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NMM 0.61.+ Tutorial, help and support

Elf Prince

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Moved from original location to the new Tutorials and Guides section - RC

NMM users:

This thread is a WIP. I will try to regularly inform you about all updates, troubleshooting and bugs about NMM. The most important updates and tips will be placed here, and other info and news will be posted in the thread.
All information is collected from various sources: Nexus site, NMM troubleshooting forums, various experienced users and personal experience.

- All versions of NMM 0.61.+ were tested on Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.

Although I created this thread, I have no exclusive rights for providing answers/help. You can all participate in helping others. So, if there is a need for help and you know how to help, please do, do not wait for me to answer first. You don't need my approval. It's your right. :)

****provocations like: MO is better than NMM and advertising MO in this thread will be immediately reported to moderators.


NMM 0.61.+ is very tricky for to install. Be careful in how you do it. Here are some tips that can help you and save you from "going mad".

We cannot stress enough that we are still in the beta stage of NMM. NMM is in a very good state and will be usable by nearly everyone, but Beta stages are typically used for testing and bug fixing, and some of you will find bugs.

We are using a bug tracker system on our forums that allows you to post any bugs you might have with NMM. We cannot fix a bug if you do not report it! Using the tracker system is as intuitive as making a post on a forum, and you can login to it using your Nexus username and password.

We also have a beta test subforum that contains all the information you need to know to get started, report bugs and help us with development of NMM.


We don't want to make you think that NMM is the solution to your problems getting 1,000 mods to all work together right now. It's our aim to to reach that point and it's what we're working towards. However, even simple mods can be a complex business and trying to get many mods to all work together is something people in the community have been working hard to do since the start of this community. NMM is designed to make your life downloading, installing, updating and managing mods easier, but it will not currently be the wonder pill that will make all your conflicts and compatibility issues disappear. Load orders, conflicts and compatibility issues still exist with NMM at this time.

Mods may not work for a number of different reasons, and not all of them are the fault of NMM or the mod author who created the mod(s). Please remember this before you verbally abuse us, or the file authors, for not being able to get your mods to work.

Having said that, development is ongoing with NMM to make these difficult aspects of modding as easy to overcome as is possible within the limits of the game. We are working hard to not only ensure these issues are mitigated as much as possible within NMM, but also to ensure our program is compatible with any other tools and utilities you might use at the moment to deal with them.

Before you do any changes to your game (mod upgrades, uninstallation, new mods installation ... ) :

- back up your present game and the mods from Games/Nexus Mod Manager/Skyrim/Mods. (You might loe them ... Not necessary, but precautions ... one can never be sure enough ... Seriously - Do back up)

Beginners guide to modding for NMM users (by gromulos)


READ! Read the description pages for each mod. Read the install instructions for each mod or utility. Read the Skyrim owners manual. No one was ever hurt by just reading.

while this was primarily made for Skyrim, it also works for Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, FO4

This guide will NOT work for any unofficial version of Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3 or FO4.

1) You need to run LOOT, Wrye Bash and TES5Edit, in that order.
Loot is not 100% and if that is all you're using you're going to have many problems as you progress through your play through, BOSS is no longer being supported and thus is out of date with newer mods. With many mods loaded, you should be using 2 other programs, Wrye Bash and TES5Edit. Sort the plugins with loot then click apply.

LOOT = load order
Wrye Bash = verification of load order and primary and secondary file load
TES5Edit = verification of primary and secondary file load

2)  Wrye Bash 306-beta - Standalone Executable

2.1) When you run Wrye Bash if any checkmarks are not green, those mods are causing problems in your game, you make them turn green by dragging them up or down in your load order in wrye bash till they do turn green.

2.2) You HAVE to have either a merged patch or bashed patch file, once again Wrye Bash is your friend because it will automatically make you a bashed patch file when it loads your mods. A bashed patch file makes all your weapon and armor and other mods play nice together, it also keeps track of leveled lists in the game and makes them work better together also.

2.3) One other thing, make sure you enable ( check mark ) the bashed patch Wrye Bash makes, then right click it and choose rebuild patch as the one Wrye Bash makes is empty,  which should always be last in your load order unless you're using an ENB, SUM, ASIS, or the Reproccer.

2.4) Make sure you go through both lists on the left and right panes of the window and make sure each entry that has a listing also has a check mark for the box next to it. Rebuilding the bashed patch is not going to help you if EVERYTHING is not included.
2.5) Concerning what the red, orange, and green check marks mean in Wrye Bash.
Red means a missing master file - basically a guaranteed CTD on startup.

Orange means that some ESP has requested its master files in an order that is different to the the order that you currently have them in. Orange mods are arguably more dangerous, because you won't necessarily get an immediate CTD every time, so you may be lulled into a false sense of security, whereas in reality you have an unstable load order.  
Clicking on the orange/red mods will show you what masters they have, and what order they want them in. From here on in, it becomes like a puzzle: you need to manually drag and drop the various masters in your load order until their order is harmonious ( IE:. you've managed to provide the desired order of master files for every single ESP in your list simultaneously ) and all of your oranges have disappeared.

Green means you are good to go for that mod

If it's not possible to eliminate all orange mods, you may need to do one of the following:

  • Manually download and manually install the mod - sometimes they are corrupted, this has worked for other people in the past that I have helped one-on-one
  • Ditch one or two mods / patches - last resort
  • Sort the master files for the orange mod in TES5Edit - see appendix 1

Appendix 1 -

open WRYE
find an orange mod

when tes5 opens and lists all your mods, right click the window
load in Tes5Edit only that mod and tes5 will load the rest ( best to do one at a time )
then right click the orange mod and pick sort masters
then close and save

The first 9 files should ALWAYS be in this order, no exceptions.



#1 rule - NEVER delete a mod once you install it unless you are making a new character - N E V E R !!!

