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9 Screenshots

About This File

Sexy hooker stuff! I always hated the way the vanilla prostitute outfits look. This mod addresses that.


The REPLACER file simply adds the reworked prostitute meshes as vanilla replacers to the game. There isn’t an ESP. It doesn’t change anything that isn’t obvious.
The FULL version adds the vanilla replacers, six new outfits and manicured nails to all of the affected outfits, vanilla included.


In-game, type the tilde (~) and then type coc 11k2ggcell and ENTER. You will be teleported to the pick up cell. The items are in the steamer trunk in front of you. FastTravel to exit the cell. The trunk respawns every three game days.


dimon99 for Type3
izumiko for the Merry Widow sleeve mesh
Humannature66 for the manicured nails meshes
Kendo 2 for everything else


Do not repackage my content. If you want to use this mod in your own works that is fine, just make my mod a required file. Do not submit my content to other game sites.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

wow your textures are much better than the others I have tried. nice work.

Elf Prince

· Edited by Elf Prince

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This looks awesome my friend. Your girls are always hot and sexy. Thank you very much.


Do you know if this mod will conflict with MAria Eden prostitution since it adds tavern cloths to the prostitutes?




Could someone tell me how to make this mod work?

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