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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. In regards to the EULA and EA, I'm not familiar since I haven't played any of their games in forever, but I do remember K2 talking about not ever modding Fallout 4 because they had the same approach when it came to people's own assets i.e. mesh, textures, anims, etc.
  2. endgameaddiction

    Up to no good.

    Are you doing a comic series with these new characters?
  3. I recently found this channel. Not sure how I missed it since this guy lives in my city.
  4. Yeah. Over here it's laid back. It's all fair game. And I'm fine with that. I don't need my hand held unless I'm deliberately breaking a rule. But over there, they make up rules half the time people don't want to bother to follow. That's why that MIA thread only has two mentions of members that have been gone for a while. No one wants to go out their way to contact a moderator for the approval of posting a member who's MIA. And my post got deleted because I didn't contact them. I simply posted a member that was actually banned long long time ago, but I missed. Their thread fails to engage because it sets arbitary rules no one cares to follow. All the kids would rather go play in someone else's playground that doesn't set these rules like 'you have to ask me before you can get on the swing set'.
  5. It's no wonder why a lot of old school members don't post on LL. Them and their arbitrary rules and thread rules. Having fun on LL is not an option. Boy was LL so much fun way back from 2014 and earlier until staff members got a stick up their ass and decided to strip away the fun of the community. Notice that most threads and members nowadays are so serious. I used to think being banned from Nexus was an honor. I have long since changed my mind. Being banned from LL is a blessing. Only reason I return is for the rare occasion of mods. If it was optional, I wouldn't create an account and just download mods.
  6. Like all chicken shits, they run and hide. Or try to hide. I found this one to be funny. The owner of that restaurant was allowing James to get up on stage and expose the him. Shame that didn't happen.
  7. My mother caught COVID and passed on to me. Though it had to have been transmitted by something I brought home. She was in the hospital for 29 days and I was at home with it for 3 weeks. Not going to lie, it sucked. I started with a fever, then the coughs, then shortness of breath and instead of no smell and taste, everything smelt and tasted awful. I couldn't stomach to eat anything. Only reason I did was because my stomach would hurt from not eating. I barely ate whatever I made. And I'm one who rarely ever gets sick. My mother being 81 at the time when she caught it, I'm surprised she pulled through. She's a freakin' tank. She has been through a stroke, heart attack that left her with CHF (Congestive Heart Failure), being diabetic, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. We both refuse to the get jab.
  8. She actually owes $17 million and can't even afford to pay Johnny Depp alone. She better have a back up plan.
  9. Yeah, I kept telling people that immigration reform is never going to happen. They make these false promises dangling it over their heads using it asa leverage to continue to get the Latino vote. Obama and all Dems know very well without enough votes from Republicans, it won't pass. And they know for a fact Republicans will never vote for it. And in turn they blame Republicans as to why they can't pass it. But I don't feel sorry for those who continue to allow themselves to be lied to. And I always knew that if they were to ever somehow pass it, Latinos wouldn't need to ever work those slave wage jobs that hire them to pay them a misery. It's not in their buddy buddy business partners interests.
  10. If this was SSE years later from it's initial release, I would be all over it. but too sophisticated for Bethesderp. Maybe give them another 20 years to reach this level.
  11. I almost thought this was Oblivion.
  12. Okay, after some digging around I managed to finally get Net Framework 4.0 and Python 2.7.x to work. I solved the Net Framework a week ago and I don't remember how. I believe I trashed the app I installed to get it to work. For Pything, It required the installation of Microsoft Visuals C++ 2010 Redistributable (x86) in order for it to function with MO. So Microsoft Visuals C++ 2010 Redistributable (x86) has to be installed first. Or it should be. If I remember or find the file for Net Framework 4.0 I'll post it here. As far as which Python I personally used. I used 2.7.4. The MO guide on LL nor the description on Nexus for MO mentions these requirements. I doubt STEP does as well or I would've found it. And frankly, as far as Microsoft Visuals C++ 2010 Redistributable (x86) goes, I know for a fact back on my old PC I installed that for something else long before installing MO around in 2015 (or 2016). Same for Net Framework 4.0. So I already had the prerequisites installed without even knowing I needed those for MO. And since this was a new build not having these already installed, I kept banging my head as to why if Net Framework 4.0 already being included with Win10 wasn't working and why Python was also not working once I installed it. Ah, whatever... This is good for someone else on Win10+ who runs into the same problem. At least they'll have less bandages on their forehead and broken front teef.
  13. If LOOT doesn't do the trick, try placing the esp at the bottom and see if that works. Edit: And if neither of those work, try the other option from the FAQ by typing in the console command.
  14. I looked at the sticky comments and this is what one of the FAQ said. Q. MCM is not showing. If do not show the MCM after waiting a few minutes, please try change the load order of esp. If it still does not showing, please enter "setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1" from the console.
  15. Okay, and just to be sure, you do have all the requirements installed?
  16. Have you tried starting a new game? Some mods that have a MCM menu require a new game.
  17. Okay, this one's funny. Especially towards and all the way up to the end.
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