3) TES5EDIT is used to do 2 things,

- verify that your load order is not missing any files that your mods need and

-  verify that no primary files are being loaded after secondary files. When you run TES5EDIT it will throw up an error box  and the error will be displayed at the bottom of the right pane / panel. All you have to do is read what it says and it will tell you exactly how to fix the problem in Wrye Bash. Yes, you can open Wrye Bash while TES5EDIT is open so you don't even have to write down what the error is smile.gif

Please remember that while LOOT is a great program it is NOT 100 %

All the files in here are in my siggy, just run them in the order I have them listed


EDIT: SKYui should be loaded directly above your bashed patch. SKYui is a menu management mod and thus should be loaded AFTER any other mods except the patch file, Reproccer, ASIS, or an ENB

Additional info that may be of use for some people below:

1) MotoSxorpio - If you have removed a plugin or changed load order, a reference ID for objects being missing could cause CTD.

2) Oubliette - Error checking mod combos isn't impossible it's just a pain to do and no one wants to do it for anyone but themselves - which answers your other question.

The following is standard trouble shooting for mod issues not pinned to a single mod (this is why you test every single mod in your install as you go, individually and with all your other mods - to pinpoint problems at the mod from the very beginning).

First - have you verified your game files through steam and updated to the latest patch?
Second - uncheck all your mods, start a new game, save after the chargen. This will be your 'tester save.' Do Not Overwrite or Delete this save.
Third - Enable five mods.
Four - Go into game with your tester save. Run from one end of the game world to the other. Go into a few cities. Interact with a few things that are mod related. See if anything crashes.
Five - No sign of problems? Repeat 3-5. It crashed or something's not right? Go to step 6.
Six - something crashed? uncheck one of the five mods then go back to your tester save, repeat step 4.

Continue until you have found and fixed your error.

Intermediate guide by - Tony971 - http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/56894/?

Advanced guide by - GrandBulwark - http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/32363/?


How many mods and plugins does NMM support



Skyrim(!) only understands 255/256 Bethesda plugins. These will be files that have either the ESM or ESP file extension. Prefix is inbuilt for 32 bit game. Period.

You can pile up SKSE plugins, textures and meshes above that number, because they do not have Bethesda plugin extensions at all.
Load order only understands plugins. It does not care or manage anything else.
Your ability to pile up other mods above plugins depends on your computer. You can have 1,000,000,000 texture mods overwriting each other, but both Skyrim and your computer still needs to go through each and every one of them. This is why it is recommended to use a limited number of mods overwriting each other.
While bashed patches can allow for some mods to be integrated into it, and while in the actual program it marks this as merging mods, this is not a true merge. The only mods that can be compiled into a bashed patches are basic mods that only touch Skyrim's setting files or basic information regarding levelled lists, or very basic fiddling with other base information such as biped slots, so it is more compiling a group of settings changes that previously would need an esp slot to be picked up on by the game.
This is an AUTOMATIC process and you cannot get it to accept any mods that are not set up to be merged with a bashed patch by the author. Some mods (such as multiple floor sandboxing) have an alternate version that is specifically designed for Wrye Bash to recognise it so that it can be integrated.
Inactive plugins in your load order also counts towards the plugin limit, for instance, let's say that you have 100 active plugins and 10 inactive plugins, so the plugin count will be 110, and not 100 !!!!


How to install Skyrim and FO4 mods mods using NMM (link and video)

How to make Backup and how to restore your Backup



How to back up NMM:

  •   Create a backup folder on your Desktop or somewhere on your hard-drive that has plenty of space
  •   Create the following folders inside your backup folder:  

- Data

- ini

- Install Info

- Plugins

3. Backup your game's Data folder (eg. C:\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data for Skyrim) by copying (not moving) all the files and folders from the game's Data folder to your newly created Backup/Data folder (for games like Skyrim you can skip the default BSA files that the game installs in the data folder if you so wish)

4. Go to your NMM folder for the game you're backing up (eg. C:\Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim for Skyrim) and copy (not move) the content of the Install Info folder to your Backup\Install Info folder.

5. Go to where your game's .ini files are located (eg. My Documents\My Games\Skyrim for Skyrim) and copy (not move) the Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini files in to your Backup\ini folder.

6. Go to where your game's plugins.txt and loadorder.txt files are located (eg. C:\Users\{Your User Name}\AppData\Local\Skyrim for Skyrim). You might need to find this folder by using the address bar if you have not turned on hidden files in your computer settings. Copy (not move) the loadorder.txt and plugins.txt files to your Backup\Plugins folder you previously created.

 Restoring NMM back to your backup settings

  •   Go to your the game's Data folder and copy the contents of your Backup\Data folder to it (overwriting if asked)
  •   Go to your NMM folder for that game, open the Install Info folder and delete everything that's in this folder. Then copy the contents of your Backup\Install Info folder in to it.
  •   While still in your NMM game's folder, go in to the Mods folder and delete the ModProfiles and VirtualModActivator folders if they exist.
  •   Go to where the .ini files are located and overwrite them with the ones from your backup in Backup\ini.
  •   Go to where the loadorder.txt and plugins.txt files are located and overwrite them with the ones from your Backup\Plugins folder.

The backup file is created automatically and it is named Backup_DONOTDELETE.zip, it will be placed in the selected VirtualInstall folder (usually in your Mods folder for that specific game).

Restoring your Backup
If you installed any mod using the Profiles version of NMM, or you just allowed it to migrate your mod install, it's better if you uninstall all mods using this version: go in the Tools menu (check the picture), and select Uninstall all active mods , this will automatically and properly clean your mod installation and any file link created by this build, you can now close and uninstall this NMM version.
Open your NMM version 0.54.0 (or higher), go in the Tools menu and select Load Backup (check the picture for reference), find and select the Backup_DONOTDELETE.zip file, confirm, and NMM will automatically restore your previous mod install (keep in mind that you will be required to interact with scripted installers, like the one used by the mod "A Quality World Map" for Skyrim), this procedure will take several minutes or even hours based on the number and size of mods, and the performances of your system.






