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Posts posted by ritualclarity

  1. I needed something new to play so I got it.

    It is pretty good. Well made but not perfect. There was one minor issue (the dead body flailing around due to mechanics) and a strange crash that went to black .. didn't load and couldn't use task manager to kill the game, had to reboot)  This was over about 10 hours of play.

    The customization is good, better than most games I have had any experience with or checked into, but not perfect. There are a series of faces to choose from. Not customization of the individual features of the faces that other games have.  hair is another option has a lot of choices but not everyone will like those choices. I had a hard time choosing what I wanted for my character.

    Skin and eye tones are decent for your selection, and something I haven't seen with other games that I can remember, you can open up all the colors for all the races if you choose to do so and select one of those.

    Scars and such, decent. Has freckles and other such but could use some more options and choices.


    They did a decent job on race options and choices and combinations.  Decent on transfering D&D rules over (notice the movement and some other options are different if you are an avid D&D gamer. However, If you are like me, you can catch up well. If you aren't a D&D gamer, it might be more of a challenge to get to truly understand what is going on. The spells act differently IMO than I would expecet them to but still decent.

    So out of a 1 to 5 punch the monitor I'd give it a 1 (lower being better of course, don't wan tto replace the monitors of course :P)


    There are game play videos out and make sure it is a release verison not the beta that was out when you review the video. Check your favorite review channel and see if this is something you'd like. Well made but won't be the cup of tea for everybody. @endgameaddiction It is a third person game at least. That and reasonably well made considering what has come out in recent years.

  2. 3 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    I'm thinking about getting this game.


    Just checked out BG3 on Nexus and they seem to have a decent amount of mods in a short time.

    Not only complete and functions quite well upon release, extremely customizable  AND has mods?

    Consider myself blown away.


    I am considering getting it. It will break my "no new game" rule. Where I don't get the game when first released usually waiting for a sale etc. However, the more I read, the more this company/publisher deserves my $$$.  Several people at my place of work has gotten it and stated it was quite good. These people usually are on track (most of the time) with game I also like.


    This game is reported to be awesome, well  developed and lots of options.


    Now other developers are stating not to use this as a "new standard".  I guess having a game that works and does what was advertised.

    • Like 1
  4. 15 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


    Senile Sniffer's admin will surely add more sanctions to Africa.

    The same thing happens here with the target push and others like that. Nobody wants something shoved down their throat.  Most don't care about what someone does but like the reporter states, the more it is pushed down someone's throat, the more push back you will get.

    • Agree 1
  5. 14 hours ago, Doublezero said:

    I haven't played Oblivion in over four years and for some reason I got the urge to play the game and five minutes into my playthrough all I could think about was this:


    Ive had that same issue with some other games as well. Witcher for example. I loose my carefully practice combos and such and have to relearn it again.

  6. On 8/8/2023 at 11:36 PM, Kendo 2 said:

    Well, at least their 'Star Shop' (or whatever-the-fuck-they're calling the paid mods store) will have plenty of nickel and dime base game content available on launch day.  Can't hand that stuff out as free updates later, that would be wrong.

    If that would be wrong.... I don't want to be right :P lol


  7. 17 hours ago, Doublezero said:

    I'll probably buy it a few weeks after release. I probably will not like it though...

    Uh oh...

    Former Starfield dev says there might be too much content for the game to ship on time | GamesRadar+

    If this guy is telling the truth, it looks like players won't be able to explore the 1000 planets that Todd promised.

    typical.. .

    Also a great excuse to try to sell us DLCs. later... with the content that they had removed

    Why won't the developers wait until it is done and then ship. Or, at least not promise what they dream will happen then show how limited it is.

    • Agree 1
  8. 5 hours ago, vancleef said:

    This was a big issue with Pro Hockey years back, if I remember. They wanted NFL paychecks but the sport was nowhere near as bringing in the same revenue. In my hometown of Pittsburgh, the Penguins are incredibly popular. But it's nothing compared to football Sundays.
    You can skip church but you do not skip the football game!

    Exactly. what has gotten into people these days. They see SOMEBODY get something and think they should get it too.  Regardless of skill, knowledge or the like.

    • Agree 1
  9. On 7/31/2023 at 3:00 PM, endgameaddiction said:

    There was already a match a month or so ago of men vs women.



    Wrong video but this was the one.



