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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/06/2016 in Blog Entries

  1. The LadySmoks Boutique has reopened! Here is where I will be re-uploading my older Sims 3 content Update info: More was added 06/07/2022 Bots have their own page... Stay tuned! A TS4 to TS3 conversion of the outfit by Cosplaysimmer... Credits: Cosplaysimmer: Links appear dead. ((( Alopex @ MTS: https://modthesims.info/d/414851/3-new-leggings.html Kewai-Dou Misa Hair: http://kewai-dou.com/misa_hair-sims3/ LS_tf MisaAmane-DeathNote Outfit.zip LS_tf MisaAmane-DeathNote Sleepwear.zip LS_LaceStockings Accy.zip LS_tf MisaAmane-DeathNote Boots.zip A TS4 to TS3 conversion of an outfit by Ami Swift... Set includes everything in pic... outfit, 3d height altering boots, shield and sword accy on back, 3d tiara accy and hair Credits: Ami Swift @ TSR https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-clothing-female/title/wonder-woman-set/id/1382777/ Sword by Severinka http://sims3s.ru/accessory.php original Newsea Hair J183 https://simshairs.com/downloads-sims3-sims4/newseas-j183-titanium-hairstyle-retextured-by-sims-hairs/ LS_WonderWoman Set(AmiSwiftTSR).zip A TS4 to TS3 conversion of an outfit by Ami Swift... Set includes top, 3d bottom, boots, helmet as hair/ hat and shield on back accy Credits: Ami Swift @TSR https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-clothing-male/title/captain-america-outfit/id/1356640/ LS_CaptainAmerica Set [AmiSwiftTS4@TSR].zip A TS4 to TS3 conversion of an outfit by Ami Swift... Set includes top, nude top with metal arm, 3d bottom with Makarov pistols, and boots Credits: Ami Swift @TSR https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-clothing-male/title/captain-america-outfit/id/1356640/ Mask by Kijiko @ http://kijiko-catfood.com/half-mask-accessory/ Makarov pistol by Ross Garrard @ https://p3dm.ru/files/weapon/pistols/12477-makarov-pm.html LS_am WinterSoldier Set[AmiSwiftTS4@TSR].zip Original by MsBlue @ TSR, but I felt Black Widow needed guns, so I added them. Also, "JoshQified" her boots a bit! Set includes outfit with Makarov pistols and 3d height altering boots Credits: MsBlue @TSR https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-clothing-female/title/avengers-black-widow-boots/id/1233174/#ie2Z0ZYvfbOOBt4J.32 Makarov pistols by Ross Garrard @ https://p3dm.ru/files/weapon/pistols/12477-makarov-pm.html LS_BlackWidow Set [MsBlue@TSR].zip LadySmoks presents... EA Cocktail dress take 2!!! This is a remake of the EA cocktail dress I did a while ago, and has a new CASP number. This dress has better bone weights and features my Priyatna bottom nude mesh. It's for YA/A female Sims found in CAS Outfits and available for Everyday, Formalwear, Career, ValidForMaternity and ValidForRandom. I hope you like it!!! LS_af EA CocktailDress remake.zip LadySmoks presents... The Little Black Dress take 2!!! This is a remake of the EA EP3 Short Tight dress that I did a while ago, and has a new CASP number. This dress has better bone weights and features my Priyatna bottom nude mesh. It's for YA/A female Sims found in CAS Outfits and available for Everyday, Formalwear, Career, ValidForMaternity and ValidForRandom. I hope you like it!!! LS_af LittleBlackDress remake.zip LadySmoks presents... the Sakura Gothic mini-dress take 2!!! This is a remake of Sakura's Gothic dress open mini that I did a while ago, and has a new CASP number. This dress has better bone weights and features my Priyatna bottom nude mesh. It's for YA/A female Sims found in CAS Outfits and available for Everyday, Formalwear, Career, ValidForMaternity and ValidForRandom. I hope you like it!!! Credits: https://sakurasims.tumblr.com/ LS_af SakuraGothicMini remake.zip LadySmoks' version of 2B (NeiR Automata)! Another sexy, STRONG woman Sim!!! This is my TS4 to TS3 conversion of 2B (NieR Automata), originally by Plazasims, The skirt, boot and leg meshes and some textures are my originals. This set was originally uploaded in one zip, however, a FemmeBot version is in the works, and will use the same accy mask and beauty mark overlay. I hope you like it!!! LS_2B(NieR Automata)Top.zipLS_2B(NieR Automata)BottomSkirt.zipLS_2B(NieR Automata)BottomNoSkirt.zipLS_2B(NieR Automata)Boots.zipLS_2B(NieR Automata)Mask Accy.zipLS_2B(NieR Automata)Hair.zipLS_2B(NieR Automata)BeautyMark.zip Summer is coming, and with it... bikini season! Rare, but these are my original meshes and textures... I hope you like it!!! LS _af HighCutBikini.zip YUP! Another Baywatch swimsuit! Some prefer a one piece, so here you go! Original mesh and