What to do on first installation/upgrading of NMM 0.61.+  (VERY IMPORTANT)


This prompt informs you that NMM needs to uninstall all your mods and then asks you a question.
If you click YES, NMM attempts to reinstall all your mods how they were before the update.
If you click NO, NMM will uninstall all your mods and leave you to reinstall your mods how you see fit.
If you click Cancel then none of the above will happen, but you won't be able to use version 0.61, allowing you to gracefully roll-back to your original NMM version through the normal method (installing the last version over the top of the usual NMM location). If you do this, nothing will have been changed and you'll be completely back to normal on the old build of NMM.


How can I disable "Updating message"


You can disable the update messages in NMM, just go to Settings and under Options, uncheck the box where it says "Check for updates on start up".

How to create load order list (in pictures)





Adding more supporting tools (text and pictures)


If you want to add more supporting tools to your manager, tools like Wrye bash, Tes5edit, Bodyslide path and similar, the procedure is very simple.
1. Click on your "Settings" Icon
The new box will pop up with new options. Go to "Supported tools" tab and you will see new options. Now, Since I have Wrye bash (WB) , I added it to my "Supported tools. I clicked on "..." beside the line and a new box popped up. All I had to do is to find the root directory of my WB and when found, click on OK. NMM adds WB to my supported tools. Now I can run WB directly from the manager. This is a great advantage since NMM can directly pass its master list and load order to WB where you can manually move mods up and down in your list. Change you make in either manager are visible and implied in both..


2. To check if your new tool is added to NMM, click on your supported Tools Icon and you will expand it. You'll see that there are already two Icons in it: LOOT and FNIS that you can run directly from your manager. The integration with these two tools is great so you can use them without fear.


If you haven't managed to add a new tool to NMM, don't worry, NMM will not let you leave the box until you properly add the tool's path. You'll see red blinking "!" at the right side of the desired tool path line and you will got a small warning box. So, NMM will not let you make a mistake. Once you add your line correctly, the box will close.

I can no longer interact with mods that have scripted installers after I've installed them. How do I redo the options?


NMM now has three mod states; active, inactive and uninstalled.
If a mod is active, it's installed and turned on in your profile so should show in your game.
If it's inactive the mod is installed, but it's not turned on in your current profile so should not show in your game. It may, however, be active in other profiles you have.
If it's uninstalled then the mod is not installed and it's not active in any of your profiles.
When you interact with a scripted installer for a mod it will install the mod with the options you set. If you want to reinstall that mod and go through the scripted installer again you need to uninstall it, not deactivate it. To do so, simply right-click it and select "uninstall". When you go to install the mod again you'll then be prompted with the scripted installer, as per normal.

I can't install downloaded mod because NMM sees it as "Read only"


In that case, browse to the place where you download your mod, right click on it and disable "Read only"

How to properly install and use NMM (basic important tips)


Download latest NMM manager from here: http://www.nexusmods...ds/modmanager/?

Download latest NMM manager from here: http://www.nexusmods...ds/modmanager/?

1. Install the manager.
- at the end of NMMs installation, you'll be asked to run FNIS and will be warned about some problems if creating multiple profiles. Choose to "Run FNIS". FNIS box will pop up and run FNIS. If FNIS works, you're OK. If doesn't, reinstall FNIS using NMM.
- although this version is very fast, it is slow when installing/uninstalling big size mods (over 80 MB). It takes time and sometimes it shows "Not responding" on the top of framework. Do not cancel or stop installation/uninstallation process because you will need to repeat the operation. Be patient and wait. When finish, NMM will report about completing operation on the bottom of the manager.
- 0.61.+ versions supports creating multiple profiles. After the installation of the manager, you will see "New profile" tab under toolbar. I would suggest you to create at least one more profile beside the default one.  If something goes wrong, you can always go back to your original (default) profile. You can check this under:. You can check this under: How to play (create) multiple characters

 2. Mod installation is much "smarter" now and autonomous. Searching files and integration with Master files is improved.
- If you are doing new installation of the manager, be very careful where will you place your VirtualInstall folder (see the topic 4)
- When starting, NMM 0.61+  will uninstall your mods first and then reinstall them. During that process you'll be asked to choose/confirm certain installation from some mods like, FOMODS, XP32 Maximum Skeleton, SOS and other mods you had installed and you did these steps before.
3. After mod installation you should run FNIS and LOOT from the manager. NMM co-works with LOOT, Wrye bash, Tes5edit and FNIS much better now.
4. On the first installation of NMM 0.61+, be careful to NOT TO install "Virtualinstall" in the "Nexus Mod Manager/Skyrim folder". When asked, chose ONLY main, Nexus Mod Manager folder.


- You should never move your VirtualInstall folder to another location manually, nowhere else because some mods requires that their .exe, .esp or .esm files be in game installation directory. (But, if you are persistant to do it, do it at your own risk)
- if you want to move your mod folder back where they were using NMM. Open NMM, to change the VirtualInstall go into the Tools menu, click on Change Virtual Install and then select the new path, NMM will automatically uninstall stuff from the old location and activate it in the new folder

5. Upgrading your manager:

- upgrading to the new version is 99% successful and works great. If something goes wrong during and after upgrading the manager, you can try to do it again and if it still not working, disable your mods, uninstall present version and install a new one. Before you do that, check How to completely uninstall/remove NMM  and Answers to various NMM problems first.
- If you upgraded NMM to 0.61.+ from previous versions, recheck your mods. Some of them will not be installed even after NMM's mods re installation. Not installed mods will be greyed in your manager. Here is one serious bug. Some of the mods will be showed in manager as reinstalled, but they aren't. So how can you know which ones aren't reinstalled. Thanks heavens for SKSE 1.7.3 and its .ini modification.
-- If you start the game and got info box "Some mods are missing", that means you don't have needed line in your SKSE.ini file and therefore you don't know which ones are missing since NMM showed all your mods as (re)installed.
Open SKSE.ini (SteamApps/Common/Skyrim/Data/SKSE. You can create the folder, if it does not already exist), and add line: "EnableDiagnostics=1" under [General]. So, next time you start the game, you'll see which mods are missing. Then go back to NMM, uninstall them (see topic 8) and install them again. Yeap, this is the bad side of upgrading your NMM to present game.
- When running the LOOT after upgrading, you will have to clean again some mods using Tes5edit. It depends on what LOOT will report as mods with dirty files.

