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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. It happens on Brave as well. I've cleared my cache and history and that doesn't work. I've also checked my history settings on YT and all is fine. Went to manage history and videos I've watched end on October 30th. Mind you, this also happens on my phone and tablet. I've also noticed YT make some small changes like the description on videos has changed. I would think that they accidentally messed something up along the way to cause this, but if you say it's working fine for you, I'm not sure if it's just me and some others or just me.
  2. Is it me, or is YT semi broken? My history shows the latest video from 4 days ago. Videos I've already watched continue to show up on recommendations as videos I haven't seen... It's been like this for 3 days or so for me now.
  3. I originally wanted a 3080, but I ended up settling on a 3070 TI. I originally planned to wait for the 4000 series launch and skip the 3000 series, but my 970 had a little oopsy. And I had to get a new GPU with the new build. My only gripe is the 8GB VRAM. I am glad I ended up skipping the 4000 series. I'm not sure why AMD would follow suit, but hopefully they are watching this and come up with a proactive solution before it becomes a big problem.
  4. Look at both studios play nice together. Seems like it was done because of MS more than anything.
  5. And I knew this was coming. One of the reasons why I ditched Amazon back in 2020. I know other places like Ebay do this, but It's rare I shop for new stuff on there. I mostly buy old computer stuff, or stuff that isn't manipulated by scalpers that have nothing to do with pc gaming.
  6. Just want to throw out there that youtube's short is fucking dumb. I'm seeing more YTer's I follow just following this trend and I'm ready to start unsubbing.
  7. You can see the concern and frustration in her face. Anyways, here in Las Vegas, when Catherine Cortez Masto (D) pretty much shut down most business during the lock down, a lot of casino workers stayed home for a very long time. Most casinos have the local union and they definitely tell workers to vote democrat. When the lock downs were uplifted and a lot of these casino workers returned to work, their seniority and benefits were stripped pretty much making them as new hires. They lost their benefits and the raises they had accumulated over the many years of working there. This has become a very huge eye opener to many of the workers. From what I've heard, most are considering voting red but are maintaining hush hush about it at work. It's been a long time since I worked at a job with a union. I worked at a few casinos in the past and even UPS that has local union.
  8. Wow! It's been a year... Here's my contribution from YT recommendation.
  9. Sheriff Judd is an awesome sheriff. We need more like him across the country.
  10. Something that some of us are noticing here while JayzTwoCents is doing benchmarks with the 4090 FE and Asus Strix. The Founders Edition is performing much better than Asus. And this seems that Nvidia is trying to phase out AIB partners and the main reason as to why EVGA is no longer parterns with Nvidia.
  11. When a foreign student who can't vote here knows more about our politics then the clueless derpy students who can have no clue.
  12. Funny how Nvidia is stating that two RTX 4080s can be confusing in their statement of why they unlaunched the 4080 12GB version. But it sure wasn't the case when they did the same exact thing with the 3080 12GB and 3080 10gb.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolero
  14. Honestly, I expected no less from Nvidia. I guess they are trying to fool people with their DLSS on performance and skip the rasterization.
  15. The left falls for the bait. I guess their progressive parents will live and learn, right? Wouldn't hold my breath. I wouldn't doubt these two will eventually opt out of life.
  16. It's been a very long time since I've done a recolor. I don't ever mess with the normal maps when I did. I'd just slice up the diffuse maps and recolor all the parts I want what ever color and then paste them over an unedited diffuse map that I leave out the minmaps to redo them. This was the very last recolor I did. From here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76445 Haven't done any since. Did quite a lot for Fallout 3 but all of those and this one were on my old and dead hard drive.
  17. Simple but still looks good.
  18. Well, it does do it justice from the frontal view. Not to mention the pretty lady in front of it.
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