    Had this been men vs. men and the results were 12-0, the losing team would be ridiculed all the way to hell. In the 2014 World Cup, it was held in Brazil. I believe it was in the semifinals Germany vs. Brazil. Germany dominated the game and scored 7-1 giving Brazil the biggest beat down they've ever had. It was the most embarrassing moment Brazil had ever felt. I'll never forget that match. Brazil men's national team were very ego inflated and arrogant in that WC. And it was a savoring moment to see them put in their place. For me at least. They were in endless tears when the game was finished. I'm sure that scar still stings till this day.

    Like that reporter stated, even the women on the show with him didn't know who was playng against the women's team. Nobody watches it, at least not as much as mens. If they did, then the women's team should get more money but considering how popular they aren't then it explains why they don't get the same.

    • Agree 1
  10. On 7/29/2023 at 11:31 PM, endgameaddiction said:


    how do they expect to be paid the same?  As far as I am aware there isn't as many people paying for tickets or watching it. It isn't in as much demand as male soccer.  The only thing I can see them getting is the same ratio as the males based on the total revenue that comes in or some formula like that.

    Example if I was a programmer, I can't expect to be paid the same if I worked at a tiny company compared to a major company (like Google). A fortune 500 company can pay more it is just common sense.

    Speaking of, I'd love to see the female soccer teams square off with their male counterpart. :D

  11. First I heard of it. Might be a system issue with the Wiki not the actual page.  If so it should be up shortly.


    If I was you or anyone that is interested, I would go to the Discord channel. If he is going to check something it is very likely he would check that first before going to different sites. Just saying.


  12. 18 hours ago, hotlavatube said:

    He didn't leave someone on call for emergencies?! 😉 

    You paying his salary?

    Last I checked this mod is distributed FREE.  So there will be times that there might be a delay in getting a fix or something you desire.

    • Like 2
  13. 4 hours ago, vancleef said:

    Anyone else notice how cleverly one of the rescuers dug out two different protesters hands in the same chuck of asphalt, leaving them stuck together?
    Buy that man a fucking drink!

    I worked at a hospital and sorry to say I'd see that as well.  As awesome as the outcome was, I believe they did it due to it being so close to each other. Minimum chance of harming them.  Keep in mind they super stupidly glued themself to what is essentially a rock. If that rock cracks or breaks it could put serious pressure or even break something. In this case, bones.

    People often looked shocked when you see someone with something protruding from their body being brought into the ER.  Very well secured and stabilized but still in their body. Same reason. Those working in the field with situations like these, make minimum effort to resolve the issue and maximum effort to secure the patient. They let the doctors, nurses, and staff laugh  help the patient with their issue where there is the proper equipment to address their stupidity  issue.

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Kumpol said:

    I have been noticing that EA/Maxis updates has been in the increasing end.

    They may be finishing up their series like they did with Sims 3. They pretty much covered all the options they had for 3... am I missing any? If they are, they might be pushing to get all the bugs and such done so that they can move the personal to a new project.

  15. On 7/18/2023 at 4:45 PM, hotlavatube said:

    Did this morning's Sims 4 update break Devious Desires? It was working last night, but seems to have stopped working today. I'm seeing a lot of exceptions in the log files that end with: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'interactions.base.picker_strategy'

    Updates to a game will very likely break mods. This is the nature of modding a game. Once the author goes through and fixes the mod to work with the updates then it will work again.

    So don't update games until the mods you are using are updated so you can install them.

  16. 17 hours ago, Doublezero said:

    If you saw the big red screen saying that the site is not secure (and visited it anyway), I assure you that we are not hacked. I have scanned the site and found no viruses or malware. The site is clean. 

    I suspect that what caused Google to mark us as unsafe were the Exoclick ads I was running. I have disabled them and requested a review from Google. Hopefully this will be resolved soon.

    That site is legit, correct? Why would Google flag that? 

    I ask as it seems more like they want to go after sites like ours that have adult modding. Could be wrong. (often am :P


    Also,  has it slowed down the traffic to our site?

  17. On 7/6/2023 at 9:55 AM, endgameaddiction said:

    The biggest mystery yet to be solved.



    The only way that the person that had the coke wouldn't be "found" is they are one of the protected people of the white house.  If it had been an attempt to poison the president or something, the answer would have been found before the reporters even had a chance to read the first breaking news.  Seriously.

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