 6. NMM supports Wrye bash. You can download it from here: http://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/1840/? or any other site that contains this program. Just google.
After the installation of NMM, FNIS and LOOT, Wrye bash is the third tool that NMM users need. What does it do?
- Basically what Wrye Bash is in a nutshell is a way for you to manage many, many mods in a very simple yet very powerful interface.
- When a package is installed, it will override files installed by lower order packages, but not files already installed by higher order packages.
Similarly when a package is uninstalled, an "annealing" process will automatically reinstall files from lower level packages that were previously obscured.
- It fixes mod conflicts
- Lifting of the 255 plugin limit through automatic merging of compatible mods
- editing your saves and lets you fix them manually
... and many other great features.
For more details about this program, check here: http://guides.tesfan...ral Readme.html
7. If you have SKYUI 5.+, NMM might report error and presence of SKYUI 4.+ files during re installation process. (It happens on new game installation). The box will pop up with description of the "old files" and suggestion for their deletion. Go to the that location and delete all 4 files. When done, click on "Refresh". After that, NMM will proceed with further installation.
8. Uninstallation of the mods: right mouse click on desired mod, choose "Uninstall or Delete".  Correct uninstallation of the mod will be like this - uninstalled mod will turn into grey color and will not have red crossed circle on the front. I usually disable the mod first and then uninstall it. There are several more options... see the picture.


9. If you get: "Unable to get write permissions for: C:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim\Install Info" message, run NMM as administrator.

10. If you use LOOT via NMM, LOOT will arrange your load order directly from the Master list it receives from NMM. Do not use external LOOT since it will/might change your load order bit differently from NMM and you might experience game problems when loading it via NMM. Use either one, not both.

11. If you want to uninstall several mods in row, it is recommended to uninstall them one by one waiting for manager to finish the task first and then uninstall another mod because the manager sometimes hangs on processing multiple processes and freezes. It that happens, close the manager, reopen it and repeat the task.

12. After every installation/uninstallation of animation mods or/and skeleton, run FNIS to avoid CTDing, or t-posing.
Well, this is basic info and tips. I just wanted to share them with all NMM users and help them to not became frustrated (as I almost was) when installing NMM 0.61.+ version.

NMM - downloads (Virus free rar and .exe installers. All files were checked for viruses by Kaspersky AV and Anti Malware & Spyware PRO):
- Latest versions : 0.61.3, 0.61.4, 0.61.5, 0.61.6, 0.61.7, 0.61.10, 0.61.12, 0.61.14, 0.61.15,  0.61.16 - requirements and installation

- (0.61.+ hotfixes description)

Warning: This versions requires .Net Framework 4.6 (If you're not using Windows 10, you can download it HERE )


 Nexus Mod Manager-0.61.16.rar

Nexus Mod Manager-0.61.15.rar   6.05MB

Attached File  Nexus Mod Manager-0.61.14.rar   5.23MB   5 downloads

Attached File  Nexus Mod Manager-0.61.12.rar   6.05MB   34 downloads

Attached File  Nexus Mod Manager-0.61.10.rar   6.04MB   25 downloads

Attached File  Nexus Mod Manager-0.61.6.rar   6.04MB   7 downloads

Attached File  Nexus Mod Manager-0.61.5.rar   6.03MB   26 downloads

Attached File  Nexus Mod Manager-0.61.4.rar   6.03MB   96 downloads

Attached File  Nexus Mod Manager-0.61.3.rar   6.11MB   52 downloads

Attached File  Nexus Mod Manager-0.61.7.rar   6.04MB

List of all fixes for 0.61.+: http://staticdeliver...leasenotes.html

NMM versions prior to 0.52.3 are no longer supported by the Nexus servers, and won't be able to authenticate/download.

How to completely uninstall/remove NMM


1. Open NMM and press "Tools" icon. Select "Uninstall all active mods"
2. Delete Games/Nexus mod manager (It is placed in your Skyrim installation directory)
3. Delete My documetns/Games/Skyrim folder
4. Use Revo uninstaller or CCleaner or any other Win tool to remove NMM traces from your computer and clean up registry

NMM 0.56.1 and older versions download  and video: how to revert to earlier NMM workable version)




here: Nexus Mod Manager-0.56.1.rar
Other older versions:
Note: installation might report broken installation file. If this happens:
1. delete all NMM files in My Document,
2. delete NMM folders in ...Games/Nexus Mod manager/Skyrim/Install info (Do not delete "Mods" folder from this directory)
3. delete Games/Nexus Mod manager/Skyrim/VirtualInstall folder
4. Clean your registry.
5. Restart your computer and try to install older version
If this doesn't help you install previous version, sorry, no help, you're stack with the one you don't like.

