies have dogs that have been given up (thankfully) for the group only to find the major cause of the "danger" is due to the owners ineptitude and total lack of understanding what was required of them when they decided to adopt a dog. Sometimes more often than not also abuse and neglect (of the animals needs like exercise etc. not being matched properly to the animal)

    The Dog whisper show had many such cases where he would correct the issue of the animal and show that the owners didn't know what the fuck they were doing.

    Finally, there are some dogs that shouldn't go to the general public (breeds) they require someone that really understands what they need to do in order for the animal to have a happy and fruitful life. Can you imagine a Cane Corso in a family of Karens? Yes, disaster.

    Stupidity which was shown in mass with her first stating that and then doubling down constantly that she was right. Regardless of her opinion a smart person would have just shut the fuck up and let it die like the dog she shot.

    • Agree 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Doublezero said:

    This update required me to jump through a few hoops, but everything seems to be in order. If you find any problems or improvements, please post them in this thread.

    I'm having some problems Sir....

    I am ont loosing my post, having a shit time finding the stuff I was following or gaining access to the site.

    These are the bare minimums that are expected when you upgrade. This is unacceptable.


    • Haha 2
  5. 5 hours ago, Faelana said:

    Oh for sure hell it makes me want to learn how to mod so I could add a body but I am way too software dumb. But yeah like I said I hope people act better and I am still gonna have hope that it'll either come back or someone makes something like it in the future but either way I am glad Kendo knows that he is cool at least to one person in my community but eh terminally online people cause lots of problems you know?

    There are baby steps that you can do to get more used to the software. Change some hairs, eyes outfits etc from the game to what you want (NPCs)  Other things that are easy to do as well. Slowly work towards what you want to do.

    Keep in mind his skills that he uses can be used for many other games as well as other graphics work as well. ;)  He even uses the stuff he makes to make comics!  Lots of things you can start to do if you just want to play around with the stuff. You can't really hurt the game. (if installed using something like MOd Organizer) Even if you do, a simple nuke of the files and verify cache through STeam and you are back to business! 

    AT one time I took all the great stuff that I liked from Skyrim and added it to a mod which ... made the game Beautiful. Some of my captures made others think it had ENB etc. It didn't. All running on a GTX 970 of all things. All I did was find the mods (replacres) that I wanted and made sure those and only those files and meshes were compiled into a single mod. I even started to merge mods before I stopped modding. Now I don't have a rig that is going to do much of anything so I"m held up there.

  6. The really sad thing is when people start tossing around shit about something (especially when it benfitis their community) nobody stands up anymore and calls their shit.  I'd imagine all it would have taken was people banding up and taking that person(s) shit and telling them off. 

    I know of other authors that wouldn't have left the modding scene if they were supported and had appreciation shown for all their hard work. These were authors that gave their work FREE no patron or other money paths. (Not that using patron is a bad thing if done properly and respectfully to both the author and user)

    Moral of the story is people need to shut up about shit they shouldn't be talking about and when someone starts talking shit... the community needs to put their ass back in its place. Bullies and shit throwers aren't needed in the modding scene.

  7. 3 hours ago, Faelana said:

    Oh man that freaking sucks cause honestly it was a rather trans positive mod. Note I am trans and loved this mod felt like I could finally play as me in my favorite game. Loud assholes ruin everything especially something that gave people some representation to feel happy.

    Yes, many positive comments from trans people that I am aware of about this mod. Clothing as well was made to order. Very Trans positive from what I heard of. 

    Them shitting on stuff even if it benifts them is in voge and I dont' see much changing in the near future. Sadly, a few stupid people fuck it up for everyone else.

    The sad thing is Kendo is extremely good at creating body models and have done so in the past upgrading the shitty bodies that Bugthesda believed was A OK when releasing the game.  Very few people have the skills present to be able to do so without a lot of learning and practice. He had so many more mods released in the past that have been removed for similar reasons. Someone always had to be an asshole.