textures, except the Baywatch patch from online images... I hope you like it!!! LS_af HighCutOnePieceSwimsuit.zip These are one top and two bottoms in one zip! I felt the top worked well as more than just a bikini top, and also options of thong, or a bit more butt coverage!!! Original meshes and textures. I hope you like it!!! LS_af BikiniBowsSet.zip LadySmoks presents... Vamirella! I really did not know much about her when I made this outfit, but it looked sexy, sooooo...... There are outfit and boots in separate zips. Original meshes and textures. I hope you like it!!! LS_af VampirellaOutfit.zipLS_af VampirellaKneeHighBoots.zip LadySmoks presents... Baby Doll from Sucker Punch!!! Another character I really know little about. This is a remake of an outfit by Zauma. I am unable to find the original Russian site link, and the only other is ADFLY! This is a set that includes top, bottom skirt with panties and bottom skirt without panties, hair remake with hair band by me (original by Stealthic), and my original thigh high socks... I hope you like it!!! LS_af BabyDollSuckerPunch Set.zip LadySmoks presents... Marie Rose from DOA!!! Outfit and gloves accy are my original meshes and textures. Boots are TS4 to TS3 conversion of boots by Studio K-Creations. Hair is my poor attempt to convert hair from a game rip by Rip Van Winkle @Renderhub.com I hope you Like it!!! LS_MarieRose DOA.zip LadySmoks presents... a "Simply Tight Dress"!!! This is my original mesh and texture. There are two versions of this dress, a mini, and VERY mini (pictured). I hope you like them!!! LS_af SimplyTightDress.zipLS_af SimplyTightVeryMini.zip LadySmoks presents... the Sheer Elegance Cute Little Nightie-01!!! Based on an EA mesh Panties sold below, separately! No, really... This is a top, and can be used with nude bottom and accy panties... or no panties at all, if that's how your Sim rolls! I hope you like it!!! LS_af SheerEleganceCuteLittleNightie-01.zip LadySmoks presents... a Slightly Sheer Skirt!!! Based on an EA mesh I hope you like it!!! LS_af SlightlySheerSkirt.zip LadySmoks presents... a teen version of the Slightly Sheer Skirt!!! Based on an EA mesh I hope you like it!!! LS_tf SlightlySheerSkirt.zip LadySmoks presents... Ruche Skirt_Open!!! Based on an EA mesh I hope you like it!!! LS_af RucheSkirt_Open.zip LadySmoks presents... EP9 Torn Game Top converted to basegame!!! Based on an EA mesh I hope you like it!!! LS_af EP9 TornGameTop.zip LadySmoks presents... EP11 Day Dress converted to basegame!!! Based on an EA mesh I hope you like it!!! LS_af BodyEP11 DayDress.zip LadySmoks presents... Plunge V converted to basegame!!! Definitely more "plunge" than EA, and open bottom, of course! Based on an EA mesh I hope you like it!!! LS_af Plunge V.zip LadySmoks presents... Sheer Elegance Shortie Top and Panties!!! Set includes top, and panties as bottom, and as accessory Based on an EA mesh I hope you like it!!! LS_SheerEleganceShortieTop and Panties.zip LadySmoks presents... a Simple SheerCamisole!!! Based on an EA mesh I hope you like it!!! LS_af SimpleSheerCamisole.zip LadySmoks presents... LS_LorandiaSims3_Dress_2301_af Open!!! This is a remake of the open bottom conversion I made a while ago. The original is by LorandiaSims3. It is an original mesh using Lore's textures as arranged to work as open bottom garment. The dress is for YA/A Female Sims, available for Everyday, Formalwear, Career, ValidForMaternity and ValidForRandom. There are 4 presets, with 3 re-colorable channels. This remade dress features my soft nipples and Priyatna bottom meshes. It has improved bone structure, especially the crotch area. This dress was remade from my original work files. All names and ID numbers are the same. If you have the older version, simply delete it. If you have the older version in a merged package, open in s3pe and import the new package to the merged package and the old files will be overwritten... done. I hope you like the new version!!! LS_LorandiaSims3_Dress_2301_af Open.zip LadySmoks presents... LS_af LorandiaSims3_2201Mini_Open!!! This is another remake, similar to the one above, with similar installation instructions. Original dress was a gown by LorandiaSims3. It's for YA/A Female Sims, found in outfits for Everyday, Formalwear, Career, ValidForMaternity and ValidForRandom. There are 3 presets with 3 re-colorable channels. I hope you like the new version!!! LS_af LorandiaSims3_2201Mini_Open.zip LadySmoks presents... LS_af LowBackHalterMini_Open!!! This is another remake, similar to the one above, with similar installation instructions. This is my original dress and