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Posts posted by ritualclarity

  1. 13 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    First Look!

    Not he best game but if it is honest then I am fairly sure the fans of the franchise will enjoy it (and perhaps some others as well) I jumped around the video but didn't see any left wang bullshit.

  2. 10 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Yep, but not loving it enough to buy it yet.  I'll need to see real gameplay footage and REAL reviews.  If it passes the muster I'll get it; that is unless the devs knuckle under to woke stupidity....like they almost always do.

    I hope the writing on the wall  about catering to "wokeness" will result in failure is large enough and bright enough that this and other ventures move away from this bullshit.

    • Agree 2
  3. 10 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Hogwarts Legacy is NOT failing the way narrowminded wokesters wanted it to....needed it to.

    And I am loving every second of it.

    Games, books, movies etc. serve to entertain. If it is a "safe zone" all the time, things will get boring also not to mention people won't learn how to deal with trouble.

    Life, real life, doesn't have "safe zones". The quicker you learn to deal with troubles, the quicker you can have a happier life.


    • Like 1
  4. 14 hours ago, vancleef said:

    Vociferous Anti Gun Activist has now killed more people with a firearm than 99% of legal owners...

    I know he is blaming the prop master in charge of the gun, however, had he been a bit more experienced, the discharge wouldn't have happened. Even fucking blanks can do serious damage if handled improperly... 

    • Agree 1
  5. 34 minutes ago, Reepa7 said:

    2025...then another two years to wait for "necessary" mods. GTA 6 MIGHT be out before then.

    It's going to take time. It is a compllete rework of both. Likely they aren't a big team like that would be found at an game studio. I say, take the time necessary.


    4 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Please Lord let it be good.

    It can't be worse than the official games :P

    On a serious note, can they be sued or have this project shut down? If Bugthesda gets jealous that is.

  6. On 12/19/2022 at 4:30 PM, endgameaddiction said:


    I'm glad Jay Leno is fine. I was worried. I was expecting a really bad outcome. Glad he still retains his sense of humor.

    He is correct. There are many people that get hurt working every day.  He didn't complain. Great guy. 

    He has the ability to get the very best treatment for his burn. He is one of those people that knows that others don't have that options. Hyperbaric chamber is expensive.

  7. 42 minutes ago, LadySmoks said:

    Never underestimate Pravda. Tell me when the DEMOCRAT Party became the "Democratic" Party? Was this announced somewhere? Or did they simply poll test it, and begin calling their party an adjective (which does NOT describe them... or any person, place or thing), and the media simply picked up the ball and ran with it.

    They call themselves "the party of Jefferson". Yet, he was a Democratic REPUBLICAN. An adjective, describing a noun.

    In some "public" libraries, The Bible is either banned, placed in the fiction section, or comes with a woke warning label.

    This crap came in the last 10 to 20 years. Never under esitmate greed and power, and the willingness of sheep to walk off a cliff and drag others with them when made to fear sufficiently.


    It just morphed from the original parties of the founding fathers of the country. Slowly changing over time but generally the same.

  8. 3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Politicians lie?

    Not sure if everyone is experiencing this but the government has been quietly removing or lowering taxes (locally) to offset the inflation instead of addressing the extreme profit driven companies due to it being a tax year. They need the mega corps to give them money for advertisement to get into office and don't want to cause trouble. Also, want to look like things are better so that they can get the common (uneducated ) voters to vote for them. 

    From what I can see, this is really happening hard in Democratic controlled areas.

    • Confused 1
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  9. 3 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

    My husband said a while ago that they would eventually rewrite this part of history to eventually make Lincoln a Democrat(ic). And so it begins.


    Well currently he is still a republican... just did a party shift (to a make up party) in order to get elected. It would be very hard to change him to a democrat to many history buffs will fight that. The only reason I think that stands is he did technically run as a "National Union Party" member to get elected.

    History knows this was to attract other groups that otherwise wouldn't vote for him.  (Republican)


    • Agree 2
  10. 10 hours ago, vancleef said:

    So much dumb. I just...I can't...



    who doesn't know this?  OH, yes. I see. I understand... lol 

    Another celebrity sticking their nose into shit they don't even take time to fact check. 


    To be honest.... I would be happy to get a 70's super beetle. Might need some TLC to keep going but... keep going it will!  I've seen some pretty bad ones and they start up and run. split frame, runs, engine mount missing, runs doesn't run, clean the gas line.. turn key, watch it run. Doors rusted out and tied off, runs. You practically can't kill that dam car.

    (wouldn't want to get a car collision into the side though ;)  however, after they pick your body parts out... yep , still runs... lol)

    • Like 1
  11. On 11/16/2022 at 2:39 PM, endgameaddiction said:

    Lets go green and use electric vehicles for everyone, but let's also noot charge them because the energy grid can't take everyone charging their cars.🤪

    I can't see why they can't hvae the power they need. Just link with another state and buy their excess. There are grids that expand many states in the US, why can't they? Are they too good for power from elsewhere. Sure it will costs (and likely cost more) but if they want their zero emissions dream, I can't see another way. I don't see the current tech being able to keep up with the demands that are being placed on it. Can it, sure. how to? stop using electricity like they currently are using it. Personal solar panels powering your house, (everybody including those that are poor) More energy efficient devices (move Hollywood as they need powerful computers to make all the special effects and edit and work movies. ) Hell their lights take more than most homes use. I know someone that went to school for that shit. he had the equipment and needed to make a small movie (think 20 minutes or so) The lights and equipment blew the circuit breakers (of a house that has recently been properly upgraded) so many times. He finally went and got a generator to help supplement the power needed. Them thar lights are very bright!

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, vancleef said:

    This. We can't rely on oil forever but for fuck's sake it's what powers everything right now. I swear to Baby Jeebus that some of my Liberal friends have no clue how food gets to the supermarket. Do they think we have teleportation hubs? Trucks deliver it. They sneer at the truck drivers out of one side of their mouths, telling them to go back to school and then bitch out the other side about the price of Hummus. Naive dummies.

    You want solar cells and electric cars? Of course you can have them one day. But get your heads out of your asses and accept it can't happen overnight.

    Before cars etc. we had an very extensive train system. Where I live there are remnants of train tracks and bridges which are systematically being removed anddiscarded. Correct me if I am wrong, a train gallon of fuel is used way more effectively than a semi truck. 

    On that matter, every major and many less major street where I live had trolley systems in place. Way more energy effective and cheap to run from what I have read. Every time they do some major work I see the workers either cutting the tracks or digging them out completely. The latter if it is a major project.

    Electric cars use energy. Depending on what is being used to supply that energy. Most times it is coal in my area, some nucular power plants as well. Not very energy efficient. Just deferring the polution elsewhere. I for one don't like the electric cars. Hybrids are ok and pretty good solution. I don't like electric cars, wait for a couple of hours to fill it up? People unpluggin it while you aren't there. Lots of bullshit going on with the way they have it setup. Also all the resources needed (often rare) requiring major mining of the components to create these cars. Not sure if they can recycle it properly and safely with minimum pollution when done.

    Just trying to virtue signal that is all they are doing.

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  13. 1 hour ago, LadySmoks said:

    So, research says that cat girls (Neko) is somewhat popular fantasy stuff. So, decided to give it a go...


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    Here kitty kitty kitty!


    Although, asking her for a BJ may not be the wisest thing to do...



    Meow! :P

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