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Posts posted by ritualclarity

  1. 3 hours ago, Nessa said:

    I'll wait a year. Check the modding scene. If it's a decently active scene, maybe I'll pick the game up for a huge discount. But I'm not optimistic. 😆

    If history proves correct, there will likely be little if any discount a year later.

    I think companies have caught on that people will wait a year to get the game (fixed bugs, added DLCs and other such things will be present) and they don't lower the prices.

  2. 4 hours ago, zilvradrow said:

    After the updates and patches, the game is as it should have been at release. After upgrading my PC a bit (R7 5700X, RTX 3060ti, 32GB RAM) it's also fun to play with ray tracing at 1440p. There is still room for improvement, but the frame rates are now reasonably stable at around 70 FPS, and almost all of the graphic bugs have been eliminated.

    Sometimes i ask myself, why i bought this Game before Release,? Maybe I should have waited a little longer.

    For the most part any reliable source that sells the game is still about the cost when it was released so no real reason to wait for purchase. That is of course if you weren't one of those that bought the game before release.

    The need to wait till release of a game, at least until solid reliable reviews and real game footage has been released can't be stressed enough. If companies want pre-purchase they need to release proper review copies. Not only to their fan boys but to those that will be critical to their game. (critical but fair)

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  3. 19 hours ago, bjornk said:

    @endgameaddiction I always use my browser in incognito/private mode and I just launched it to watch a "Kotor let's play" on Youtube and this is what YT suggests me to watch... which means they're tracking me using my IP address and because I've watched one of the videos you posted above, they recommend me to watch another. I watched your video on late Saturday or early Sunday by the way, in other words, it's been more than a day since I watched it.


    Likely IP, service provider (in case you do something wrong... hack etc) as well as the OS and perhaps even the version. There is a lot of info that some can obtain when you use their service. I use VPN and change it regularly... still they use other search histories to pose watch list that is related to whatever I watched and what others watch based on what they have seen. All this AI shit is getting quite tedious.

  4. 12 hours ago, bjornk said:

    14:32 I'm glad to see more and more people realize this fact.

    Calling today's gaming industry in a "dark age" means that we will be in a renaissance. A time when games will again be special. I don't think that.

    10 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Voting with your wallet is an extremely long game to play before it really has an impact on a AAA studio/pub. And along the way they'll lie and tell you they got the hint just to get you to buy their games again, but until they start facing near bankruptcy and these suits start to scram, nothing will change. It just takes enough amount of people to play that game. I wish he'd touch up on pre-orders as well.

    Voting with your wallet requires tens of thousands and even millions of people effectively boycotting these games. Clearly signalling that this isn't acceptable. Not possible with a consumer base that is easily distracted... much like the dog in UP.. "squirrel " .  Case inn point is the "boycott" of Hogwarts. Wasn't effective and in fact actually backfired. (however, at least that is a good game.)

    5 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    You know, that almost happened here in Las Vegas with slot machines and gambling tables. A lot of it has changed for many years now. It's more like Mardi Gras where it's much much more about hanging out in the strip and going from one bar to another. There are still slot machines and gambling tables, but it's been heavily reduced in downtown strip. Because my generation and so on aren't really interested in that. So a lot of casino and resorts have had to adapt to the changes in order to get with the times.

    I don't think video games will phase out. I think most humans are too weak and give in to their addiction to gaming, thus continue to enrich these companies and shareholders. The industry at this point holds too much power to ever crash again. Not unless people were to do as I mentioned in my previous post, but let's not kid ourselves, we live in an age where a lot of people over glorify brands and white knight bad practices. These people have the least interest in the betterment of a once amazing and niche hobby. That's why I will always oppose mainstream. Because once it starts gaining traction, it gets the wrong attention and corporations start sticking their dirty fingers where they don't belong and fill it with their poison. It happened with the movie and music industry in the U.S. and that's why the norm is mediocre to complete trash. And it's like McDonald's, Garbage that most people seem to be content with and still buy. I'll never understand that.

    It is also difficult when people will go spend 2000 dollars on a graphics card.  There are people that have so much money that they view spending 100-200 or even more for something they enjoy well worth the cost. It is hard to fight that. Once gaming went mainstream we lost.

    • Agree 1
  5. Quote

    "Don't say gay"

    I remember when their community  openly embraced the term "GAY" and owned it. Defying anyone trying to put them down. Many people that I know and have known were that way.  I remember one time someone said "say it don't spray it" with their characteristic swagger.

    This is what they called themselves when referencing their sexual preferences. Who are they to dictate something that their own community uses?