textures. It's for YA/A Female Sims, found in outfits for Everyday, Formalwear, Career, ValidForMaternity and ValidForRandom. There are 3 presets with 1 re-colorable channel. I hope you like the new version!!! LS_af LowBackHalterMini_Open.zip LadySmoks presents... A slightly different Playboy Bunny Outfit! Not quite the traditional you see in the clubs (are there still Playboy Clubs?) Outfit mesh and textures by me. The bunny ears are 100% by JoshQ, but included with permission. If you have bunny ears by JoshQ, you do not need the ones here! I hope you like it!!! LS_af PlayboyBunnyOutfit.zip LadySmoks presents... Widowmaker... Naughty or Nice!!! The set includes 2 outfits. One full outfit, and one with with a bare butt and crotch. 2nd outfit is for use with Kinky World, and an accy butt cover. For "kinky" fun, use KW options so outfit remains on during woohoo, and register the butt cover in KW panties, so it comes off during woohoo! Set also includes hair with Widowmaker helmet and boots. Either outfit requires the boots, as there are no legs below the knees! I hope you like her!!! LS_Widowmaker.zip LadySmoks presents... Liquid Latex Catsuit! This is an original mesh and textures. I am in the process of updating the boots and will have them soon. I hope you like it!!! LS_af LiquidLatexCatsuit.zip LadySmoks presents... Power Girl!!! Set includes outfit, boots and accy cape. All are original meshes and textures. I may upgrade the cape with improved bone structure, but not sure. I hope you like it!!! LS_PowerGirl Injustice.zip LadySmoks presents... Samus Aran Zero Suit for female Sims! Well, I made this as a FemmeBot, and also as an outfit for female Sims. This outfit requires Null Shoes, which I am uploading below. I hope you like it!!! LS_af SamusAran-ZeroSuit.zip NULL SHOES Null shoes are similar to FemmeBot "No Bottom", and required for a few outfits, as the feet are attached, and not separate shoes. Null Shoes will take the shoes slot, otherwise, TS3 will automatically attach random shoes. NullShoesNude.zip I am working to update more for upload on NSFWmods... Will add more as I can get things together! Look for new content in regular downloads section...
    9 points
  2. The E.C. Hosiery Store for The Sims 3 Need an outfit to pair with your new hosiery? Please visit our Lingerie Department! Comments and feedback appreciated! Enjoy your stay and happy simming! ECH Cuban Heel Stockings.package ECH Suspender Pantyhose.package ECH Lace Top Stockings.package ECH Control Top Open V3.package ECH Basic Stockings v2.package ECH Sheer Bodystocking.package ECH Fishnet Stockings.package ECH Fishnet Pantyhose Open V2.packageEA Control Top Pantyhose Conversion.packageEA Pantyhose Conversion V3.package
    7 points
  3. The LadySmoks Boutique in collaboration with the "Super Secret Mad Science" Division of Landgraab Industries present... FemmeBots (and The Vaginator) I will continue to upload more bots as time permits. Thank you for your patience
    6 points
  4. PHASE I: Me: (((((((((((((( YELLOW VERTICAL STRIPE))))))))))))))))) AI: HUH? ME: I SAID YELLOW VERTICAL STRIPE! NOT A YELLOW JUMPSUIT! AI: .... ME: Hmm, never mind the stripe, these ones look pretty damn nice... Anyways, let us continue... PHASE II: ME: Okay, I think we're getting better... ME: WHAT! NO! AI: ... ME: I think it's time to alter a few things in the prompt... PHASE III: ME: I think we're getting better with the vertical stripe thing... AI:... ME: Look, pal... I said yellow VERTICAL stripe, IN THE FRONT... ME: Okay, that's a pretty good one, though not quite what I want... ME: Yeah, that's more like it... AI: ... ME: Okay, never mind, that's enough for today... The journey (((((might))))) continue when my frustration with the 'yellow vertical stripe' is gone... PHASE IV: Okay, this is the best I was able to create. Still not that close to a real vault suit, but the last one is pretty good I think. Lots of new ideas for different vault suits though. UPDATE: Got it pretty close this time, I would say... Note: If you're curious what prompts I used to create these images, unfortunately I didn't keep them, and the images are most likely deleted from my gallery at this point, but what I basically did was this: Describe the girl (age, appearance etc.), describe what a 'vault' is, describe what a 'vault suit' is, how it looks like, and then finally describe the scene e.g. "the girl wearing a vault suit inside a vault". You should first look at the public gallery and copy the prompts (both the positive and the negative parts) from images you like and then add your own stuff. That's what I did.