How to manually revert NMM to older version (before 0.61.+)


You can restore your mods in the previous NMM by doing the following:

  • Uninstall currently installed NMM, remove all config files when asked
  • Install a pre-0.60.x build (in my case 0.56.1)
  • Launch 0.56.1 and go through all the setup
  • With NMM loaded to the mod list screen, click on Tools (wrench and screwdriver icon) and select Restore Backup
  • Find the file Backup_DONOTDELETE.zip located in the VirtualInstall folder and open it
  • Restoration of all your mods should commence

NMM and load order tweaking


NMM greatly co-wroks with LOOT. When LOOT sorts your installed mods and creates load order, NMM memorize it and saves it in its clipboard. According to your settings for update master files list (default is every third day but you can change it as you like) NMM updates your master list (yaml) and "Informs" LOOT about all changes that are made in meantime. Then LOOT adopts and change your load order according to received informations from NMM. Well, this is the sword with two blades. Let's assume you had a load order that worked fine, but you installed and de-installed some mods in the meantime. All worked fine untill LOOT change your master mods load order, and suddenly your game doesn't run as it use to. LOOT rearranged your mods according to the yaml informations from NMM and the game behaves "weird". So what can you do to return your game stability into previous state? Here is the answer.
1. When you installed all mods and you are satisfied with the stability of your game, open NMM and press "Plugins" tab.
2. On the left panel you'll see two blank pages with arrows pointing to the right. Click on the first one in the row (Export the current load order) and choose "Export to the clipboard". Now, you saved your present load order into NMM's clipboard.
3. When LOOT change your load order and your game doesn't run well, open NMM again and this time choose the second blank page icon (Import load order) and choose (Import load order from clipboard). Now, you restored your load order that ran well. All new installed mods and changes, LOOT will adopt to your load order until your master mods list change it again. Just repeat this operation again.
If you aren't satisfied with LOOT's work, you can manually change your load order by moving mod(s) up or down using big green arrows under "Plugins" After that run LOOT directly from NMM. If you like the way your game behaves, export your current load order to clipboard.

Mods downloading, but not activating on NMM 0.61.+


If you downloaded certain mod using NMM manager and it "refuse" to activate it, there can be several reasons for that:

1. manager downloaded mod but with errors


- check for error reports in Mod activation Quene Monitor. If there are no errors report(s) do next step:

- delete downloaded mod, exit NMM, restart NMM and download mod again

- If the problem remain, download the mod manually

If NMM reported error in downloaded mod or during downloading process there can be several reasons:

- server error

(suggestions):  try to download later

- mod's error

- NMM manager error


2. Mod is probably not meant to be installed via NMM


- install mod manually following mod's author insturctions

- after installation open NMM and activate mod in Plugins tab

- if NMM still doesn't acivate mod then it's a probably bug in NMM.


3. Mod was uploaded with errors


- check often the author's info and read the users posts on his original site about bug reports and author's notes. Report error to the author of the mod.


4. Probable bug in NMM


- report bug to NMM bug report on Nexus. http://forums.nexusm...x.php?/tracker/

To be able to report bug, you have to be a registered member on Nexus.

Before installing mod, always check downloaded mod with decent Anti virus program.

Single profile users tip (where to install armour, meshes, textures)


Question: Let's say I installed an armor mod with NMM. If i made a texture or mesh that I wanted to overwrite from that NMM install, should I put it in the main Skyrim directory? Or In the virtual install? Which filepath is prioritized when you're just dragging and dropping certain things in the main Skyrim install folder?
Answer: Skyrim will always run the files in the Data folder. The texture and mesh files in there are actually links going back to the Virtual Install folder. In essence, the mod files in the Data file that NMM installs are "fake" files linking to the original files in the Virtual Install folder. You should do so in the Virtual Install folder. If it is not installed through NMM, you can edit them in the Data folder as usual.

How to play (create) multiple characters.


Lets assume you want to create two different characters, one an Imperial and the second a Redguard.
1.In NMM press New profile. New box will pop up where you can name it as Imperial or whatever you want.
2.Start the game via NMM and create the Imperial character, save and exit.
3.In NMM click on "New profile" and save it as Redguard or whatever you like
4.Start the game via NMM and create the  Redguard. Save and exit.
5.Once you create those two profiles in order to play the one you want, you need to start NMM and choose the desired profile and then press "Launch Skyrim" unless you using mods needing SKSE to start the game. In that case, press "Launch SKSE"
This might work also in already created multiple characters, but no guaranties. It's recommended to use it on the new game. If you want try anyway, all you have to do is "Rename profile" in NMM then load your character's save via NMM (SKSE or Skyrim) then save and exit. Repeat for other character(s).

- I have three main profiles that I treat as "masters". I know exactly what I want and do not want to install on them. So, here is example: I have one profile with "basic" mods (armour, textures, weapons and similar and SexLab). I call it Basic.  On the second one, I have mods related to creatures (call it Creatures) and on the third one, I have mods with RCOTS (call it RCOTS). So, I made a copy of each of them and called them: Basic1, Creatures1 and RCOTS1. So whenever I install any new mod I install it on the copies, not on "masters". If anything goes wrong in any of them and I if I can't fix the problem, I just delete their copy. In that case, I don't have to do reinstallatin of all mods.

You can install certain mod in one profile and NMM install it in all profiles, but if you don't want that mod in other profiles, you just open wanted profile and choose "Uninstall from active profile". It's important to do it before you want to play the game without unwanted mod in your profile. Otherwise, when you uninstall that mod later from the profile where you didn't want to have it, and when you load that profile, the game will report "missing mod" and you'll have to do a clean save later.

How to install mods from URLs. (Note: it works only with URLs from Nexus site):


you can download the mod directly from the mod page. For instance if you want to do that you have to:

2015-12-07 02_57_21-.png

2. The new box will show up:

2015-12-07 02_57_21-.png

3. Open the page you want to install mod from and highlight the URL and right click on "Copy".

2015-12-07 03_01_23-.png

4. Paste the URL into the box:

2015-12-07 03_03_07-.png

5. It should looks like this: (press OK, and that's it)

2015-12-07 03_04_33-.png

WARNING - Although this type of mods installation works in most cases, sometimes it causing installation errors. But, have no worries, it will not damage your game, but the mod won't install properly. If installation fails, you can always install the mod with provided download link/option under "Files".

