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Posts posted by ritualclarity

  1. 11 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


    They love to point out that people are complaining that he is too old. Age is a concern only IMO as it pertains to who the Vice President is. A younger president this is a less concern as the president would less likely pass or become declaired incompetent while in office.

    all one has to do is look at the previous presidents. They are articulate. They can speak their mind in an effective manner.  He will be speaking to foreign leaders in situations which are very tense.  Do you think they will sit there and wait for 15 minutes for a simple concept to come from the president? 

    The president doesn't have the luxury of having a bad night. It donsn't matter if he is having a "bad night".  If Biden has a "Bad Night" reported by their own supporters. He shouldn't be the president. He shouldn't hold any office IMO.  They need another option to run for Democrats.


  2. Install linux... then create a VM and pass through the SSD and graphics card etc. and be able to access Windows natively for those programs (like games)while having your personal data ... sensitive data in an more secure section.


    • Thanks 1
  3. On 6/5/2024 at 9:15 PM, endgameaddiction said:


    What an idiot. All for a raunchy street torta. LOL

    Yea, his story is beilevable .... lol

    This would be a time you call your best bro to help you out. Then he can take a turn.  Seriously... WTF?

  4. 12 hours ago, Doublezero said:

    Forever free is the motto here, so I'm not interested in making money from the game because I can make money in other ways. I'd like it to be an open source project with a lot of like-minded people working together. Also, adding dating elements sounds like a good idea. I know a lot of guys enjoy making Serana their waifu, but I'm getting too far ahead of myself. 😈

    That is an interesting idea.


    You can still include these as an open free game (and give your patron and use it)  Adding some romance options is always a good idea.

    AS for Kendo's idea I would add something to it regading magic.  Consider the  meteor storms of 1866-1868 contained dangerious materials (later learned that it helps you exploite the "energy" that surrounds people and some even generate this energy) These materials once hit our earth's enviroment had a negative effect and did major damage. Continent shifts, sink, raise. Cities being buried under dozens or more feet of dirt and rock (later to be accessible if you mine. A good source for these crystals)  Changing the look of earth almost over night. The upheaval killed hundreds of millions of people but that isn't the worst of it. Where the cyrstals hit the earth it killed ten's of thousands of people that came in contact with them.  Only 5% of the worlds population was able to be directly exposed to these crystals and not die.  Some mutated into beings that would generate energies (like those from the crystals) others were immune to the energy (more on that later) There would be major (Magicians) and minors (magic users) these people (and perhaps some creatures would develop special abilities as well. could even be the cause of mutation into beast) 

    The "magicians" quickly seeing that they had power started to dominate the old world lands in direct opposition to the current goverments that were in shambles. As the goverements regained control they were in direct opposition with the Magicians (cult) and by 1914 there was a multicontent war. It was devistating many died. By this time a second generation of people were born of those that lived after being exposed to the crystals. They were even more powerful. Their bodies being concieved with the mutations and exposed to the crystal's energies were changed. These Neo Humans further started to exercise their control over various goverements. Wasn't until the end of the second world war that tredies were created. It was agreed that the goverments would run their people (commoners) and the Magicians would rule their peoples and make decisions regarding crystals and other magically devices and treatements (at this time some developed advanced mediacal capabilities)

    The minor magicians have basic abilities at the minimum better sences and can see in the dark. Some have mild telekinetic  or telepatic ability. (sometimes just good enough to tell if a commoner is telling the truth.  These are the clerks of the magicians world. Remember those that were immune? The second generation after being fully exposed and concieved in this world developed the ability to absorbe any magic in their aura (around the space they can touch) and dispence it in basic magic "spells" (think witcher but more flexible) Those that have this ability spend years learning and practicing how to expell this magic into simple easy to use guestures. After repeated practice they have become quite adept at using these skills fast than standard Magicians. These have become the military / police cast in the new world.  Shields, push, extreme heat, extremene cold (as well body temp regulation) mild telepathic ability. (sometimes able to do read magic users .. never Magicians)  Quicker healing etc. protection from projectal objects etc. makes them extremely hard to kill. (a major factor in the second war)

    It is forbiden for any commoner to have magic crystals regardless of the quality as well as any iron meteor  as iron meteors are the only materials that can be infused with crystal energies.


    Commoners tech has developed into Steam punk world.

    By the time (1960s) which kendo mentioned would be the settings time for the story. There has been at least 3 generations. (adult) which the culture has settled (wars were over etc) and many were tested and trained based on their class. There were the eugenics science that was used to breed even more power full and capable members of the class (with less and less deviation.. think a imune person mentioned above being able to read a magicians mind for example or lift thousands of tons  or some other extreme ability )  IN this world everything has been settled... or has it.  It was thought that nobody alive today that wasn't part of the mutations could be able to handle and get mutated. ONly thing would happen is they would die... but this is soon learned that it isn't the case and our hero is one such example. ARe you going to be a Magician, Mage user or Immune (person that can absorbe insane amounts of energy) Only the future would tell.



