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Everything posted by bjornk

  1. Pretty sure every single NPC in the game will be using "opposite gender animations". The menu/title song sang by supposedly "Nord guys" is the worst one, I agree. I like the incidental music played when you're wandering around Falkreath and Riften. For whatever reason, the music makes me feel incredibly nostalgic towards the late 80s and early 90s. I'm sure there's a reason. If the music is good and is varied enough, I turn down the volume, keep it at about 20%. I only turn it off if the game is really intriguing and the music is either shit or distracting, which is an extremely rare situation. If I get bored of the music I replace it with something else, or make my own soundtrack. In many games however you can't simply turn the music off, no matter how boring it becomes, because music is used as an indicator of a many different things, such as entering/exiting combat, whether or not it's a safe zone etc. I don't play woke games on principle even if I got it for free and I'd never pay for them. Trying to remove that sort of shit out of a video game using mods is an unnecessary chore IMO.
  2. Don't be a fool, marshal! You're outnumbered! (PS. I played the shit out of the demo only.) Edit: Actually, I think I did play the full game, but not in the 90s, but much later, not sure if I ever finished it. I always remembered the taunts from the demo. As someone quite familiar with Italian film composers, this one sounds pretty generic, pastiche I would say, but I can understand how for someone who had never heard one before pretty sure it would have a major impact. Besides Morricone, possibly the most well-known one, almost all Italian film composers wrote at least one piece for some spaghetti western, most of which I've never seen, and there are plenty. Some of them are really good, the soundtracks I mean, although films are mostly crap. I've seen quite a bit of them but I'd imagine the only good ones that are really worth watching were made by Leone. I recommend checking out this channel which I discovered last year. Lots of full soundtrack albums from various Italian composers, and some are spaghetti westerns. Or this one for Morricone stuff, there are many more ofc.
  3. I'm not sure how relevant it is to the topic, but just watched a video which really soured my opinion of him. WARNING: If you watch the video you may no longer enjoy his music as much as you used to!
  4. Just a reminder, you shouldn't use any mods/patches that fix the issue if you want to see it. I think I fixed it myself (assumed that it's a bug but maybe not), but I think unofficial patch also fixes it. LOL found my own thread on LL. https://www.loverslab.com/topic/57215-dragonborn-male-dunmer-miner-morag-tong-assassins-using-female-animations/ Clearly, I'm having memory issues, need to replace my RAM. From UESP: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Unearthed It's apparently not just the miners, some other NPCs from that DLC are affected as well as I mentioned in the LL thread, I had forgotten all about this bug, perhaps because I've been using the unofficial patch for quite a while.
  5. At this point I'm beginning to think that the "queer miners" of Dragonborn DLC (i.e. the miner guys using female animations) was perhaps intentional. I bet TES6 is gonna be a huge meme-fest in the worst possible way for Bethesda, might even force Todd to retire early. Hope I'll be around for the laughs.
  6. And we haven't heard everything... Hopefully Linux Sucks 2025 will be more entertaining.
  7. Tomorrow is Friday... The 13th... Dun dun duuun!
  8. Youtube's UI team: - "Guys we must do something new with the UI immediately!" - "But we've just rounded the corners of everything, what else can we do?" - "Dunno, make the progress bar pink or something." These people are some of the most useless people ever employed in an IT company.
  9. Is that the reason why they adopted "pronouns" and "body types"? Any video game with "pronouns" and "body types" instead of sex/gender will never get a penny from me, no matter how well made it is.
  10. And a perfectly valid reason to not buy any other game from a developer who can't provide a solid, bug free foundation for its so called moddable game and forces players and modders alike to depend on assholes like this guy.
  11. Yeah I had forgotten about that one. One would find it really difficult to even use the words NASA and punk in the same sentence and yet these idiots used them in the same fucking word. Okay, here's one I've come up with: Modpunk! Guys, I think I've found the name for my modding website! Don't steal it!
  12. Swordpunk! Cause we still use swords despite having robots and aliens and shit... There's nothing "punk" about that, but never mind.
