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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. She must've had Brandon on her mind. I see one as the mental patient and the other as the caretaker. Or maybe that's his wife since she needs to guide him in the right direction when walking.
  2. @ritualclarity She was explaining it to her dumb voters because they wouldn't know where Ukraine or Russia is on a map.
  3. I'm too lazy to jump to high poly head meshes on Skyrim. I have the bad habit of sticking to what I have and not changing. And I don't think anyone can express enough how bad the low poly head mesh is. I don't know why I torture myself.
  4. Honestly, I just don't see there being any further development. To stay silent that long. That's not good to keep people amped. I talked to them last year. Regardless of reaching a milestone or not, should always keep people informed so people don't lose interest. Don't get me wrong, I hope I'm wrong. But at that time when I made that comment, it had been a long while before they had uploaded a devlog. And now given it's been over a year. I can't help but assume no further development. And to stick to discord. that will only reach out to a certain amount of followers. It's them missing out keeping us all informed. I believe Think Before You Sleep did a video on this subject about keeping the people following your progress engaged and intrigued. If I find the video, I'll post it, or link to it.
  5. Yeah, but it's been like that for the past few years. It hasn't evolved from being early development.
  6. It's been a year and two days since their last vlog. I'm going to assume the development of this game is dead.
  7. Wow! Um.... I don't even know what to say. lol
  8. It's funny how Trudeau now cares about the business that are blocked by the protest. but the last two years on lock down, that didn't matter. There is not one testosterone in that man's body. Doesn't have the gull to walk outside of his bubble. But he'll send his storm troopers to do his bidding. Doesn't matter what ever he does, the world is watching. I'm thinking that the invasion of China from the Fallout lore would come soon to reality given Trudeau is a fanboy of the CCP. Except it won't be due to resources.
  9. She speaks everything that's been on my mind for these past years. In my opinion, this is beyond reasoning at this point. They won't stop torturing and killing people to force us to comply and bend the knee. And will do so unless we strip their power.
  10. @ritualclarity And my previous hard drive I was on my infamous 260 GTX. LOL I used that card for 10 years while people were on Maxwell or Pascal for the most part. I could run Skyrim fine without many HD textures and definitely no to ENB. Well, there was one ENB I could run while playing that didn't really impact much perfomance. But most of my screenshots were on that card with ENB enabled only for that. I still have that GPU too. Now that I think about it, I couldn't even really run most ENBs with that card and Fallout 3.
  11. Skyrim Fallout 3 Those are just two characters I have out of the many for each game. I'm pretty much retired from modding so that's all I have to offer. I would've shared my FFXI modded character from back in the days, but that is on a very old and dusty HDD that died long ago.
  12. I'm gonna buy me one of them Teslers!
  13. The vast majority (if not all) of the custom hairs for Skyrim all derive from Sims. That goes for Oblivion as well. You can even include most of Fallout 3 and New Vegas custom hairs. KS in KS Hairdoes stands for Kalilies and Stealthic aka both authors whom I believe ported them from Sims. I'm sure most of these names are familiar to the Sims community.
  14. Hey, HEY! Only orange man bad. Leave Brandon alone.
  15. I used to follow Tucker Gott doing this stuff. Pure insanity.
  16. I can care less about celebrities and their personal life they love to shove in our faces as if the world revolves around them. They need so much attention to fill that void in them. I just watched a Baywatch Karen on an airplane yelling at an 80 year old man because he didn't have is mask on and she had hers below her chin. He nailed him in the face and I think she even punched him as the staff was trying to remove her. She must know Baywatch has been over for a long time. I think the old man is going to press charges. He should.
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