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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. It does look like it. A lot of Sims players for sure.
  2. lol So using profanity is against LL rules. Yeah, I saw your comment over there. I swear LL is turning into twitter. Maybe his best buddies are Nexus moderators. Or maybe those rules only apply to the people they don't like.
  3. Nothing could ever go wrong with a scissor jack, let alone made of plastic...
  4. I love when the left keep eating themselves. Pissed off Hispanics to now pissing off their communism lovin' base. I love how Psucky also says how the journey is dangerous by boat. Cubans have come to the Southern border and have been extorted and kidnapped. Cuban women have been kidnapped and raped by cartels. I would rather take my chances on a boat than through Central America. It's also funny how they are not welcomed but those that come from the southern border are. Yeah, because Cubans will more likely vote red than blue given the Democrats are all for socialism/communism. They don't want them potential red votes. And they make communism look bad so we can't have that.
  5. The left will blame the Greeks and say it was Zeus. Or Trump. He always gets blamed for everything. lol
  6. I have never had that happen, nor have I ever heard anyone else have that kind of problem. Have you tried moving the plugin for that mod to the bottom and see if that fixes it?
  7. Eh? Who are you responding to? I only see your posts. And were you able to get BS and OS? If not, I have the latest.
  8. And they labeled Trump the Nazi. mmmkay, Democrat. They somehow think that those of us who haven't been vaccinated are just going to say yes now. Good luck with that. I hope I'm home when they come knockin' so I can tell them to fuck off. Let's not forget that Kamala said she wouldn't take Trump's vaccine. But she expect us to.
  9. Doubt it. They've banned me from LL, what, two or three times? For simply having an opinion. Well, one was because I insulted the moderators in my profile. No joke. They like to scan my profile to see what I say. Back in 2013 I wrote about my political stance and it didn't fit with DocSax so he edited it. Someone put them in check because I haven't been banned since.
  10. Cackling hag is mad because most of us Nevadans won't comply with her vaccine demands.
  11. I just thought about the SkyWind and Skyblivion teams. As far as I know, Nexus was going to be the place where they would host their mod. There's no way they would be onboard with all of this after creating a lot of custom assets.
  12. They should get in contact with that law firm that was after Bethesda and their Fallout 76 fiasco. If Bethesda has to tuck their head and comply with the demands of furious fans and being cheated, Nexus has no chance.
  13. By locking the thread, he demonstrated that he has zero fucks about the concerns of the modders who are opposed to it. Now proceeding with bans. I wouldn't expect anything less from him and Nexus. He's going forth with this whether they like it or not. Talk about a complete piece of shit.
  14. Only one staff, the one who wrote the whole wall of BS and.... "These comments have gone round in circles for the past few days now. Locking it down. " -D0 had something to say. That's it. It's pretty clear they, especially D0 has zero interest in clarifying anything, trying to make mends, willing to make changes or demands from the modders. It's pretty blatantly obvious he doesn't care about the whole problem he has caused. What a coward. But I'm glad he has revealed his mask to those that were concerned or on the fence about this whole thing. Their #1 mascot of course is completely onboard with this. OMG yay! This will benefit me! That's all that matters! OMG yay! As they gloss over the concerns of the others. I regret nothing I ever said about him, the majority of his team and the site itself all these years.
  15. They only come in 1440p. I think what he's means is setting it to 1080p in the game settings.
  16. I agree with one thing Contessa says in her argument. I've seen countless times someone remove their mod over the most trivial bullshit ever, while others do it just to piss off a whole lot of people. And while I don't very much like it, at the end of the day, regardless if it's over trivial bullshit, the modder has every bit of right to remove it for what ever reason. So I may not like it, but it's the modder's work and their choice to remove it as they see fit. I only wish people would stop doing this fucking bullshit out of malice. As far as giving the modders a grace period to have their mods removed is complete BS. There shouldn't ever be a window when a modder should have their mods removed. I highly doubt their "customer service" is even up to the task to remove all them mods within that time frame. This whole think stinks and seems to deliberately scam modders. Not surprised. Because... Dark0ne has been in on this whole thing for the business aspect. He's only interested in it for the money. Nothing more. I've figured this out so many years ago. That's why he pushed modding and Nexus to become mainstream. He went from not wanting to compete with other mod sites by not adding other games (or maybe it was games that mod sites already support) to adding more games in order to make Nexus the emporium of all mod sites. Nexus certainly is not anything it used to be 10+ years ago.
  17. @ritualclarity I think he meant on Nexus. I could be wrong.
  18. I refuse to post in that moron's thread. I'm sure they will merge both threads. But it's quite funny to see how Nexus is eating itself from within from one side of modders tell the other they are being whiny bitchy cry babies while the other side is trying to defend their mods. Really stupid move by D0, but it's good to see them salty premium members who rode their high horse just to stomp all over anyone who wasn't a premium member because they think their the holy grail of all members. Bet they don't think so highly of Nexus now except those still riding D0's dick. If anything, I think most of them will start their own community or find one similar to Nexus. Doubt they will want to affiliate themselves with a site that advertises porn. Just my opinion. We might get some over here. LL will probably get some of them as well. But the moralist ones, which I think will be a lot of them won't.
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