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Clipping with HDT


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Bone weight values differ from one skeleton to another.  It doesn't matter if two skeletons both have butt and breast bones.  Probably will have to clear the Parent and then Child the dress to the skeleton being used.  The bone weight copy should work...unless the bone weights in the _0 mesh differ from the ones in the _1 mesh.  That will cause clipping when the body scale is changed in-game; usually 00-50 work as intended.  Clipping might start at 75 and be the worst at 100.

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8 hours ago, Doublezero said:

The dress probably doesn't have the HDT weights on them. I can take a look at them and see what the problem is.

I try to convert your set to uunp hdt through outfit studio. In those images i only copy bone weight of belly breast and butt you know follow some tutorial. But after copy all others bone weight like shoulder, spine ect i have less clipping

Edited by kboom
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