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I think the update does need more diversity from the original but having a black Judy in the very, very white Robinson family cast is just as hypocritical as making Sue Storm adopted in the black Storm family that killed the F4 franchise. 

I can totally see the bullshit Hollywood decision process.  They can't make Dr. Smith black because he's the main bad guy disregarding that it is actually the best role in the show.  They can't make the Robinsons black or a mixed race couple because Netflix needs a majority white cast for the international markets where black actors don't draw as well in Europe and Asia.  They could make the male stud black but they also need to fill a non-black non-white quota so the male stud is now Hispanic because Asian males cannot be studs.  That leaves with the F4 option of making one of the Robinson children not blood related.  Of course non-related families can be closer than blood families but that requires a shit load of expositions.  There are shows that have done well in this regard but those shows build around that families are more than blood as a core theme.  Three episodes in it's pretty clear that the perfect daughter Judy Robinson being a different race is not a creative choice.  Like F4 it's a big red herring indicative of the quality of writing going forward.


Also, is it just me or that male characters are intentionally written as simple minded muscles?  So far only females are intelligent, thoughtful and authoritative.


I haven't seen it but thanks for the heads-up...now I won't see it.

A few years ago there was a 'Merlin' BBC show and Guinevere was played by a black chick.  She was fine in the role but it was REALLY out of place.  Dr. Who is now a woman, and she's NOT a good Doctor.  And there have been really bad male Doctors in the past so that's not it...but it doesn't help.  Black storm troopers in the new Star Wars; the main protagonist is a Mary Sue who's better than any male...YEAH Hollywood is almost total shit.

Westworld is okay and Tom Hardy's Taboo is just fucking badass.  Still waiting for Animal Kingdom to come back on.  I'm very picky when it comes to TV shows so I won't be wasting time with Lost in Space.


Asian males cannot be studs.

I beg to differ. there are some actors that could take on that role... ;) Of course it depends on the type of stud  you are trying to portray. There are some pretty bad assed Asian actors that would / could be good. (I haven't seen the show yet.)

Having a black Judy could have worked out well if the writing was done well. Like you stated. Sad that it wasn't.


Also, is it just me or that male characters are intentionally written as simple minded muscles?  So far only females are intelligent, thoughtful and authoritative.

If that is what happened in the show... that is just plain wrong on so many levels. Both the lead Male and Female scientist should have been very intelligent and authoritative.. at least with the rest of the staff/group. Maybe have issues among themselves for plot purposes.

Sad, I liked the original and even the reboot movie later. Not as much of course. I am willing to give alot of freedom for the script and changes provided they are done well.


I haven't seen it but thanks for the heads-up...now I won't see it.

you should see it, once you have shit all else to do and perhaps between a Netflix binge watch... :) Then see it for yourself and make a judgment.


A few years ago there was a 'Merlin' BBC show and Guinevere was played by a black chick.  She was fine in the role but it was REALLY out of place. 

Of course. It would be like a Black person playing JFK or a White person playing Malkum X. I hate it when a good actor or actress is purposefully placed into an impossible position by the director/studio where they aren't going to be successful. Just because they can or think they should or it might be interesting. Place them in proper roles, or if you have to change things up... give really good reason and write the shit out of that role so thay can be successful and not out of place as Kendo pointed out.


Black storm troopers in the new Star Wars; the main protagonist is a Mary Sue who's better than any male.

I don't see any problem with a black storm trooper. They pull from where ever they can to fill the ranks. They are just cannon fodder for the most part. (lore wise)

I don't know (understand) what is being referenced by "Mary Sue"... sorry. I don't get the slang often... :( I miss out.


Westworld is okay

I really enjoyed it. (First season) I liked the writing and premise and such. I enjoyed it much more than the original which is a rare occurrence! I am looking forward to being able to see the second season. :)


T om Hardy's Taboo is just fucking badass.  Still waiting for Animal Kingdom to come back on. 

Haven't see those movies. Might want to check those out at least one episode.


I'm very picky when it comes to TV shows so I won't be wasting time with Lost in Space.

Yes, so am I... However, I have found many good videos and some that are OK by givng them a chance and watching an episode or two to give it go. Oh for example Better Call Saul.. I really enjoyed that. as well as Dexter... (really liked that move alot.) Despite it being so full of shit ...

There are some that many love. (Walking Dead) and I just don't get into it. I watched one whole season to see if it would pick up for me and it didn't. I know I will get some hate for that. :P

5 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

you should see it, once you have shit all else to do and perhaps between a Netflix binge watch... :) Then see it for yourself and make a judgment.

NOPE.  Not gonna.  I don't have to eat a dog shit sandwich to know it's gonna taste bad.  Judgment passed.

Mary Sue isn't slang; it's a literary term.  It describes a character who's good at everything and has no ascertainable flaws.  It's a result of poor writing, like MacGuffins.

9 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

I beg to differ. there are some actors that could take on that role... ;) Of course it depends on the type of stud  you are trying to portray. There are some pretty bad assed Asian actors that would / could be good. (I haven't seen the show yet.)


I was being sarcastic of the Hollywood racial hypocrisy.  Asian males cannot be sexual is the flip side of the Suzie Wong racist casting practice which lasted all the way into the 90s.  Asian male stereotype lasted even longer and some might say still lingers today in casting decisions.  

14 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

I haven't seen it but thanks for the heads-up...now I won't see it.

A few years ago there was a 'Merlin' BBC show and Guinevere was played by a black chick.  She was fine in the role but it was REALLY out of place.  Dr. Who is now a woman, and she's NOT a good Doctor.  And there have been really bad male Doctors in the past so that's not it...but it doesn't help.  Black storm troopers in the new Star Wars; the main protagonist is a Mary Sue who's better than any male...YEAH Hollywood is almost total shit.

