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To ENB or not to ENB

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Reinstalling NV ( got to grab the Enclave stuff from this game as well! ) and for the hell of it I may as well mod it out.  Thing is with my new computer NV with just texture mods installed looks great as is.  So I would like to ask others on this forum what ENB they use, Reshade, or if not any ENB suggest more texture mods or packs.  

Currently I use VFO, NMC, Ojo Bueno, Vault 22 Flora Overhaul, Wasteland Clothing High Res, Mojave Delight ( and its addons ), Audley's Misc Textures.  I use the High choice of texture packs when optional.   Oh I use Nevada Skies.

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I would highly recommend ENB. For FNV, I don't know. I haven't been on either FNV or FO3 in a very very long time. But my favorite for both were The ENB of the Apocalypse by Shrutesh. But it all depends on your  taste. For Fallout 3 Midhrastic ENB was a really good one too. Really made Fallout 3 shine with the atmosphere it has in that game. I haven't kept up with either games so there are probably other really good one's out there. I know people tend to take one and tweak it around to their liking.

I would also go on the enbdev threads for FNV and FO3. Some people in that community do some really insanely good presets.

I'm not sure about reshade. Never used it. Didn't even know it was a thing for anything older than SSE and FO4, to be honest. I have heard it's not as good as ENB, though.

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3 hours ago, Nailos18 said:

Reinstalling NV ( got to grab the Enclave stuff from this game as well! ) and for the hell of it I may as well mod it out.  Thing is with my new computer NV with just texture mods installed looks great as is.  So I would like to ask others on this forum what ENB they use, Reshade, or if not any ENB suggest more texture mods or packs.  

Currently I use VFO, NMC, Ojo Bueno, Vault 22 Flora Overhaul, Wasteland Clothing High Res, Mojave Delight ( and its addons ), Audley's Misc Textures.  I use the High choice of texture packs when optional.   Oh I use Nevada Skies.

I am redoing my FNV as well. So I am interested in your load order... (off subject :P)

However, to get back on the subject, I'd recomend that you continue to build up your load order till you have it "just right" and forget the ENB for now. Enjoy your textures and mesh mods and re-entry into FNV for now. Do at least one good serious play through to test these newer mods and your old favorites and fix those issues that you might come across. Then after at least one good play through and if you are confident all things are fixed and you still have enough head room for an ENB look at that then.

People just start tossing ENB's into their system right off the bat without looking at the alternatives. Setting up a nice well optimized textures and mesh packs for example. Environmental, Clothing and excellent body meshes and textures can do so much to improve your game. Adding a solid weather and lighting mod to suit is the next step. 

For example I went through and reworked my textutes for skyrim and have been asked which ENB I used... :P

Warning large photos below



The above are from Skyrim,however, it does show that you can really make a difference with just textures meshes, weather and lighting mods. These were taken on a old system with a GTX670 2gbVram system. ;) It took alot of work, yes but in time I was able to get all the desirable results, make the game custom to my liking with armors and weathers and lighting( even make Whiterun look ooh so good) and still had a ton of space (overhead) to run heavily scripted mods, companions and other such things without any issues.

Hope that helps. You have the skills to mod the game to this level and perhaps even beyond it :P Then if you want an ENB you can enhance your experience even more.

Skyrim Test (100).jpg

Skyrim Test (80).jpg

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True, sad part is this computer has Windows 10 on it.  And I seem to be one of the unlucky ones with issues.  Will grab load order and post it for you in a bit, making chili atm.

Attached my current load order, haven't installed Mojave Delight or any character overhaul's.



Currently redoing my F3 install as well.  I seem to have messed up a few world meshes in my previous install.  Plus this time I want to use http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/5633/?  Hmm, I should load that into NV geck and get those in NV as well.

Attached picture of my current F3, this is with improved textures only, no ENB.



Ok, so installing the ENB dll into my NV folder seems to make me have a constant black screen, but game still works.  So ENB is out of the question.

And here you go Ritual, my current load order after redoing install again haha. Current Load Order.txt

Edited by Nailos18
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