    5 points
  5. The E.C. Hosiery Store for The Sims 3 Need some stockings or pantyhose for your new lingerie? Check out our Hosiery Department! Comments and feedback appreciated! Enjoy your stay and happy simming! ECH Conversion Satin and Lace Panty NateF005.package ECH Lace Bodysuit Open.package ECH LorandiaSims Corset Coversion.package ECH Panty Conversion AS.package ECH 6 Strap Lace Garter Belt.package ECH Basic Bra V2.package ECH Basic Lace Bra V1.package ECH Basic Lace Panties V2.package ECH Basic Panties V2.package ECH Bra Conversion AS.package ECH Classic Garter Belt V1.package ECH Conversion Lace Bra Altea127.package ECH Conversion Lace Panty Altea127.package ECH Conversion Satin and Lace Bra NateF005.packageECH LorandiaSims 1109 Conversion.packageECH Lace Bodysuit BS.packageECH Pinsy Shaping Bodysuit.package ECH Pastel Garter Belt.package
    4 points
  6. If you want to recreate your ME1 character from scratch in ME2 by converting slider values into a ME2 face code, here's how to do it. It's very simple, but you need to know what the slider values were for your ME1 character. Note 1: ME2 skips the letter 'O' when generating the face code, in other words when you bring the slider (e.g. neck thickness) to position 24, the game encodes it with the letter 'P' in the face code, instead of 'O' (e.g. M(22)->N(23)->P(24) ). The letter 'O' isn't used in the face code. Not sure why they did it this way, I'm just letting you know to prevent confusion. Note 2: I have made an Excel spreadsheet that does this automatically which you can download from the link below and use it either with MS Excel or Google Docs (by importing it) and you can then use it to generate ME2 face code for your own characters. Simply fill in the slider values on white columns as in the examples given in the spreadsheet and ME2 face code will be generated automatically underneath that column, which you can then copy. Link for the Excel spreadsheet: Mass Effect Face Code Generator (ME1 to ME2).7z By the way, in case you're wondering why one should bother with all this, the "imported" character in ME2 is not entirely the same as the one generated by using the face code or created from scratch by using the ME2 sliders. In other words, if you import the character from your ME1 saves, it'll be ever so slightly different than the one you create from scratch, because there are some differences in how these two games handle character assets and sliders. Note 3: You probably won't need any of this for the "legendary" version for two reasons, first it already shows you the face code in ME1 and also, the new sliders are most likely incompatible with the original games, so I wouldn't bother trying if I were you. CONVERSION TABLE: Example: Below are the slider values and the corresponding face code values according to the conversion table given above. Note that * is the value for the scar slider which isn't supported in ME2. Now let's put all these values into groups of three and add a dot between each group in order to form the face code, ignoring the value for the scar slider (*)... ME2 Face Code: 753.WCG.G1C.C1A.FGG.11K.11A.A11.GG6.5B4.9G4.616 Here's how it looks like in ME2: PS. If you want to get ME1 slider values from a ME2 face code (i.e. the opposite of the method described here) you can use this tool here.
    2 points
  7. So in my scatter-brained manner instead of finishing issue 2 of Fall In: Vault Bimbos in Peril I've resurrected the original series I created years ago instead. It features the character Silas Caine, a cynical, ruthless wandering lawman who roams the DC Wasteland dispensing Justice. It proved to be popular and had a few dozen fans and a lot of anonymous readers. I enjoy making these strips because they indulge my love of Westerns, especially the work of Sergio Leone. While there is action and dark humor these comics feature a better crafted story. Fall In will continue to be more of a comedy and I'll leave the darker stuff to Silas Caine.. Instead of posting each page as it's finished I'll merely put up a few teasers and release the whole thing in one go this time. Not only will that allow me to edit and tweak the pages before publishing there will be more surprises for the reader. Enjoy and thanks for stopping by.
    2 points
  8. This is an info dump and other randomness used for the 'Fantasy Realms' run of comics. It is all subject to change, but I'm trying to give some cohesion to the world and things in it.