    Now the only way to get something is for someone to go thorugh the work to create it. They would also have to create outfits or modify the outfits that are in game to properly fit the bodies as well. Lots of work.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Word of the Day: Hamasholes - white morons who think Muslim fundies will tolerate them or their woke bullshit.

    A lot of America's problems could be solved if they were shipped to Afganistan. ;)

    On a side note. I had a moment .. glimmer of hope when I seen that a university was actually calling in cops for their students being destructive and such while demostrating. The article even stated that they were going to suspend those students for the semester. (I know, I know they should expell them if they are extremely disruptive etc but baby steps, baby steps)


    • Agree 2
  9. On 4/10/2024 at 4:55 PM, Jim_UK said:

    I saw that tweet and cancelled Gamepass saving me £13 a month, come to think of it all this woke nonsense is saving me a fortune on games and movies.  

    My game pass is cancelled as well.


  10. 13 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

    Want cringe? How about the fact that Kristi Noem (who is hot btw) stated in her own book how she killed her puppy. Now, I could understand if she wanted to self-nuke her political career, but now the Republican party is going to look like a bunch of dog killers. I can already hear the Dems using that for elections from here till they get tired of it (never). Couldn't she have said something like she slept with someone other than her husband? I don't know something that doesn't look like she is a serial killer. Killing a dog?! Really....

    Someone call John Wick!


    • Haha 1
  11. Bullshit like that is the reason a metric shit ton of old mods created by the old school of modders are gone. Just to let you know the old school of modders were ones that colaberated easily with each other. Often times than not they would let some of their work be included into other mods to help the community and an author that perhpas didn't have that skill. All that was asked was a thank you and credit. That was it.  Gone are those days when things were for a game and for pleasure and fun. Now is weaponized bullshit by people that don't even take the time to investigate or even ask one question about the mod. Gone are the days when mods were expected to be free. When an author was absent for RL issues and a bug was found someone would fix that bug for that author and upload a copy (with full credit to the author ) so that people could use it. (This goes for an game update that broke that mod). Gone are the free mods that were uploaded by people that were new and assistance given to them to help them complete their vision. Now $$$$$ and bitches are what people will get. It is ashame that there are many people with a wealth of knowlege to give that just won't put up with that bullshit.

    @Alson3erfs This is for you specifically.  The mod you are asking about would easily been kept up even if Kendo wasns't active here or elsewhere. Like other mods mentioned above. So long as someone trustworthy was willing to watch it, babysit it, it would stay up for everyone to enjoy. I've helped keep many old mods up on another site. Just because I am someone that was active and trusted by people to not shit on what they made. One mod had some cliping on an outfit. Someone in the community fixed it and offered it up (free no strings) and  after checking it and verifying it with others that know what the fuck they are talking about regarding outfits and textures/meshes stating it was good. I added it.  Others wanted to do all sorts of shit to another mod and it was shut down until the leadrs of the community or even better, the author(s) stated it was good.  It didn't past muster and didn't happen.


    TL;DR: once people stop shitting on authors, weaponizing mods etc. then mods can return and everybody benifits.

  12. 9 hours ago, ColonolNutty said:

    For those who don't know, a Pre Release is currently available to Patrons ($5 or more monthly).
    ColonolNutty | creating Game Mods | Patreon

    Here is what is currently contained in it:

