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Everything posted by Nailos18

  1. Thanks for this dress. Had to download this twice before I realized the bsl, bsa, and esp were inside the CalienteTools folder. Thought my download had messed up!
  2. So I been playing that game for the Beta. Got my copy for free from the tour I got a few months ago at Bethesda's office. Want to know a very " fun " bug the game has? If a player either logs out, ctd's, or gets forced logged out due to server crash/shutdown, AND they were in power armor or just a frame. They lose the frame and armor upon logging back in. About a quarter of Beta players have said that no matter how they change their graphics settings they still can't see the water in game. Some enemies will randomly become " immortal " and won't be killable until you have 3 or more players attacking them, that means a solo player can't complete most " event " quests without being forced into a party of other players.
  3. Damn aliens, just wanted to loot the body, but nooo.
  4. Nailos18

    Starting out

    Yeah, merged a lot of them.
  5. Nailos18

    Starting out

    112 atm!
  6. Nailos18

    Starting out

    Yeah, I miss some things, but willing to try out mods that people recommend to me. Some told me to try Vanilla UI Plus, others the Revelation mod, and the Revelation + UI Plus. Revelation mod looks very nice, probably due to the nostalgia of the first games. But I keep reading issues using it along other mods that I consider essential for my TTW so for atm, not using it.
  7. Nailos18

    Starting out

    Trying out the Vanilla UI Plus for this install. Usually go with Darn, but this one is good as well.
  8. Nailos18

    To Megaton!

    Decided to not get a weapon mod overhaul this time. My old TTW I had issues where if I added say a scope to a hunting rifle the textures would get all funky for the whole weapon. Also decided to combine different game texture overhauls to see how it turned out. Using MG's Clutter, NMC, Vurts, Bueno, and selective single texture changes. Almost always just used NMC and Vurts in the past, but would notice some random things I came across would not have the same detail as others.
  9. Nailos18

    Starting out

    Using a combination of Mojave Delights textures with Kendo 2's textures from this site, got my stable TTW up and going again now that I have time to play these games again.
  10. I am using the FO4 Power Armors for FNV from Drag and the base game pipboy clips badly with those, so using Pipboy 2500 right now for mine. Stable TTW atm
  11. Been thinking that what Vault 21 needed was a few " VIP " clubs. I always come back to the screens of this. Always thought Sarah Weintraub would have tried to get more people to come to the vault by adding in new stuff. And I know lore wise Mr House sealed off majority of the vault, but always felt like it should have been bigger.
  12. So found a nice mention of Nerevar during the Clockwork City dlc in ESO. If you ever played through ES3 and all the dlc you already know what happens with the Tribunal, but at least here during ESO, 2nd era, Sotha Sil shows respect and remorse. Other shots are from the Clockwork City house you can get and furnish, very cool looking. And the Clockwork bed from the last shot is very interesting. Everything is very Dwemerish, but just slightly not, I like it.
  13. Nailos18

    New Weapon

    Oh, and Piper had to photo bomb me, but its a butt shot so is ok
  14. Nailos18

    Lady Death 2

    Lol I have posted tons of pictures on Nexus with K2's stuff in them. Though I have refrained from putting " Kendo2's " in the title, comment section though when they ask where its from is different though.
  15. Had a few people ask me where I have gotten my faction overhauls, they are from gunetwork. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4THyi5u1ojg That video covers one of them, they cover most of the others as well. Now to decide if I do a Legion or NCR playthrough?
  16. Nailos18

    The Cruel Sea

    Hope next ES game has sea battles!
  17. Nailos18

    The Sims 3

    Never played any Sims games, perhaps I should...
  18. So I decided to install Elder Scrolls Online while I was at work in order to check out the Clockwork City they put out. And I came across some very cool looking stuff. So starting out I found myself playing my Nightblade and traveling with Divayth Fyr, which was very cool. Then as we get to the " town " I was greeted by a woman in kick ass looking Clockwork/Dwemer armor. Check that armor out! Even has mechanical limbs! And then there is Fyr's daedric armor, that almost had my crying it was such a nice call back of Morrowinds Daedric armor. Then later I came across the guards of city, very cool looking robes with armor and they all have at least 2 limbs replaced with mechanical ones! And then there was this Dunmer lady that to be honest, was very good looking for a dunmer. And then! To my surprise Sotha Sil! But man what I would give to have those armors for Skyrim. Fyr's Daedric armor alone is very cool looking.
  19. Nailos18

    Sky is nice

    Trying out some sky overhauls, usually prefer base game night sky cause some mods just make nights too bright. This one is good balance for me. Not so sure about my snow textures though.
  20. Nailos18

    Frosty weather

    So decided to give Skyrim Se a try now that time has passed for some good mods to be converted over. First time using Wet and Cold and similar mods for Skyrim. People of Skyrim and other mods looked interesting so decided to give them a try. This one is from the path to High Hrothgar. Later right after these steps I had two Wisp Mothers and a Azure Dragon spawn on me lol. Think I found my combat overhaul mods to be a LOT of fun.
  21. Nailos18


    I think its HGEC. I have always gone with DMRA for Oblivion but trying to find a updated Oblivion overhaul guide that has HGEC lol.
  22. Nailos18


    Been wanting to play this game again.
  23. Like Ritual said earlier, I think any future games Bethesda will release will end up being coded for CC. From one side I can see why they wanted to do the CC, but how they have done it is completely jacked. The limitations on file size alone just proves any " DLC " is never going to be on it. I would have loved to have had a quest to find out exactly what transpired in the Capital Wasteland between the ending of F3 and DLC to what happens in F4. If it had been on the level of Dead Money, or Lonesome Road, I most likely would have paid to get it and do the quest. Prices in CC are about how I used to treat soda machines when growing up. Shove my arm up drop point and yank down soda's, go to school and charge 50cents a can in middle of class. Ripoff when the soda only cost 25cents, but hey fools bought them. I plan on waiting patiently for the next few " honorable " companies game releases and see how it goes. I have found that mods of the more exciting mods for any current games I own are hosted on either a mod authors patreon, tumblr, and other sites. For very cool mods that I enjoy I toss a bit of cash to them as a thanks for letting me enjoy the work. I don't pay a large sum, say I got an extra $100 I will just set aside 20 or so and not use it, just so if I come across a mod authors work and really like what they have done, I help out. Not because I was asked, or " because mod authors should be paid " but because I found enjoyment in what was done. Very cool dwemer storyline that takes me back to Tel Vos and it allows you to claim a small island north of Winterhold for a Telvanni Stronghold? Along with a few new hard dungeon fights? Yes, thanks heres $10's. That to me would show a mod author more appreciation that someone enjoyed it enough to donate some money of their own free will, versus giving money to them to get the mod. But hey this is just me.
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