    1 point
  9. A dump of some AI generated pretty ladies... In case you're wondering why they are all in underwear, collar etc. that is actually a remnant of my earlier attempts at creating a scene with "a sexy rogue in a tavern" idea. I wanted her to wear a sexy skimpy leather armor but wasn't able to get what I wanted so I decided to switch to lingerie, collars, and leg/arm straps instead, and later on I didn't want to spoil the good results I was getting by removing those descriptions from the prompt so I kept them there. Prompts seem to function like a fingerprint of sorts along with the seed, so if you change it drastically you often lose the training up to that point and start to get irrelevant results. You can add more to it, but I'd advise against altering/removing earlier stuff if you've been getting good results with your prompt. Created by: https://perchance.org/ai-photo-generator Edit: I'm not sure how long the "gallery" provided by the plugin above retain the images posted there, but since some of my earlier stuff already seems to be deleted, I presume it's not very long, a day or two perhaps, so I downloaded them and decided to post them here as an archive for myself and for anyone else who wants to have a look. See the file below if you're interested, it contains 467 images in total (19.7 MB), some of which are the ones above. AIPHOTO.7z Here's a new batch of W-AI-FUs... Full set (1.35 MB): NEW_CGI.7z
    1 point
  10. This is my first step toward reopening! More to follow as time allows... Please be patient, as I have no clue what I am doing!!!
    1 point
  11. This time it'll be Skyrim-themed. Introducing Sonya, the Barbarian Bimbo! A naive Nord Maiden ventures out into the world to seek her fortune. Unfortunately, the land of Skyrim has other plans for her...
    1 point
  12. Finally got some time to start on issue #2. Wendy is trapped in the Fallout world and as confused as ever. With the help and advice from lots of folks here and in the community I've upped my production values for this issue. Modded my environment and I have to say the outdoor shots look much better. In any case here's a sneak peek at page one before inserting dialogue and other graphics. Enjoy!
    1 point
  13. My latest comic is finished and will be posted very shortly in the downloads section. Cover: Sample page: Enjoy!
    1 point
  14. Issue #1 of Fall In: Vault Bimbos in Peril is posted in the downloads section: Thanks to all the folks who have followed the work-in-progress and to potential new readers! Enjoy!
    1 point
  15. Trying out some new techniques and I think I may have finally figured out how to add a drop-shadow to my text. Hopefully it makes it easier to read and doesn't look so flat and lifeless. In any case, things are getting more complicated for our protagonist! Enjoy! *I re-posted the first page in this chapter here to make it easier to follow the storyline* Page 2.1 Page 2.2 Page 2.3
    1 point
  16. Finished the first chapter of the comic. I'll create a cover and post the entire comic for download. Anyone who wants to read it now, feel free to scroll back through blog where they've all been posted. Thanks for reading!
    1 point
  17. So I guess I should start with who I am. My member name is VanCleef and yes, it was inspired by the awesome actor from a series of great Spaghetti Westerns. A number of years back I started modding my Fallout 3 game and using pose, clothing, locations and about a zillion other mods, created a series of comics featuring my Fallout PC, Silas Caine, a cynical Wasteland Ranger who patrols the DC Wasteland hunting down criminals and dispensing justice. At some point I'll get around to posting them here if anyone is interested. I had a big following over at the Fallout Nexus and released a number of issues. While I personally think the writing and stories were pretty good, the graphics were total crap. I created the whole thing using (brace yourself!) Microsoft Paint! My computer burned up one day and I didn't get back to gaming or creating comics for several years. Late last year I decided it was time to get going again and treated myself to a new computer. Once I got it up and running and re-installed my old save games I realized I'd missed creating comics. So I decided to start over again but this time do a better job! And while I hope to get back to producing Adventure Comics I decided to go in a new direction with this one. I want to do something sexy and funny. I had an idea for a story about a girl who signs up to beta test an online massive multi-player online sex game set in the Fallout Universe. But when she does events go wildly awry. This story isn't going to be the next great American Novel. In fact, to label it Pulp Fiction might even be a stretch. But it'll feature lots of comedy, boobs, ass, kink and sex mixed in with the adventure. I hope you'll tune in when I get some pages up. Fortunately for me the Master of Modding Mojo His Own Bad Self, Kendo 2 is giving me a hand. Not only are his comics an inspiration but he has been enduring a veritable onslaught of questions and for some reason he's still putting up with me. He's been a huge help so far. In any case I just spent the last few hours tonight navigating the murky waters of the GIMP illustrator program and I sort of managed a test cover. I still have a way to go before I'll consider it worthy of release but feel free to critique it. Alright. That's enough for now. Hopefully I've piqued your interest. Or not. Whichever.
    1 point
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