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Posts posted by ritualclarity

  1. On 12/10/2023 at 8:52 AM, Doublezero said:

    Not looking good for TESVI.


    The time it took to update it wasn't worth it.

    If this occured after Fallout 3... (Fallout NV done by another studio) it explains why Bethestha is shit now.  Sounds like it is just a ploy to save shit ton of $$$ as someone has to update it and keep it up to date cost money.

  2. 8 hours ago, Nessa said:

    I can't claim credit for this, but a friend of mine used that AI song maker to produce... this:



    6 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    That is brilliant! Your friend should upload it to YT.


    I only wish the song was longer. It's really good.

    YES uploaded it to YT! 

    Then people could upload it to their favorite sites (including Nexus). A permaban would be worth it!  I would love to see their site crash with post of this on their forum threads, all over all the site. In comments and such as well.  100's and 100's an hour constantly 24/7/365.  Work their moderators to the bone!

    • Agree 1
  3. 15 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    And the woke that complained in the comments got their wish. Member perma banned and mod removed.


    First it was "no pronoun change" now they are moving to gender swaps. 

    Let's take a moment. In cyberpunk for example. A male wants to play a female V and get with Pam. Wouldn't that be more inclusive?  It isn't hate.

    Also, a perma ban without even giving a warning.

    11 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Dark0ne is a cunt,

    ^ breaking news.... :P LOL

    • Agree 1
  4. 18 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Glad I stuck with the Lame Edition. A stable Skyrim and I never have to worry about an update.

    I have both because it was given to me.  I wouldn't have payed money for a re-issued game that is basically the same.  Big Fluffing deal it is on the "new engine". Bethesda has proven time and time again that the "new engine" is the old engine pushed more and more which means it is more and more difficult to work with and more and more likely to break and crash.  They are still trying to live the old glory days and not waking up to the fact that their shit stinks and that they either needs to create an actual new engine in house or use one of the other engines that are modern and actually work. Most of them have the modding options available as well. They just need to open those parts up. Unreal and the other U engine can be modded. Maybe not as easily as the gambro but it can be modded. Work a bit with the creator of that engine and I believe it can be worked on to add the features that they want. However, that would mean some $$$ and with what they have shown, they are one of the worst (at least to me) companies trying to do money grabs. AT least those companies that have those ingame purchases are delivering a functional game. (Looking at you Origin ;) )

  5. 3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Har-har.  Shit test incoming...

    All of those e-beggars and pay-me-to-mod types are responsible for this.  Enjoy the space they created.

    sO 12 gigs and days of maintance so that they (Bethesda) can give sell you horse armor. 

    Sad thing is someone will say this is a good thing.  Also sad that they didn't test Playstation to make sure that it at least fucking booted and ran before they decided to upload this patch...  Sure having editions in Xbox and Playstation is going to create more work. Of course it will. It will also give more revenue. No brainer just like making sure that all the games boot.  I might be able to see some (rare) configurations of gaming computers might have some glitches but correct me if I am wrong. Playstation and Xbox has tools to help develop and they are pretty much standardized (for editions of course) hardware. So should be easier to at fucking least make sure the dam thing runs.

    I am waiting for Howard to make some comment along the lines that you can load more than a hundred mods than you used to. Meaning the absolutely smallest single asset item like a knife. Lending people to think it is a HUGE amount of space only to be maybe a gig.  It is so sad that people (the majority of people) even fans of Bethesda automatically assume the worst possible outcome with anything Bethesda does now.

    Some other modderes I know told me not to get the Xbox service to try the starfield (free) as it was broken and doens'st work as well as the paid game. Seriously? Microsoft bought Bugthesda for the IP and Bugthesda can't even have their new IP on the same level on computers and xbox? Wow. just wow.


    *I sometimes pay for the subscription to have a couple of months of gaming then I take a break. Makes it so that I don't get depressed at some piece of shit I buy and I can rapid play 100s of games at my leasure.

    • Like 2
  6. I was at work and was struck by what Todd Howard was stating. It was Cannon.  They have to be referencing their contribution to the IP. Much like what Disney is doing to Marvel and other IP's that they aquired. They are revamping and reworking the IP to fit THEIR (political) THOUGHTS AND PREFERENCES.