How to work with problematic large size mods that NMM can't install (sometimes)


Sometimes some large mods can cause installation troubles in sense that NMM reports errors or simply refuse to install them. If that happens, you can do following steps as Slorm (thank you) did with "Interesting NPCs 3.09 mod.
This was done using Interesting NPC's v3.09 (later versions give a lot of log spam)
IMPORTANT - Make sure you keep a copy of your 3DNPC mod in a safe place as a backup as it's a large download if you need to get it from nexus again
1/ Extract the Interesting NPC's.7z into a folder (also known as 3DNPC)
2/ Navigate down the folders until you find Sound
3/ Cut the whole Sound folder and paste somewhere else
4/ Now re-archive the remaining Data folder with 7z. (If you copy the name from the original mod it will keep the mod author details and link back to nexus as well)
5/ Create a folder called Data and move the Sounds folder into it
6/ Make a new 7z archive and call it something like Interesting NPCs Sound Files (so you know what it is). This will take a long time as it's around 2Gb
7/ Check both new archives to ensure the file structure is correct
8/ Now you have a choice. If you want to keep the mod connected to nexus then go to where nexus stores your mods (for me it's /games/nexus mod manager/skyrim/mods) delete the original 3DNPC mod and copy the new version over which you used the same name for.
9/ If you don't care about the link to nexus then just open NMM delete the old mod from the database and upload the two new ones
10/ Install the two new mods
11/ Get coffee, beer, porn mags/vids as the sound files takes around 40 minutes to install on a high end pc

How to fix missing mod files after migration to lastest NMM version:


There was an issue with the migration process that caused some mods to be unable to properly reinstall.
We fixed this issue in version 0.60.5.
If you already tried the migration process and it failed to properly reinstall everything, follow these instructions:
1. Download&Install version before latest one
2. Run it, go in the Tools menu and select "Restore the Backup Profile".
3. Switch to the newly created Backup profile.
This should fix all the missing mod files.
Also remember that you could be required to rerun some patchers after the migration (Skyproc, PerkusMaximus, Dual Sheat, TES5Edit, FNIS, etc etc..).

How to export your NMM load order:


Select where to save and done

NMM is not working, how to fix it:


go to Documents/My games/Skyrim and open skyrimprefs.ini and in the [Launcher] line add this:

NMM is crashing to Desktop (important tips for all NMM new users):


Most common cause of NMM problems is an overzealous firewall or antivirus. Trend Micro is notorious for not playing nice with NMM. There is an entire topic on that in the forums.

Javascript must be enabled and not blocked  for NMM to work.

be sure you are logged into windows as a administrator.

be sure you have NMM running with admin privileges ( NOT the same thing as being logged in as an admin)  

Be sure that Windows UAC isn't blocking you ( it won't bother to tell you if it is)

Make sure your firewall is not blocking you

Make sure your antivirus is not blocking you

Have you tried using a different browser?
Try with a portable browser and NO add ons. Here is a link to find portable browsers.
http://portableapps.... both of these.

Are you using any download accelerator or download manager? Some will cause NMM to not download properly.
Be sure to disable them for testing.

Are you running any browser add ons that block anything - ads, scripts, cookies - anything.

I can't download mods via NMM (for FireFox users):


Go to options > Applications > scroll down to where it says "nxm" and then click on it and select "use nexus mod manager". If nexus mod manager isn't already listed, click "use other", then browse to where nexus mod manager.exe is, and select it.
(If you are using Mod Organizer, the instructions are the same but you would set it to use nxmhandler.exe).

Answers to various NMM problems:


What zip files NMM reads and support?


NMM can read and install following types of files: 7zip, Zip, Rar, Gzip, BZip2, Tar, jar and X2.

- If you have mod that is not compatible with NMM you can do following:

1. Download and install one of NMM compatible extractors like 7Zip or Rar
2. Right click on the mod and choose "Add to 7Zip" or if you have Rar, choose "Add to XXX.Rar"
3. Start NNM, choose destination of your zipped mod and install the mod.

How to fix "unfixable" mess that NMM 0.61+ caused


First of all, NMM doesn't kill your game. It makes a lot of mess but all is fixable. I'm not saying that "Killing your game" can't happened, but if that happens, it must be that something seriously went wrong. Honestly, other mod managers can "kill your game" too, only if your manager got "broken" or you don't know what you're doing.
1. Before you do any changes to your mods (upgrades, uninstall, install new mods...) make back up of your present game.
- you can do it by clicking on the "Imported2" tab in your tool bar and press "save current profile". Then, simply follow the wizard. If something goes wrong and you don't know how to fix it, click on the "Tools icon" in your tool bar and choose "Restore the backup profile"
2. If the tip from the first topic doesn't help you, click on the "Tools icon" again and click on "Uninstall all active mods". When operation is finished, close NMM.
- Start NMM again and click "Reset UI" in "Tools icon".
- After that, click on "Install all mods" and let NMM insall them.
- Run FNIS
- Run LOOT
.... and that's it

How to report NMM bug to Nexus?


1. You must be registered user on Nexus to report bug.
2. After registration on Nexus, start NMM, click on the question mark in big blue balloon in the upper right corner and do as showed on the picture:

Fundamental fixes and tweaks for smooth Skyrim running

Credits and biiiiiiiig "thank you" for help and support, bug reports and tutorials:

- Calliban44 (+ correcting my typing errors and English grammar)

- Slorm


- ritualclarity

- prinyo

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New tip: reinstalling mods and importance of doing BACK UP

The reinstall of a mod package has the power to undo all customizing changes you applied onto files coming from NMM-managed mod packages at any time, reverting everything back to fresh blank install state. But then again, that's been the case "every" time a reinstall of a mod package has taken place so far, which was happening regularly even outside of an update. A simple backup of customized files was working wonders in getting customizations back in place after the reinstall in that case.

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A new tip: How to completely remove HDT Highheels mod after uninstallation:

If you uninstalled HDTHighheel plugin, its .ini log file remained in the SKSE directory so you need to delete it manually other wise you might have a problem in future re-installation of the mod and compatibility issues with co-dependent mods.

The location of the file is: (*X):\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\hdtPhysicsExtensions.log

(*X) - represent your HHD drive directory/partition

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New info:

Uninstallation of USKP patches and installation of Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch (USLEEP) 3.0+


 If your manager freeze during the operation, close the program, reopen it and continued with de-installation.

