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seems that every few months my Skyrim decides to torment me stopping working :(

everything started more then 1 month ago, when microsoft decided to pass an upgrade for my win10. after that upgrade skyrim completely stopped to launch. starting it from the steam launcher it simply wouldn't start, giving no error message or anything, doing the same from mod manager i got an error message, so i started browsing the web looking for a solution. first i found a lot of fancy (but useless) answers and suggestion, then i found out that the problem was the d3d9.dll coming with ENB that seems not to be compatible with the updated win10

i tried removing it and the game started again, but of course ENB wouldn't work any more and i got several problems... so i decided i would wait some time to see if they upgraded ENB. after almost 2 months it hasn't been updated and i found a post in the ENB forum where the creator said he wasn't going to look for that problem nor trying to fix it...  so i decided i would play without ENB (sob :sick:) and tried removing it and the mods i had that used/depended on it... i think i removed all of them and started a new game, yet now i have a lot of problem i hadn't before :(

1) The game CTDs every few minutes.

2) I can never load a saved game directly, i need to pretend to start a new game, then instead of creating the PC, when i'm in LAL cell, i can load saved games.

3) sometimes (too many times) when i save the game, it takes several minutes instead of a few seconds and when it does so that save is corrupted and can't be loaded in any way (i get the message "the file is corrupted and can't be loaded)

4) i can't take screenshots even if i have checked the .ini files and screenshots are enabled (bAllowScreenshots=1)


since i didn't add any new mod (except a few presets) i only removed a few ones, i expected the game to work better, not worse...  my best guess is that my .INI files, that were optimized for ENB usage, aren't ok without it... but i can't remember what i had added/changed when i installed ENB. i could revert to the original .INI files but i had more or less the same problems when i started playing and i had to tweak them a lot of time in order to get the game working...  any idea of where i could find some good already tweaked .INI files for using without ENB ?


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Reinstalling STEAM will clear all of the old dlls and install new ones.  I had to do that after the 'paid mods' update STEAM did back in 2015.  Skyrim refused to load because the update didn't agree with the mods I had installed and my old game registry.

NOTE! I would check for other options before doing this.  Use it as a last resort.

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