    Microsoft with their head  up their asses ... like they have had for the past 20 years or perhaps more, don't give a fuck so long as the IP makes them money. That is really the only reason they bought it.  That and something to add to their offerings with XBOX.

  7. 11 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Not if it's made for a 'modern audience' or by Netflix.  Every adaptation of theirs (and I do mean EVERY) I've tried to watch is so gawd-awful that I can't make it past 3 episodes.  I guess it's current year syndrome; actors who can't act, singers who can't sing, entertainment that isn't entertaining, comedians who aren't funny, etc.

    What really stood out to me in that trailer was that Todd Howard created Fallout.  Really niggas?  That's how they're gonna bill the show?  The only franchise Todd created is fucking Starfield, and we all see how super-duper über awesome that game is.


    This is fan fiction. Not bad IMO


    • Like 2
  8. 11 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Not if it's made for a 'modern audience' or by Netflix.  Every adaptation of theirs (and I do mean EVERY) I've tried to watch is so gawd-awful that I can't make it past 3 episodes.  I guess it's current year syndrome; actors who can't act, singers who can't sing, entertainment that isn't entertaining, comedians who aren't funny, etc.

    What really stood out to me in that trailer was that Todd Howard created Fallout.  Really niggas?  That's how they're gonna bill the show?  The only franchise Todd created is fucking Starfield, and we all see how super-duper über awesome that game is.

    Fan Fiction being something a common person would make. Pehaps a group of college film students creating something from an IP that they like.

    A coorporation creating content isn't "Fan Fiction". Especially if they are getting money for said project. Not some moeny from a patron account due to creating something cool. They are getting Big Bucks for this project.

    There were several inaccuracies in that film about Todd and Fallout that they made. But Hey. It looked good. Look at the CGI  Power Armor!. Don't forget the ghoul! How cool does he look?  (We arent going to talk about the acutal CONTENT and STORY of the series)

    I believe I managed to make it 4 episodes. Might have been 3 but doubt it was 5 of the Rings series. It was slightly longer than I probably would have watched due to being totally fucking confused by what the fuck was going on.  That and trying to get past all the political crap they added. Lots of work to watch anything that has been recently release. :(

    With the comments from Todd Howard, it would'nt supprise me if he removed the games that wasn't produced by Bethesda and make those non cannon just so that this farce of a series would make sence and he would be able  to shut up those complaining. Then again, why would he? All the fucking complaints about recently released games (including Starfield) didn't change what he does or says. He just ignores it. We really need to know what drugs he is on and get some of that shit. Seriously.

  9. On 12/1/2023 at 4:54 PM, Kendo 2 said:

    I discovered this by accident playing as a D&D style cleric.  If you're starting in Helgen use the flame spell (of course).  Once out in the world, wear the novice hood and get heavy armor and a shield.  Now you're going to walk the roads of Skyrim burning every wolf, skeever and bandit you come across.  Burn them, block them, tank them.  DO NOT start any quests, go inside dungeons, etc.  Roam and burn until level six.  Put all of your perk points into Destruction and the first 3 stat increases into health.  Don't travel at night because the vampire death hound things are over your pay grade.  Stop doing the roam and burn thing at level 6 since that's when saber cats and giant spiders start spawning.  They're above your pay grade as well.

    The reasoning: Mage robes suck so stop relying on them.  Put some points into Heavy Armor and (most importantly) Block.  Block at level 30 allows you to stop ALL damage from arrows.  It's OP as fuck.  A shield is also another slot you can enchant.

    I took a different path. Was a Brenton then did side quest to increase magic resistance and obtained equipment that increased it.  As I went through development I increased the one handed sword health and shield stats. (if I remember correctly) in the end I could practically stand in the path of dragon's breath and take on hags almost as if they weren't doing anything.

    I forget all the steps I did but I was a mage / dragon killing machine.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Well, the fiascos starting with FO76 have been a real hoot n' holler good time, but those bizarre review responses reek of Nexus/LL modder-levels of butthurt....written by chatbots.  Never seen Bethesda respond to criticism so something is up.  What I think: the recent XBox updates for Skyrim (of all things) is a shit test for monetized modding on their market place for Starfield.  They've never defended one of their trainwreck games before so why start now?  Shout out to the chess club and who's laughing now?  We all are, TODD.