After Installation of Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch 3.0, run LOOT and Wryebash from NMM. When WB opens, before you do any operation, close NMM manager if you want to avoid "Plugins disabling" in NMM.

Beware: Some of your mods that depended on USKPs might not work well or not work at all with USLEP. Check for theirs update and USLEEP compatibility and if there is none, uninstall particular mod.

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Mods are now taking up double the space with this version of NMM. Why is this?

The short version: it's not.

The long version: we're using a system in Windows known as hardlinks and symlinks (depending on whether you install to different hard-drives or not, NMM picks the best one for the task). Essentially, these are shortcuts that your operating system uses to stop the duplication of data while still presenting data in multiple folders. For example, your "Documents" folder in windows uses a similar sort of shortcut.

Using this system, NMM installs your mods to a single folder you specify in the settings and then places shortcuts in your game folders pointing to where the mods actually are for the game you're using. The shortcuts in the mod folder look and act exactly how they would if the files themselves were in the mod folder, but they're not. This is what allows us to accommodate multiple profiles without continually installing and uninstalling mods, and in a quicker fashion than manually uninstalling and reinstalling the mods you want to use.

The folder will make it look as though the shortcuts are taking up a lot of space, but they aren't. If you use 1GB of mods then NMM will still only use 1GB of space, not 2GB of space like a quick check might show. The easiest way to test is to check your available hard-drive space. It won't have increased any more than before.

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A new tip - Mod disabling before uninstalling

I did a several tests on textures, meshes and heavy scripted mod. Most of us usually just uninstall our mods via NMM. Since NMM has a problem with uncompleted mod uninstallation that causing some textures, hair, meshes and similar glitched, i decided to do some tests. Did tests on 5 different mods from the sentence above. Before running uninstallation, I clicked on "Disable" mod first and when NMM diabled mod, then I ran unnistall. I was pleasantly surprised how things works better now.

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New tip - "Reinstall mod" troubleshooting

Checking the NMM vulnerability I found one very "weak spot" in NMM 0.61.13 when it comes to "Reinstall mod" command.


I have "Npc clones - Follower and marry" mod that contains several esps. Before I run "Reinstall mod" command, I disabled one esp in "Plugins" from the named mod. After that I ran "Reinstall mod" and NMM froze every time when trying to do this operation reporting "changed mod's order" and it wasn't able to reinstall the mod. So, if your NMM freezes after running "Reinstall mod", check your "Plugins" to see if the mod is present and enabled.

ALWAYS check your "Plugins" list after installing/uninstalling/disabling/reinstalling certain mod and NEVER  run "Reinstall mod" without checking if that particular mod is listed and activated.

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A new tip: NMM 0.61.+ and "Reset UI" function


2016-02-26 05_38_04-Nexus Mod Manager (0.61.13) - Skyrim.png


In theory, if you have a problem that your mods aren't placed in proper mod's section, but in "Unassigned", after re-installation or /and upgrading of the manager , "Reset UI" should solved this problem. After running this operation, all mods should be placed in their original locations. Well, this function works... mostly... and for certain type of mods that were previously "registered" and logged by NMM. When saying that this function works most of the time I wanted to say that it works under two conditions:

- properly (re) installed NMM and VirtualInstall folder that hasn't been moved into new location or deleted before re-installation of the manager

- errorless writing all Install logs created by NMM.


If you are "victim" of any above named problems, the only solution is to move your mods manually to wanted location. Then press "Save current profile" opening "Profile" button.

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1. Uninstallation of all mods were flawless, and I mean it.... (after I uninstalled all mods using "Uninstall all mods" command from tool menu, there wasn't single esp, esm or/and any other file left behind.. this version fixed the problems with "leftovers". Beside this, I haven't had a single freezing or CTD during the uninstallation process)

2. Mod's installation was simple as it can be... just click on the big green arrow on the right side of the panel and voila.

3. This version is little bit faster then previous

4. The new feature, "supported tools" works like a charm... You can run them all from he manager

5. Restoring backup/profile worked as a charm. Have had no problem at all.

6. Function "Remove from all profiles" works flawless.

7. Switching between the profiles is more secure and stable. Tested 2 times with two different profiles and have had no problems at all.

8. It is still recommended to close NMM before running "rebuild bash.patch" in Wrye bash. Otherwise, you'll have to re-enable all mods in "plugins" when starting NMM.


This version is the "golden one" in comparison with all the versions after 0.61.9 - Upgrade is highly advisable, but full installation of 0.61.14  and starting the new game is even more advisable. Just make sure you set VirtualInstall folder as you did before - same place or you'll be in deep shit if you don't do that..... ;) You've been warned!!!

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(testing was done with 142 mods and 138 plugins)


Since the latest version doesn't have major  fixes, I did a basic test:


1. Upgrading from 0.61.14 went flawless

2. Installation of full version went flawless

3. Uninstalling and reinstalling mods in both methods; upgrading/full version installation went well and without any problems.

4. Fixed and tweaked the Supported Tools dropdown menu always worked for me. I can only report that it works

5. Fixed crash issue when setting the Temp path to a root folder. (Have no SSD so I can't say if it works.)

6. Fixed issue allowing users to enforce an invalid and unsafe path for the Temp folder. (Have no SSD so I can't say if it works.)

7. Fixed random "Value of 'xxx' is not valid for 'Value'." exception preventing some functions using the modal progress bar to complete.  - Fixed.


Warmly recommend for upgrade.


Note: Always save your current profile(s) before doing upgrade.

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To NMM users,


All tests of all NMM 0.61.+ versions were done on Windows 7 64 bit. Many NMM users have reported troubles when installing certain mods on Windows 10. Some didn't have problems at all, but some did. I would truly appreciate if you would share your experiences with Win 10 and NMM 0.61.+


Thank you.

