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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. I never trusted the government before nor after. Why the hell would I trust them and take their advice to get vaccinated? This is just sad.
  2. Looks like Acer in the AIB game and may be exclusively with Intel. It starts at 6:36.
  3. At this point with this new gen, their cards probably weigh more than a PC case.
  4. smh Sounds like this guy is trying to rack up subs from the fanboys.
  5. Califrnia at it again. And the left just hate nationalism.
  6. This is just a complete fucking embarrassment.
  7. Figured it's worth posting because Nvidia has been pushing that greed for some time now. I have no doubt they are trying to get the other AIB partners to follow EVGA. It certainly seems like it. price gouge the cards so no one buys the AIB cards because we know they will be at least 100USD more than the founder's edition. In a way I do hope they go this route so it can lead them to their demise. But the other side of me doesn't want that to happen because we know what happens when there's no competition in the market. If this were to happen, I can only expect basic and boring looking cards.
  8. I was just thinking about how this is going to look with Skywind for LE. Even on Morrowind it looks really good. I'm also think how good will this look with ENB if both can work in conjunction. Though, to be honest, If this looks as good as it's presented, I won't bother using ENB no more. This will provide enough good lighting to complement the visuals. But only time will tell.
  9. Yeah, I got it for free as well, but I never saw a reason to jump on it since my Skyrim LE is 99.9% stable. The only thing I can't get to work right is HDT for some things with windows 10. I haven't tried HDT hair, but Floppy SOS doesn't work for the player. On my old rig it worked half way for the player. But it only seems to work for NPCs on this rig. I'm actually more excited for this and Fallout 3. I may get back into New Vegas. Though, I deleted all my mods from my hard drive so I'd have to start completely fresh.
  10. It just hit me. Since Skyrim LE is DX9, and this will work for it, it's more of a reason for me to never go to that Special Needs Edition.
  11. I can attest that martial arts is good for boys. I was in it when I was little and got up to orange belt blue stripe. When my Sensei left to go train at another place, it wasn't the same and I stopped taking interest in it. You get attached to your Sensei.
  12. Here's a bit more insight on the problem going on with Nvidia and AiB partners getting fucked by Nvidia. I've said this a few days ago kinda parroting off of Gamer Nexus. I believe Nvidia's goal is to screw these AiB partners so that it's only Nvidia in the game. And that makes them another Apple company that only profits off their stuff. It's very clear that Nvidia stopped caring about their relationship with their AiB partners long time ago. Nvidia's greed has gotten so far. If you go back and look a few years back, you'll see it with the whole debacle and RTX 3000 series cards, miners and scalpers. And as I've said as well a few days ago, I'm done with Nvidia. Any future builds I do will be with AMD GPUs.
  13. Unfortunately, I don't think something like this could ever be inevitable. I think there are people who are going to become hardwired to become this way.
  14. Huge news. EVGA is no longer going to be making graphics cards for Nvidia.
  15. Yeah, the Hodge twins are funny. My roommate met them once when they went to his work and ordered some KFC, This was about 2 years ago.
  16. I hope they are paying them enough money to go to this extent to stop a thief.
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