    This is one of the first major releases since they were bought by Microsoft, correct? If so they might be responding as they gotten heat for their shit.  Also, they would use a poorly trained chat bot to start responding to negative post. Of course. Why not?  They do half baked games, why not half baked chat bots?

    • Haha 1
    • Agree 1
  11. 6 hours ago, vancleef said:

    I often wonder what it is that trips up successful companies. Is this a case of them thinking that:
    1) They're too big to fail. Since every product they've put out prior has been a hit, they can't go wrong?
    2) They tried something new and deviated from the formula (New Coke, anyone?) and that's what went wrong?
    3) They have foolishly alienated their loyal customers (Bud Light, Gillette) to pander to a new base?
    4) All of the above?

    Time to step up on a soap box.  (Take this with a grain of salt. Remember everybody has an asshole but nobody really wants to smell it :P Unless you are left leaning :P LOL. Then you can't get enough of it)


    Watch some of the actors that have a good taste of fame. (Walt Disney)  They start acting like nothing will go wrong with them. They start pushing their agenda etc. In the old Hollywood, the studios had a very strong control over them and gagged them and controlled what they said and did even outside of work.  PR campaigns were made to help develop them and maintain their popularity.

    In this case, I would assume that they just lost their way and due to some fame, can't see that what they are doing is bad.  Another issue is like with CD Project Red. They went PUBLIC and when they did many of the upper management (control) that was there is now gone.  In the case of bud fright they wanted to bring in more business. They were the top dog but wasn't content with their customer base, they wanted more. They wanted a piece of the LGBTQ customer base (which is growing) to add to their bottom line. Without only YES men (and women) and no outside or fresh view being heard (or better in power) then they thought they weren't going to have any issues. At worst they would "signal" that they are LGBTQ friendly and move back to their main customer base.  Had they done their proper surveys and research they would have easily learned that the two doesn't mix or at least mix well. With the current push for LGBTQ (looking at TARGET) and other companies, there is a population of customers that are getting fed up with all this. Bud LIght has that customer base in abundance.

    So TL;DR. Stupidity and a general lack of investigation and in some cases quality control (Bethesda) is the cause. At least IMO.

    • Yes! 1
  12. 1 hour ago, vancleef said:

    Not that I'm the benchmark for anything but I like Bethesda games in spite of their problems. I remember being excited about the releases of Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and then Skyrim. I couldn't wait to install them and jump in.
    I initially had almost zero interest in Starfield. After watching "official" and critical reviews, I probably made the right decision. It just really, really looks like a waste of time. They should have just worked on ES 6, is my opinion. Hopefully Bethesda can learn from this and bounce back. Just give the fans what they want. 

    I came to bethesda through Fallout 3.  I bought both Fallout NV and was given fallout 4 pretty much on day one. I like that type of game. I am not much into Oblivion Skyrim etc type games. I got them much later and on a big sale.

    So Starfield should be something I really should get behind. Not watch bethesda's behind :P in regards to the crap that they released. Since Fallout 76 again another game I should have been super interested in but wasn't. I have been very critical of their releases. Due to this I don't by their behind products :P unless I see an outstanding review from places and people I respect.  

    Unfortunately I don't believe their ES6 will be any better. Now that there are pretty reliable reports from people that have worked with the engine and did mods that the game is setup to make it more difficult to do it.... That just shows me that Bethesda is gone. At least with this type of game. Sad. All they really had to do is give something inspiring (but buggy) and make sure the back end was such that it was good to mod and sit back and watch the sales fly. They currently either can't, won't or just fucking don't care.

    • Like 1
  13. Hello,

    With the upcoming gift season (Yes, giving yourself a much deserved "gift" counts :P ) I am starting this thread.  The goal of the thread is to mention, discuss and/or even show great sales etc. related to "gift" for the season.

    I'll start.