    If tomorrow the long term "gay" friends of the family, other friends that are homosexual on Facebook, etc. state this is something we no longer say. and this "insert word" is the proper term. I will stop right away. as far as I can tell this the case where people outside the community are more offended by something that those inside the community and deciding they will be there "savior" and come to their rescue and prevent something they really don't give a shit about. Instead of actually listening to rational individuals that belong to that community as to what they need. 

    (of course not the crazy left wingers )

  6. Quote

    It is about school systems changing curriculum to fit the woke agenda,

    That is exactly what I am talking about.  It could be whatever (book) doesn't need to be "educational". Having children develop a habit and passion about reading is beneficial. Lord knows if you seen the books that were available for students when I was in school.... There weren't many "educational" ones. Teachers in my day would encourage students to read, read, read whatever interested them. There was one  class I had for a couple of weeks we would read (something) and discuss it and what appealed to us in the class. That developed reading comprehension as well as interpersonal communications with peers. One could even state it covered speech as well.

    When books are removed that would appeal to children that go to that library then they are censoring and harming children.  Where I live it is so important that many adults have little huts (looks like large bird cages) in their front yard with various books in them to read for FREE. They range from little children to more complex stories that would interest adults.  the content changes frequently!  Some are classics and some are best sellers.

    Well as you can tell I am a big believer on freedom of info, materials even if it is just fluff (say romance novel) anything that provides stimulation of your brain from reading is something I want to protect. This includes authors work retaining  its integrity. No re-writes. Regardless of how it offends you.

    After all most people read for entertainment. Not for education only.

  7. 11 hours ago, vancleef said:

    Only if it's Dr Seuss or Huckleberry Finn! Otherwise, it's censorship!

    It's hilarious that  a few years ago Libtards were banning books and it was okay. Now, Florida wants to take a couple off the shelf and they're Nazis?


    10 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

    Ahhh! But Florida is not "banning" anything, simply removing books from classrooms that have zero educational value. IF a child or parent wishes, those books ARE available at libraries, book stores or probably some leftist online store.

    They haven't been banned, or re-written, as leftists have been doing... or changing the definitions of words to fit a narrative!

    I remember when they changed the definition of "anti-vaxxer" from people who refused to get a vaccination to anyone that doesn't think they government should force people to get one. That was done because of Trump. He got his shots, and even recommended that people get them, but said the government shouldn't force it with mandates. Gotta shoot down Trump, even if it means changing the rules mid game!!!

    The problem is that they are removing appropriate books. Hiding them from students. There are students that won't or even can't buy the book otherwise. Making it harder for students to obtain materials to read is censorship every bet as much as having the book re-authored /edited to remove any offending materials.

    When I went to school, the only books that were not available were those with extreme content, adult materials etc. Then as you went through school (to high school etc.) you got access to some more mature books. Many books that are on most "list" are the classics that many adults and mature adults had access to, read and are fine now. No damage.

    Removing the books isn't the solution. Some will find it. Outside of an educational environment.  Some books haven't aged well and do  have racist and classist and other offending materials.  This isn't bad.. preventing them from exposure to materials only insulate them not give them the experience and understanding and knowledge that they are suppose to be learning.

    In school there were some books that were referenced. The instructors were aware of the content and there were some time to discuss the materials. Open discussion of the period and what it was like. It was very useful to many students as they didn't know what it was like in the past.  As a result I believe I grew up more open minded and more willing to look at materials and issues and give proper consideration.

    As they say, you don't study history and its faults, you are bound to repeat them.

    As for zero educational value... I beg to differ. Reading is the educational value. Having a child read books that are their interest is a value in it's self.  It doesn't have to be a history book, or a classic book. which educators state is of "value". 


    • Like 1
  8. 23 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Question: Does dual wielding exist in Fallout 4, or is it still the same as FO3 and FNV?

    Other than a mod (if there are any) I don't think so.

    (never said it was the best game, just the Easter eggs were good in the old fallout games. )


  9. Did anyone get the game? It looks good on reviews.  Lord knows they sold a shit ton of this game. LOL.  Many SJWs are crying in their soy milk. (many on my Facebook page. Didn't know I knew so many SJWs!  Holy fuck! lol)


  10. 20 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    The dialogue choices were obvously funny. But the rag doll is the cherry on top. It wouldn't be funny to me today with their newer games, because it's like a joke being told over and over and over. It loses it's humor and gets old.

    That's the reason for good writers. People that can be creative inserting gems into the story line where they work. Not this forced crap that they think is funny now. I can't remember a single event in Fallout 4 that hit me like the weakest joke in Fallout 3 or NV. Sad. They had it, then lost it.  I believe they lost it when they decided to chase customers and become more all inclusive. Dumbing down the game didn't help either.