  5. 4 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


    "At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." - Lincoln


    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

    "The tent isn't big enough." --- P.T. Barnum

    I see what you did there...



    As the saying goes "give someone enough rope they will hang themselves"
    The sad thing is the amount of damage that occurs until they hang themselves.

  7. I want to have to struggle to get out of a hole in the ground and fight my way across the wasteland to find my father only to have him get pissed at me for leaving the hole in the ground and kill himself.




    Jokes aside.. first thing I like most is Post Apocalyptic enviroment. I would love a different path and story than what has been done before. however, the tried and true would work as well. The second one would be split between Medieval and space. then finally Post Apocalyptic medieval world (as most times other than books they never quite captured the player/reader.


    You can create a dating sim etc... ;) lol.. have a patron and make $$$$ off it. The $$$$ I have seen some make is insane...

    • Like 2
  8. 9 hours ago, Nessa said:

    Out here everyone seems to think Trump is winning for sure now. Americans love underdogs and they've just turned Trump into the biggest underdog ever. 🤣

    That isn't the only thing. Democrats have the Black Vote in their pocket for decades.  Being railroaded and given higher and harder sentences is what they experience on the regular basis. They seeing this and seeing that it is political just cost the Democrats many of those very same votes. Others like me that aren't really a fan of Trump politics are seeing the bullshit that is going on. I mean slinging shit is politics and peanut butter and jelly is to bread but going after someone and weponizing the judicial system is a whole new level. I have been looking for anything that is the "smoking gun" that has been reported. Any fact or such that would point beyond a reasonable doubt that he did campain fraud and nobody can give it. I am searaching (and suffering TDS videos) just to see if there is something and cant' find it.  You might not like Trump but fuck.. seriously? The people in power have to go. They just have to go. Lots of people besides the black vote are seeing this and thinking the same.  He was the underdog IMO already with the Democrats being in power and all the political shit they are tossing around etc. but viciously attacking the man through courts.. fuck.  they could have won their argument if they just stopped at misdemeanor. I got a headache and continue to get a headache with the mental gymnastics that are needed to connect the misdemeanor to a felenoy campain fraud case.

    Time to go get a Tylenol. Seriously? FFS.

    • Agree 1
  9. 7 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    The dems think that they have prevailed by labeling Trump as a convicted felon. But all they did was show their abuse of power. Especially how they would go out and say how "Trump thinks he's above the law". It's not just for the simple fact that what they did is what happens in a banana republic, but we have known for too long how corrupt these people are and how they ARE the ones above the law. And now all of a sudden justice prevails? So for a supposed corrupt politician, now the justice system has worked as intended? The same politicians that have been laundering money, waging wars, putting our nation and our people last, these people are the ones telling me they are the good guys fighting against corruption? Nah, I don't think so. They aren't fooling anyone but the retard TDS leftists. This is how fucking stupid the left is. The very same system they claim to be fighting against is the system that they believe in because that system has lead them to believe Trump is the tyrannical corrupt politician. That and the fact that they hate successful and wealthy people. No one is buying their BS other than the loser supporters that they have that mindlessly believe everything they say.

    The dems have now earned a new perk. The party of weaponizing our judicial system.


  10. I personally don't think he will spend any time in jail and if he does it won't be rikers or anything like that. It would be a white collar prision.

    It would be interesting if they did have him go to prison, in what happened Jan 6th imagine what would happen then?  I don't care what you may or not think of Trump what happened, isn't a prision thing not for a first time offender regardeless. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Dems are that fucking dumb when it comes to trying to take down Trump. The only thing they are smart at is committing corruption and treason. Oh, and getting away with it. Along with their spineless RINOs.

    They will pay the price ... it might take time but they will.

  12. 3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Those bullshit convictions are going to be overturned on appeal.  That whacked judge and his instructions guarantees it.

    They don't give a fuck. They want delay and distractions thinking that this will prevent him from being elected. Stupid fucks... This is giving him 1. free publicity and 2. people feelling for him as he is being attacked left and right.  Those that were on the fence will be more likely IMO to side with him now.

    He is an expert at turning shit tossed at him into GOLD and his oponents (and haters) keep on doing it. They just can't resist! Seriously... Are they that stupid? They must be.

  13. 4 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Some of the most spiteful and disgusting people you will ever witness. Yes, they are irrelevant. But this what Off the charts TDS looks like.

    So... a non violent person should go to the one of the worst prisons?  If some random joe did the same, and lets say he was convicted of a felony, would he have to serve at such a prison? I doubt so.  The worst that someone would get is house arrest.

    Today I was talking with a Joe Biden fan and he was upset with what the fuck they did in court as he stated it was a "rail job". The mental gymnastics that it took to turn a miss demeanor into fellonies is astounding!

    With the problems with Trump and Biden... vote for Chase Oliver for president!




    LOL.  I almost puked in my mouth writing that... :P  Holy shit... dam. A new layer on all the BS going on.  If we are going to put a shotgun (Oliver is pro gun) and blow our brains out. ... Might as well put ourselves out of our misery ASAP and vote for CHASE OLIVER!!!!  😛  Seriously... just when I thought the bullshit reached the highest level ... I learn about him.