  13. Legendary Edition, Special Edition, Anniversary Edition... after more than a decade, NONE of Arthmoor's "unofficial fixes" has been incorporated into the game, despite being a major Bethesda bootlicker... and apparently he's currently busying himself patching Starfield ... I find it highly cringy, tells you a lot about his personality, a spineless sycophant and a hypocrite... I've also realized the hate he's been getting for being a total jerk is significantly increased, and deservedly so. Anyway, yes, I'm really annoyed right now by one of his so called "fixes" (i.e. "this is what I think the game should be").
  14. Good on him, he used to laugh at his own jokes before setting up his YT channel...
  15. Fringe societies, anarchy = punk What a retard.
  16. The US has been "the bad guy" since WWII, everyone is well aware of that except the Americans. From South America to North Africa, to Middle East, to Europe, there's no where on the planet that they haven't stirred up to "protect" the so called "American Interests", which of course have nothing to do with the interests of the people of the USA, just the interests of the wealthy elite who owns the country. The rest has been useful as cannon fodder.
  17. One of the defining characteristics of Y is that they are completely detached from the past because they were completely bombarded with new things of increasingly shit quality (because of the consumerism of the 80s and 90s) while growing up and had no reason to look back and now they take all the superficial things from old stuff and insert their identity politics cause that's what they make them feel special and that's all they're capable of because their imagination is naturally limited to what they were exposed to while growing up and they have no memory of a world without television, computers and smartphones, etc. which is mostly true for the Z as well. They attach the word "punk" to whatever they come up with because that's trendy, that's a thing, not because they have a memory of the punk movement of the 70s and associate the thing with it. Most things they label as "punk" have nothing to do with it. It's mainly the Millennials and Gen Z who use the word "retro" in that way. Retro games, retro music etc. mainly referring to the 80s and the 90s. "Vintage" is another similar crap. What people use these kind of words for seems completely arbitrary to me. "Old games/music", "games/music from the 1980s" etc. are perfectly sufficient labeling, the usage of words like "retro", "vintage" is completely unnecessary, but again I guess people think that "it's cool and trendy".
  18. In addition to what I've already said above, I'd like to add that I can clearly see the connection between this idiotic trend and the woke shit, i.e. 21st century identity politics.
  19. May have something to do with certain items and their incorrect (?) "physics properties" and the way they interact with the game world perhaps? Doesn't explain why they behave differently inside and outside of particular cells though.
  20. It's -in your face- woke garbage with annoying characters, overrated, outdated, just like its predecessors and similar Bioware crap. Personally, don't care, won't ever buy, not my kind of game.
  21. Just a few other people reporting the issue without realizing what's going on... https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615803-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/66657924 https://forums.nexusmods.com/topic/1128308-inventory-drop-glitch-bleak-falls-barrow/ The issue has nothing to do with your FPS above 60 or v-sync not enabled etc., if that was the case you'd experience the same problem everywhere, not in particular locations.
  22. The "more equals" are often the wealthy and powerful, but in this particular case it is the women. When laws are not applied equally to everyone, they are bound to create injustice, it's not rocket science. This is also the same mentality that tries to fight discrimination by discriminating people, not realizing positive discrimination is still discrimination. In any case, what's been going on in the guy's private life is completely irrelevant to the topic.
  23. Nothing specific to M$, that is capitalism, in this so-called "free market" every actor inherently desires to become a monopoly to maximize their profits. And what do they do when they have? Simple, they start looking for ways to milk customers, when that's not enough they start sucking their blood. Apple, Google, Steam, Epic, Adobe, you name it, they are all the same shit. At this point, if anyone has been trying to cripple Windows in order to continue using it, they should already realize that it's a losing battle. Linux is also cancer, but the alternative is death. Microsoft confirms August updates break Linux boot in dual-boot systems Windows update breaks Linux dual boot - but there is a fix for some users
  24. bjornk

    Too small

    Let's get him a bigger lightsaber for his birthday.
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