    I am really wanting a 4tb M.2 Drive. I am really wanting one so that I can put all my games on one drive and leave the other drives for other task. With the recent drop in prices for M.2 ... solid state drives for that matter, it is a good time to get that M.2 drive you might be looking at. They are getting to a price where almost anyone can get one.

    On a side note. For those that have seen Jay2cents videos there is a store in the US called Microcenter. They are doing some pretty bang up jobs with "bundles" memory, processor and I believe motherboards.  If that is something that is along your needs.



    If I understand it correctly, we don't have any shortages on processors or GPUs as we have had in the recent past. Likely more than they can sell. Perhaps a reason for the sale.




    • Like 1
  14. I believe it is Java script that is being accessed and checked to see if you are running anything that would block Youtube.  Stop that and it might fix the crazy fucking asshole level of ads being given to those that don't subscribe to their service.

    Hey, has anyone seen that Paramount movies are being subscribed through Youtube (I assume an added service)?  i saw Paicard


  15. On 11/14/2023 at 8:55 PM, endgameaddiction said:

    And speaking of stupid YT. I'm sure most of you already know about the ad blecker YT is trying to lecture anyone who uses it.


    I think I managed to get around it. So far at least.

    I wasn't too concerned about an occasional ad but FUCKING JESUS CHRIST the adds I got after they started this block recently.  Holly crap! I was getting an add less than 5 minutes apart. I couldn't even keep foucus on what I was watching with so many abrupt interruptions. A few days after that complete bullshit, they started the ads that wern't able to be passed in the 5 seconds. 

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, Nessa said:

    That is some major big time irony getting lectured on "public order and morality" by a morally bankrupt corporation. 😅😅😅😅

    for some reason companies think they can dictate what we do in our lives. They provide a product which we buy to use as we decide barring anything illegal. Last I checked modding a game isn't illegal.  Only issue would be anything that occurs during on line play (alterating the files to cheat) That makes sense.

    The rest of it they can go suck an egg.  A rotten one at that.  We can start discussing about how "bad" mods are once these AAA and some AA producers create game that actually work as advertised.  Promptly patch the few bugs that show up as people start to use the game. (a few are reasonable. nobody can test every configuration at least not in a reasonable peroid of time.. no excuses for consoles  due to the exact reason they are all the same or very close. )

    • Agree 1
  17. Crapcom is still in business?  I honestly thought they went out of business.

    She said it correctly. If it was an online game that is a difference. What you use on your computer is what you want. Nobody is being hurt by this. It is just another case where a business is trying to dictate personal actions and preferences. Along with actively alienating their users. We all know how that works out don't we?

  18. 1 hour ago, Nessa said:

    Yeah I don't think so. 😅😅😅😅

    Was talking about this earlier today elsewhere. I waited a long time to go Skyrim and a really long time to try FO4. I still followed the mods on both those games long before I ever considered playing.

    Starfield? I haven't bothered to check and have no interest in doing so. Todd's failure is complete. I'm not ever playing this shipwreck. 🤣

    With their continued failure at releasing games AND now not even being able to release a CK for the game is the nail in the coffin. Then from what is being said, the actual engine is not modding friendly? Just WOW. Seriously, any decent AAA producer would love to have a community that essentially can fix the shit they do wrong. Add content that is desired by the users of the game etc.  Shit, all they have to do is release a game and the CK. They don't even have to have a story (like Fallout 76) so long as they have the tools to mod it. Add some content to stimulate the thoughts of the users and mod community and let them at it.

    A decent AAA company should be working hand in hand with the modding community. There are major names that pop up in Nexus and other sights including YouTube. Work with them to provide tools. THAT should be the main focus of a Bethesda game (Fallout, Skyrim and the piece of shit). They had the energy for the game right out of the gate.

    I bet their stupid asses think that people are being sensitive to pronouns and such.  Hey, the same players love BG3. That has shit like that in it.  Cyberpunk has that shit all over the place. These games have a much better reception than Shitfield the later (Cyberpunk) had a major blow back due to quality release and breaking their customers trust but they are still doing very well.  People are blowing up due to the game being a piece of shit.  The Pronouns are just the straw that broke the camels back. If they didn't have that there, they would have blew up on other shit.  IMO of course.

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