    • Agree 1
  11. On 1/30/2023 at 1:42 PM, endgameaddiction said:


    I remember doing that with one of my bad  karma play through. It was hilarious! 

    This is the hidden shit that people can find and make the game worth playing. Funny pokes at society, hidden easter eggs and special events like this.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, vancleef said:

    Haha! Didn't the corporations learn anything after Gillette's Toxic Masculinity $5 Billion Fail?
    Wizards Of The Coast And Dungeons & Dragons Executive Kyle Brink Demands White Males Leave Tabletop Gaming - Bounding Into Comics

    They finally hit mainstream and now want to be shitheads. 

    I have a sugestion to everybody that likes the idea of D&D but don't like their fuckingn subscriptions and other acts. use the previous versions. Simple as that. IN fact there are plenty of PDF copies of those books on the web.  

    If the company continues to be dick heads, their 'subscription" will only be used for someone to capture the data and release it onto the web for free. Further costing them profit. 

    Not cool, and not the way to run a buisness.  they should be building loyality and inclusion and making people feel like they belong and are appreciated. This will build their company and provide loyality (prevent pirating) and help their bottom line. Not to mention in this unique industry, having contribution and ideas for free from the users of their product. 

    Shit like this is dying. Example the new game released Hogworts Legacy.. it is making record sales before it was even released. Sony hasn't even given out their numbers (from my last check) but If I recall correctly over 500,000 copies sold ... from Steam alone. FREE ADVERTISMENT. 

    In cases where companies decide to cut off a large amout of customers due to left wing leaning idology. The verdict is in. They loose. EACH AND EVERY TIME.  Even people that aren't "insert left wing idology" are turned off with this bullshit.  LOSE, LOSE SITUATION. 

    • Agree 1
  13. I haven't been interested in G4 since they killed Scrreensavers. (Frosk)  I liked the old crew there. :(

    I don't consider Youtubers anything special and thus I know nothing about Pool. (at least a Google search shown this... lol)  That whole platform could go belly up as far as I am concerned. I do find some useful info occasionally but have to wade through bait shit first to find those few gems.

    Oh and talking about cringeworthy... Whey you find Youtubers being more balanced and through in their reporting than main stream reporters and news channels in the US... well that is very scary.

  14. On 2/6/2023 at 11:11 PM, Kendo 2 said:

    Same here.  Been playing Gears of War 2 some.  I'm pretty much over Bethesda and the fanbase.

    Yea. but it isn't Bugthesda. It is the entire gaming industry. The past 5-9 years has been horrible. Even the golden child CD Project Red royally fucked up with their release.  Bioware killed a asset (Mass Effect) With their bullshit. There are many other examples.

    Having a game that is delivered, functional (of course we can have a day one patch. ) and true to what they stated they would deliver. BIG change. Then if we can have some SJW cry in their soy milk... all the better.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

    I don't know if I'm going to buy it yet.  Probably will wait for them to patch it and maybe some dlcs will come out.

    I have to admit even though it isn't "my cup of tea" it isn't bad looking and looks like they did a decent job of creating it. The no microtransactions is a plus. Even if you have to buy DLCs and such, it is much improved over what we had in the past from game companies. Lets hope that is something from the past and going forward they will be much better. Another encouraging aspect is they announce that they won't be releasing it for the older generation consoles due to more work needed. It is refreshing that a company actually states .. hey, this is hard, it will take a bit but we will continue and release it later.

    I am like you a bit. I want to see actual game play and open reviews. I don't know the reviewers that I have been able to see regarding the game. Not sure if they are fan boys of the franchise or even the producer.  If all is as indicated, I might do as you are planing to do. There will be a day one patch. Not sure they will release a dlc until much later due to them still working on the old consoles. but then they might have their structure setup for the development separate from those working on the older consoles etc.

    It looks like one of the good games. A game that might be worthy of buying from the hundreds that have been released recently. The other one I have seen that seems to be good is Stray but that is well out side of my cup of tea. (it is about a cat) extremely interesting and from reviews well done.

    I'd kind of wish Hogwarts Legacy was released on PC at the same time. (I assume it is only console) However, with the shit that has b een released. If a company can just create a good game for one platform (or just consoles not sure how complex it is to work on multiple ones) that would be a breath of fresh air.

    I've gotten board of my old games and haven't actually played any games for months. Occasionally a few hours on my xbox when I had the subscription but a couple of months ago I stopped paying for that as I didn't use it. Nothing was interesting or inspiring.

  16. Popular? ResetEra? has anyone here ever went there?


    Also you are asking for a buttload of hurt attacking a writer like her. lol.


    Also those in leftist communities, thank you for all that free advertisement you are giving the game.

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