    Lets have 4 years of the bullshit that happened in 2020 plus... I can just see other countries looking at what is going on and going ... WTF is wrong with the USA?


  14. Yea the problem is the recent update .... lol.

    Anyway they are usually very good at setting things stright. At least in the past.  Sometimes I just can't see my hand in front of my face when there is a problem. Just can't see the obvious and bang my head when the answer is right in front of me. Someone else pointing it out helps. At least for me.

    Good luck. I don't remember a loop with that animation pack when I used it a few years back. (I was helping DagobaKing with testing AAF back then. Back during Foreplay mod days... )

    On a side note. I now return with a computer that can play games and do mods (14th gen i7 with 32gigs of ram and a 3070Ti etc. ) and what does Bugthesda do? They do an update that bones Fallout 4 :( WTF seriously?  I mention this as I will be banging my head against the wall setting stuff up again. Also might reach out to you for advice on setting up some of the modding tools etc. I might be shit at it, but still interested in screwing around with it anyway lol)

  15. 38 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:



    God must've trolled AOC,

    AT the end she is stunned by the pastor mentioning even God wanted Trump in the Bronx when she invoked the very same thing in her tweet! This is the shit that people need to look for when they, if they honestly want to review if someone is worthy of being in office and be given the responsiblity to take care of serious issues that need to be dealt with on a daily basis. She deserved to be mocked. Talk about instant karma.

    • Agree 1
  16. 7 hours ago, Doublezero said:

    I've been having this problem for a while. The stool animation never gets past the start, it just keeps looping until the scene ends.


    I assume you are using AAF.

    If so I'd advise to use the Discord


    Hopefully I did the link correctly! lol. I am so out of date on this mod that I can't begin to start. It might just be a bug from the mod that is causing the loop as well. IN any case the people that help there will know the current status and if there is a solution ... a solution.

  17. On 5/22/2024 at 5:00 PM, Kendo 2 said:

    Intentionally incompetent at that.

    I was thinking that perhaps they aren't intentionally incompetent.

    Maybe they are greedy and just lazy. Taking the shortest path to releasing a game possible. Fallout 76 is one such example. An online game that had no NPCs (when the game started) and NPCs were only added after people bitched about it.  Starfail is another example. The one thing that they did poorly but better than they did in Starfield was create areas and world spaces. With Starfail they used procedurally generated world seeing that other game do it and be successful. (after several years)

    Another thing I believe is causing their problems is their hiring process. Their interest in diversity over quality job canidates gives them less skilled and less tallented staff. Don't get me wrong, it is fine hiring dirvirsity and giving people that otherwise wouldn't have gotten a chance to shine and opportunity however, in such cases you need really strong employees in place to help brign the new hire up to speed and give them proper training and mentorship so that they can be successful. They don't appear to have that structure and the ones that shoudl be bringing up the new employees appear to be just as bad if not worse than the new hires and they are leading them... but not in the right direction as evident with their failure after failure and drop from grace. They are only starting strong now due to their history and fan base but that will eventually tarnish and fans will  leave.

    They couldn't even get the tools and structure right for Starfail causing the mod authors to leave in droves and that wasn't enough. They had to fuck up the game right when they shouldn't have done so. Right after a popular show brought record amounts of fans to their IPs. It is obvious that they are trying their fucking best to remove the (outside) modder from the equation and force everybody into their ecosystem. IMO it is fine if they want to do that shit however, do it right and do it with future games or releasaes of previous games like they did with Skyrim second edition. Just release the fucking game with the creator club tools and lock out the rest of the mod authors and be done with it. Let the old games stand and gather mod authors and let them do their shit there and if they get interested in modding for the creation club they can come into the newer games. I am sure there are many that would sell their soul to do so. Just look at what people did with Nexus and their bullshit "ownership" of mods they did. Darkone took a chance and understood he would have many that either didin't give a shit or would want to do this bullshit. Eventually people will come into modding and go to Nexus as this is the biggest site and likely the first one they experienced when starting to mod. It will be the status quo and nobody will bat an eye on it (that is new) in the future.

    I was honestly hoping that the shitty Microsoft company would at least make sure they did a decent job at creating a game but guess not even Microsoft could right that ship.

  18. It is just another example of Bethesda not thinking and letting the gamer make decisions. Regardless of what you do, he is scripted to die. Perhaps maybe I was thinking they did that as they know that the script could bug out and if it did he would be walking around not talking to the player and not dead. In this case, it is their game engine that doesn't work reliably

  19. 4 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Moscow time; Piano Penis Zelensky is officially no longer President of Ukraine.  The inaugural ceremony was to take place 5/20/2024, but since he cancelled the last election and his term expires May 20th (without a successor) that means the country is being ran by a junta, not an elected government.

    I love how he wants aid and manpower (possibly wanting to bring the entire world into war)  but his own people are running, not walking to the borders to leave and not fight for their country.


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