Westworld is okay and Tom Hardy's Taboo is just fucking badass.  Still waiting for Animal Kingdom to come back on.  I'm very picky when it comes to TV shows so I won't be wasting time with Lost in Space.

Watched a couple more episodes of the new Lost in Space since.  Other than characters' names and the catchphrase it has zero resemblance to the original.  It's basically the same show as the very derivative Terra Nova in theme and quality with a splash of SJW on top. 


Yeah the Guinevere role put me off the Merlin show for a long time.  I am not invulnerable to my own prejudice.  I recently caught it on Netflix as background noise initially and was not bothered by it much.  Her casting was clearly for PC reason but the show had almost zero reference to the Arthurian legend in British identity and is very much a generic disposable fantasy.  With such low bar frankly they can colorblind cast anyone for that show and wouldn't tilt the balance for me.  BBC has done far worst SJW shows.  Torch Light just to name one.  SJW made that show unwatchable.


I was actually looking forward to the new Doctor, mostly for finally no more Steven Moffat than seeing the first female Doctor.  I caught some of Joide Whittaker's works since and like the actress.  As a Yank I was never a Doctor fan and only started because of David Tennant. 


I don't get the hate against black Storm Troopers.  In all the years I've watched Star Wars there was no point I thought Storm Troopers or the Empire are racial.  The Nazi reference is obvious in the imagery but within the stories it's always obvious to me that the Sith vs. Jedi struggle is about power and not something superficial about the skin color of a single specie among many in the galaxy.  I am not a fan of JJ Abrams but I like seeing a female Jedi protagonist.  I love Bastila in KOTOR.  Too bad Rey is not a very good character.


Personally, I don't hate the idea of Black storm troopers anymore than I hate the idea of Asian or European storm troopers.  What I hate is the 'must check the diversity box' list Hollywood uses now.  REAL storm troopers will always be the faceless guys in white armor from the first three movies, or the cloned versions of a half-Maori half-Scottish actor.  They will never be what Kathleen Kennedy and JJ Abrams want them to be because those two aren't making Star Wars movies, they're making total shit with a Star Wars label on it.

And I've derailed this topic so I'm moving on.  Ya'll have fun talkin 'bout Lost in Space. :D

7 hours ago, nsfwmodszzz said:

I was being sarcastic of the Hollywood racial hypocrisy.  Asian males cannot be sexual is the flip side of the Suzie Wong racist casting practice which lasted all the way into the 90s.  Asian male stereotype lasted even longer and some might say still lingers today in casting decisions.  

Ah missed that.. :D That is so very true.


Watched a couple more episodes of the new Lost in Space since.  Other than characters' names and the catchphrase it has zero resemblance to the original.  It's basically the same show as the very derivative Terra Nova in theme and quality with a splash of SJW on top. 

And not even as good as Terra Nova.. At least that show took some time to develop character and situation before the main events occurred.


And I've derailed this topic so I'm moving on.  Ya'll have fun talkin 'bout Lost in Space. :D

What derailment? This isn't the Nexus or Lovers lab or something. :P

I get your point about the "must check" aspect of Hollywood. At least with the Star Wars recent movie, it wasn't putting some race or other into a role that belonged to another.. (not to get into the fact about the clones and the soldiers should be clones some might say..) His role is pretty open and I still don't see a reason for him to be elevated as high as he is in the movie. (Haven't fully seen the second edtion of this)

AS for LOST IN SPACE... (so we don't derail the thread as Kendo was worried about :P ) I have seen 3 episodes so far and there is nothing pulling me back to watch it again. Even shows I don't really like managed to get me interested enough that I have some pull to watching some more when I have plenty of time (board) but for three hours since I woke... able to do any damn thing I wanted to and it was more interesting to read some boring web pages and a bit of cleaning.

Oh, the mention of Star WArs (new one being crap) and nsfwmodszzz comment about Asian actors reminded me of the character that was blind and force sensitive... fought like a ... wait for it... he was in a KUNG FU movie... :( so very sad. They could have done anything used anybody... it would be more interesting if they used an older woman, white person, black person, Arab person almost anyone to play that part than going for the ol' safe zone.

4 minutes ago, nsfwmodszzz said:

This is likely going to be a short thread.  It's pretty obvious this show never intended to do "Lost in Space" but a money grab of doing "Lost" in space. 

I took some time (I.E. wasted some time) looking at what reviewers stated of the show... If there were any doubts ... (Kendo) look at any one of them (from your favorite reviewer whatever) and see what they state.. Needless to say, I couldn't find one good one that didn't bitch about what they were doing and the way they went about it. Shame of it (got to complement Netflix though on this matter) it will have a second season. Netflix don't just kill shows in the middle of a story line like most companies today. Shame they didn't get someone that could do this reboot justice.


If you are starving for more Lost like shows then this is probably not a waste of time. 

Just don't expect anything resembling what attracted people to love the original Lost in Space and its source material Swiss Family Robinson.


About the fighting monk in Rogue One.  C'mon you don't expect Donnie Yen not kung fu fighting in a Hollywood movie now?  He ticks two boxes: the China market and a stereotype that invokes Jedi in a Star Wars movie without actual Jedi.


I expect him to do kung fu however, I was stating that as they could have used almost anyone to fill that position for a force sensitive. That wasn't a Jedi ;) It might have been kind of cool to have a Chinese person for the storm trooper... lol

I half expected him to break out in some Drunken style Kung Fu... lol


yes, now we are getting stupid silly... :D

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