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Posted (edited)

Never been into GTA, much less cared about it. But this very sad news indeed. I feel bad for them having to go through this. The best way to get back at Take-Two and Rockstar is to stop buying their games as a form of boycott when that next game comes out and watch those sales not reach their expectations. Corps only care about money and if you hit them where it hurts, they'll take notice. And very quick. But the way these publishers and game developers are going these days, who knows. ME:A was a fail and instead EA decided to opt out of that sequel instead of fixing the problem. Take-Two could do the same with Rockstar and the GTA franchise.

Again, this is the perfect opportunity for CD Projekt Red to shine more than they do by going full mode for mod support on Cyberpunk 2077 and watch them take off while people jump on it for the quality of their games and the mod support. I do hope they are taking notes on Bethesda and Take-Two.

Edited by Guest

Does those tools actual circumvent any security "features". If it does somehow does this, I can understand it... to a point at least until that part was corrected and create a save on that level. If it doesn't then as Matt states ... FUCK YOU Take Two.

Yes, I agree the mods that have been created have actually caused my purchase of the game just for the ability of modding.

Making my hobby starting to cost too much... I will be seriously turned off of the game, gaming, and all gaming related aspects of this.

Now, lets wait and look at how many sales they will get now.... I think it will be a whole lot less.


'Mods will always be free', says Bethesda and their fanboys.  T2 just scuttled a community that's at least ten yrs old for no reason other than $money$.  T2 has been added to my 'will never buy anything from you list'.  I was looking forward to RDR2 but I'll be passing on that game now.

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Posted (edited)

Since I don't follow this game or the game developer and the publisher, don't know much history. But do know that corporations think a like. Regardless if they have witch hunted the site and tools that were used to hack on their MMO game, they don't care about whether or not OpenIV wasn't the problem. Which leaves me to believe that their battle in this won't have a change of heart in this backstab since it's said they already have made their money off GTA:V and are focusing on making their money from GTA Online. If that's true, the best course of action is to take that knife and stab them right back as well as a form of not buying their next sequel.  No mods? No buy motha#$(&! xD



Edited by Guest

The mod tools according to the above video report has done everything correctly. Single player modding only, clean room techniques etc, etc. There is no foundation for the removal of the tools this late. If they had an issue this should have been addressed early on when it was first being developed.

I had originally thought that perhaps there was some reason like dirty codes, or using their game assets, or even allowed hacking of the online components. These I think we can agree would be at least an acceptable reason to stop them at least until they fixed the offending content and was not causing game issues or using their assets etc. Now if the report above is true,which I have no reason to think otherwise.... Well... Fuck you Take Two.

This is totally uncalled for for something that has been allowed to go on of years. If they what to change things then address this issue with future games released. Tell the users that modding the game won't be accepted etc. Not say  this after years of people buying this game which I am sure a good % of them bought them for the purpose of modding.




The more I look at this situation and others that are similar, it's fanboys and shill staff members on forums who are the vocal minority and want to dismiss valid criticism of games, developers and publishers.  Get away from the game forums and go to Reddit, 4Chan or Youtube and you'll see a different perspective.  If left to Nexus or Lover's Lab, games like FO4 and ME Andromeda would be smash hits and GOTY material.  Yeah, FO4 got some half-assed lowercase 'goty' pusillanimous accolade.  Bethesda, 2015's King of the Mercy Fuck.

Now I see the same thing happening in the GTA5 community.  Fanboys and shills are somehow defending T2's dick move.  It's fucking surreal.

I think T2 did this because they've sold all of the game units they think they need to sell and mods are doing what mods do; giving the game longevity.  If people are stuck on a modded GTA5 single player experience they have no reason to bother with the online version OR buy micro-transactions.  T2 wants more money and they think killing GTA5 modding will make that happen.  Anyone with common sense knows it won't since gamers are a fickle bunch and we'll turn on a developer/publisher like a pack of rabid hyenas if they fuck with our games...or if they hype and then deliver a shit product.  AC Unity, Valve Paid Modding, FO4 and ME Andromeda are prime examples gamers not taking the assfucking corporations think we should.

Mark my words, Bethesda's 'Starfield' won't be the old modding experience.  If T2 gets away with this modding prohibition it will set an industry precedent.  And if the Bethesda Creation Club thing doesn't die on the vine they will make a move to control or limit Starfield modding.



Yes, I see their move as a move to get more money. It is possible they might be thinking of doing like Bethesda has announced and create a section where THEY control the mods and such and can make more money... those that complain they will tell them it is for the security of their computer, UN-supervied mods are dangerous or some other bull shit like that.

Also agree it might be because they gotten what they want out of the game and having it go longer isn't helping gather up interest in a new one. Also if the mod authors are making it "better" in any way... it shows up the company as well. It makes it harder for them to give out shit for the next game.

There is writing on the way that is pointing to where the game companies want to control the modding scene to their advantage, money, resources, bug fixes, future features whatever. They are tying to tap the free and near free labor and talents of people without giving them proper $$$ for their work. Why hire someone when they can get the work for free?


Sounds like Take-Two got some sense beat into them. Anyhow, good for the mod community.


Unfortunately something like this will never happen in the Bethesda 'community'.  Bethesda Game Studios sides with users and modders against a Bethesda Softworks money-hungry power grab.  Yeah, cool story bro. :D

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