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7 hours ago, Elf Prince said:

To NMM users,


All tests of all NMM 0.61.+ versions were done on Windows 7 64 bit. Many NMM users have reported troubles when installing certain mods on Windows 10. Some didn't have problems at all, but some did. I would truly appreciate if you would share your experiences with Win 10 and NMM 0.61.+


Thank you.

Worked fine for my few tests of FO4, before Wrye Bash was available.

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A new tip: " Cyclic Redundancy Check error"

A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is a data verification method your computer uses to check the data on your disks (hard disks like your hard drive and optical disks like CDs and DVDs). A cyclic redundancy check error can be caused by several different issues: registry corruption, a cluttered hard disk, an unsuccessful program installation, or misconfigured files. Regardless of the specific cause, the cyclic redundancy check error is a serious one and must be addressed to avoid potential data loss or even a total system failure system. Luckily, there are a few simple ways to address this problem using (free) disk utility software.


Run some software for checking HDD like
- chkdsk /f

- or use some powerful HDD utility. It is highly recommended to use the one from your manufacturer if provided.


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50 minutes ago, Elf Prince said:

A new tip: " Cyclic Redundancy Check error"

A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is a data verification method your computer uses to check the data on your disks (hard disks like your hard drive and optical disks like CDs and DVDs). A cyclic redundancy check error can be caused by several different issues: registry corruption, a cluttered hard disk, an unsuccessful program installation, or misconfigured files. Regardless of the specific cause, the cyclic redundancy check error is a serious one and must be addressed to avoid potential data loss or even a total system failure system. Luckily, there are a few simple ways to address this problem using (free) disk utility software.


Run some software for checking HDD like
- chkdsk /f

- or use some powerful HDD utility. It is highly recommended to use the one from your manufacturer if provided.


IF for some reason these tests come back negative or with errors: 
Has a utility called "HDD Regenerator". What this app does, is goes through the HDD, and detects "deleted files" and "corrupt files", and attempts to restore those files to an earlier date. Similar to the way the FBI regenerates HDD's in criminal, forensic investigations. 

VERY nifty tool.

If any of your users (here or LL) experience issues with errors, please let me know. I will make a tutorial on how to use HDD Regenerator. (No need to type up the tutorial until it's needed; however, you are aware of my promptness. If it is NEEDED, the tutorial will be available within 24hrs.)

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Tip for NMM and Win 10 (upgrade) users


If you want to upgrade your OS (Win 7, Win 8.1) on Win 10:

- do your files back up on separate partition or other storage like USB or external HDD

- download offline Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.1

- uninstall your NMM

- do Win 10 upgrade

- install NMM again

The side effect of the upgrading your OS is that your Microsoft .Net framework might stop working or will work with errors (not necessarily). If you experience such a thing, reboot your PC, start your OS in Safe mod and reinstall MNF.

As I did many research, upgrading your OS to Win 10 is not recommended in 90% of cases, although, if you do, you might not have any compatibility issues between NMM and Win 10. If you have none, consider yourself very lucky. It is better to install fresh new Win 10 OS. Chances that your NMM and MNF will not work correctly are minimal or none.

Win 10 users might check this site which offers many tips for optimizing Win 10 for better Skyrim running and playing.


Edited by Elf Prince
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1 hour ago, Elf Prince said:

Tip for NMM and Win 10 (upgrade) users


If you want to upgrade your OS (Win 7, Win 8.1) on Win 10:

- do your files back up on separate partition or other storage like USB or external HDD

- download offline Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.1

- uninstall your NMM

- do Win 10 upgrade

- install NMM again

The side effect of the upgrading your OS is that your Microsoft .Net framework might stop working or will work with errors (not necessarily). If you experience such a thing, reboot your PC, start your OS in Safe mod (F8) and reinstall MNF.

As I did many research, upgrading your OS to Win 10 is not recommended in 90% of cases, although, if you do, you might not have any compatibility issues between NMM and Win 10. If you have none, consider yourself very lucky. It is better to install fresh new Win 10 OS. Chances that your NMM and MNF will not work correctly are minimal or none.

Win 10 users might check this site which offers many tips for optimizing Win 10 for better Skyrim running and playing.


Windows 10 is slightly different to get into safemode, than windows 7 and 8 were. 
Here are some directions on how to boot into safemode:


There are two links, with two separate options to get into safemode.

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NMM 0.61.16 is out


Warning: This version requires .Net Framework 4.6 (If you're not using Windows 10, you can download it HERE )

Impact: Minor
Type: Tweaks&Fixes


  1. NMM will now properly install mod archives where the root folder is "interface".
  2. Fixed a crash when trying to uninstall a plugin that's no longer present.
  3. NMM will now provide better feedback when a "Delete Mod" fails.
  4. Fallout4 game mode will now interact with the Fallout4Custom.ini instead of the default one.
  5. The version column will now properly show both the local and the online version, separated by a "/".


Download: my OP under NMM - downloads (Virus free rar installers): or you can go directly to Nexus: http://www.nexusmods...ds/modmanager/?

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(testing was done with 151 mods and 139 plugins on Windows 7 Professional 64)



Since the latest version doesn't have major  fixes, I did a basic test:


1. Upgrading from 0.61.15 went flawless

2. Installation of full version went flawless

3. (re)Installation of all mods went flawless

4. NMM will now properly install mod archives where the root folder is "interface". (fixed)

5. Fixed a crash when trying to uninstall a plugin that's no longer present. (Can't confirm because I had no problem with it)

6. NMM will now provide better feedback when a "Delete Mod" fails. (fixed)

7. Fallout4 game mode will now interact with the Fallout4Custom.ini instead of the default one. (Can't confirm because I have no FO4)

8. The version column will now properly show both the local and the online version, separated by a "/". (fixed)


From now on NMM placing "?" at the end for mods in cases that:

- aren't downloaded from Nexus (not necessarily for every mod)

- when mod's author didn't provide (correct) info file or no info file at all

- when mod is outdated

- when mod doesn't exit on Nexus any more.


Warmly recommend for upgrade.


Note: Always save your current profile(s) before doing upgrade.

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