    Hybrid traits:
    - These traits indicate a Sim is a hybrid of an Animal or Human. These traits are used in pregnancies to determine the species of their offspring. (and I plan to use them to show off different animal parts on Sims, such as ears, tails, etc.)
      - Currently works for Human, Large Dog, Small Dog, Cat, Fox, Horse, Cow, Chicken, Llama, Sheep, Goat.
    - If a Hybrid Sim becomes pregnant, there is a chance they may produce offspring that match any of their Hybrid traits.
      - If a Human Sim is a Hybrid Cat and Hybrid Large Dog, they have a chance to produce a Cat or Large Dog instead of their normal offspring. (Even if the other parent is also a Human Sim)
      - The same applies to Animal Sims. They may produce Sims that have a species for any of their Hybrid traits, regardless of the species of their partner.
      - Offspring species chances will increase the more Hybrid traits involved.
        - All Hybrid traits are taken into account when deciding the species of an offspring.
        - Example: If Sim A is Hybrid Cat and Sim B is Hybrid Cat, then it will be more likely that a Cat will be born from the pregnancy.
        - Example: If Sim A is a Hybrid Cat AND a Cat, and Sim B is a Large Dog AND a Hybrid Cat, then it will be three times as likely for the offspring to become a Cat than for it to become a Large Dog (1/4 chance of Large Dog and 3/4 chance of Cat)
    - Hybrid traits can also automatically be passed down to the offspring. They are inheritable. (They only begin having any use when a Sim becomes a Teen or Older, obviously)
    - The Hybrid traits for Animal Objects, such as Cows, Chickens, Llamas, Sheep, and Goats, only make a difference at the time of birth where the offspring will instead be replaced with an animal object and placed in the inventory of the pregnant Sim.
      - Animal Objects do not inherit Hybrid traits, because they do not have Genes that can be passed down.
    - Changed how the Animal pregnancy serums function. They are no longer 100% effective, closer to 80%. However, if a Sim is born, they will inherit a Hybrid trait relating to the serum that was drank.
      - Example: If a Sim is born while the Impregnator Fowl is on the pregnant Sim, then the Baby will get a Hybrid Chicken trait and could potentially produce Chickens in the future (When they become Teen or Older and become pregnant or cause another Sim to become pregnant at that time)

    - Work on adding Animal Sims to the Brothel both as Patrons and Harlots/Studs has begun! (Cat, Dog, Fox, and Horse Sims are now available as Patrons)
    - When a Harlot/Stud or Stripper is going to service their Patrons, if no animations are found, then the "animation" portion will be skipped and the patron will simply pay out as if they played an animation.
    - Unlocked Harlot/Stud Service locations. Harlot/Stud Patrons can now claim objects other than Double Beds.
    - Added a way to specify whether a service spot is available for Stripper Patrons, Harlot/Stud Patrons, or both.
      - This can be used when you want a Stripper to use an object but you don't want Patrons to claim the spot as a Service spot, such as with Dancing Poles.
    - Brothel Employees can now be designated to work in the mornings (8 am to 8 pm) or in the evenings (8 pm to 8 am) or All Day as it has been. (Click -> Brothel Management -> Manage -> Work Shifts)
      - Employees will work an All Day shift by default.
      - Employees shifts can only be changed while they are at work and working
    - Player Sims working at Brothels now have reasonable working hours and days off, like the other careers.
    - Unlocked Pregnancies in Brothels.
    - Added an interaction to purchase contraceptives for Employees in brothels.
    - Fixed an issue when designing brothel uniforms for Player Sims where the shown Sim looks slightly off from the actual player Sim.

    - Hybrid Traits (Human/Animal Hybrids)
    - Sims can take on attributes of different species.
    - Animal Sims as brothel patrons in brothels
    - Unlocked Harlot/Stud locations. (More than just double beds)
    - Brothel Pregnancies Unlocked and Contraceptives added as expenses.

    This is available to Patrons at $5 or more a month! Consider donating to get the latest and greatest before it goes public!

    ColonolNutty | creating Game Mods | Patreon

    Sounds great! Good to see you back. (I haven't seen you around much recently) Hope all is well with you!

  13. wilderness racoon

    dark dynasty

    exclusive design license

    (Above google translate translations)




    Looks like a bad cowboy to me. Time to spank her. :P

    Don't know what it is suppose to represent. Chances are just some loose idea or concept.


    • Haha 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Jim_UK said:

    Maybe I'm getting old but I remember when actors would research their roles, he didn't even have to play the game, there are thousands of hours of gameplay on YouTube.

    Your an old fogey. :P

    Now a days they go in and do what every the fuck they think would be good and not give dam about the literal decades of materials that is available for them.  Along with ignore any information that the fans give them. That is the new acting process.

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