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Posts posted by ritualclarity

  1. 5 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


    And the original ad.



    Glad to see other countries like Africa, Egypt and now India not falling for the western indoctrination. They already destroyed most of the traditional values in the west, they want to do the same for the rest of the world.

    This coming just a short time after the Bud Light failure.  Where is the marketing research?

    • Like 1
  2. On 5/3/2023 at 9:21 AM, LadySmoks said:


    Simple answer is NO! Not unless you include yourself in the "illegal alien" category!

    Well... If I am an alien from another planet... and came here without any paperwork/ citizenship.. I would be an "illegal alien"... correct ?  😁


    • Like 1
  3. On 5/1/2023 at 1:26 PM, Kendo 2 said:

    It's a Special Needs course.  You'll be okay.

    My brain hurts too much. I tried.. and failed.

    1.  cant ignore facts,

    2. I can't ignore reality

    3. I can't ignore common sense

    I just can't.  Stupid shit like hiring a Trans Influencer for a company which is 99% conservative Cis gender (male)   and think that it won't cause troubles. To be clear, it isn't that the person they chose can't be part of some marketing for a company, just that it is stupid to use this person for THIS company.

    • Agree 1
  4. On 5/1/2023 at 8:20 PM, endgameaddiction said:



    Im outraged... betterbatchlor read that he will keep his preferred pronouns of He/him and he kept on saying she.  The report that he stated was wrong when they used HE when they were respectful of his preferred pronouns.  5:03...  Come on, it isn't that hard to do...


    :P LOL 

    • Haha 1
  5. On 4/20/2023 at 4:40 PM, endgameaddiction said:


    One of my mother's favorite songs.

    I miss read the title.. I thought Johnny Cash did a version of this... lol.

    your mother is correct, this is a great song. I don't think I can ever get tired of listening to this one.

    Another classic (actually I don't recall any songs from this band that I didn't like) I remember a version of this song being used for California  raisins..



    Which version did you see / remember if you were alive when this was a commercial.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 22 hours ago, vancleef said:

    Oh, it's everywhere in gaming, I assure you!
    My main hobby (and career, for that matter) is painting Historical and Fantasy Miniatures. The last time I posted a photo of recent work on Facebook, in less than five comments, the discussion devolved into a political rant. It's sad but kind of hilarious at the same time.
    The photo below of a group of miniatures from my own collection, representing a band of Pulp Heroes from one of my wargaming club's recent games, resulted in the SECOND comment in the thread bashing Imperialism. 
    Imperialism. Under a photo of fucking Toy Soldiers? I was laughing and fuming at the same time.


    Im sorry and want to make you feel at home by starting a devolving conversation but I haven't graduated SJW, Woke college. I have yet to attend! :P


    Great job on the painting and details by the way.

    • Haha 1
  7. Speaking of Kotaku...


    I personally like "holes"... :P



    It it Kotaku's goal to be taken off all the gaming, console reviews because they are insulting every single one...

    Short answer YES.

    Long answer, they are WOKE AS FUCK.

    HOLY SHIT...  I spent some time looking over their site and such ... GOD DAM!  HOLY SHIT... WOW...

    A review of a console by someone that has a phobia of holes. NO meaningful content regarding the XBOX only bullshit regarding their feelings about the design of the console.



    • Haha 2
  8. 8 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Trans shilling pay day!

    First someone that was still in transition (looked like still had a lot of muscle from when not taking hormones) won.. scratch that, dominated the division Then afterwards .. not years later, but a short time later, deciding to go back?  That is entirely the main point of most of the people that are complaining about this shit.

    Just look at the thickness of the neck alone and tell me that they were on hormones for a long time.

  9. 11 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

    AND... Folling the fine example of San Fran, NYC will soon deploy their own "Robocops"! I kid you not!!!



    Before robotics and such, the way they added to the policing efficiency was grass roots programs. Community outreach. Walking the beat. etc.  Now apparently rolling trash cans are what is needed.

    • Agree 1
  10. On 4/7/2023 at 3:46 PM, LadySmoks said:

    It goes further. Simple matter of leftists keeping blacks down, then riding in to be the savior. Right now in Philly, a gaggle of dems are campaigning on... more cops, prosecuting criminals, clean streets, etc etc etc. Philly has been run by dems for decades. The current mayor is a dem. Just as NYC, Adams (former cop) ran on fixing everything, and has only continued leftist agenda of destroying the city.

    Before Covid, Walmart was to open a store in a bad area of Baltimore or DC (forget which). Local jobbs, paying taxes to local area, a place for locals to shop, etc... Leftist city council passed laws that stores like Walmart (Walmart was the only one to be affected) would have to pay some ridiculous minimal wage, insurance, have a union, etc. Walmart said they would build a new store somewhere else.

    I have seen local governments enact laws based on size etc. Basically that is intended to effect Walmart type stores when they get a wiff of a company deciding they might open a store. They claim they are doing so to protect local businesses etc. Problem is, the area that they are building in is severely economically depressed. Not much in the way of businesses and not much service to the local community. That is the reason they are thinking of building there.  One thing if it is a healthy local community and they do that, quite a different thing if it is a severely undeserved community. High unemployment etc.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    What a moron. Her court case for domestic battery was dropped. Everything else was added due to her stupidity. Driving while drunk, open liquor. Assaulting an officer. ... just stupid. They (the officers) wanted to just take care of some quick business.  Didn't really care about the other shit. Her actions caused it all to pile on her.

    I don't know why they kept on engaging her in her stupid conversations instead of keeping the conversation focused on what was needed to be done. I worked previously at a hospital. Dealt with many mental unstable people like her.  Basics. keep on subject. Orient the person to what is going on and is going to happen, give limited repeated instructions along with info as to what will happen if non-compliance occurs.

    Finally, does it look like she doesn't have any eye balls in the clip sample above. lol

    • Like 1
  12. 18 hours ago, vancleef said:

    As far as I'm concerned, anyone who wants to defend MS 13 should be locked up with them for a month. Bet that would change their minds real quick, assuming they survived.

    You don't even have to be locked up with them. Just be forced to live in communities that they are prevalent in. Communities that were destroyed by them.

    • Agree 1
  13. 6 hours ago, vancleef said:

    Fuck you San Fran...


    $27.6 million this year in police overtime to make up for the shortage of officers

    How about this. Hire people. Give them jobs... Combat unemployment.

    Shortages in staff is directly the responsibility of those in charge. Not the responsibility of the tax payers and they shouldn't have to shell out even more money due to improper management. 

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