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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. How hard is it to transition from MO1 to MO2? Can I just move over all the folders and get it to work? i.e. mods, profile, overwrite. I haven't used MO2 since it was released. The reason is because I'm going to be running Nemesis Ulimited Behavior Engine and it's a x64 .exe so I can't run it on MO1.
  2. This looks so much better than what Bethesda can ever do.
  3. I updated this thread's title to make it more of a general discussion and news related to Nvidia and Radeon GPUs in general.
  4. I have no doubt that TES6 will look on-point when it comes to the landscape. If there is one thing I can give Bethesda Games Studio credit for, they know how to do a fantastic job with the landscapes. I think the major concern for the modding community is seeing Bethesda further distance themselves from the mod community all to commercialize even more on microtransactions. I don't think it's hyperbolic to think that every iteration that is released in the times to come will only come with a lesser version of the Creation Kit. Given that money seems to be the most concern with these publishers. It's better to doubt and be skeptical and hope you are proven wrong for the better, than to be willfully blind and gullible only to have your expectations tarnished in my opinion. As much as I don't like Bethesda right now, I would hope that they've learned their lesson from being too cocky and arrogant, Tom Howard. I'd hate to sit out on another game to mod because Bethesderp decided to screw up again. It's exactly 7 years as of today from when I officially got into Skyrim back in 2014. I'm tired... Need something new to nudify. But given their track record, I doubt it. I do look forward to SkyBlivion and SkyWind. Though, I hope the VA is good for those, because I have a very low tolerance for bad VA with mods. >.<
  5. I don't see a point opening up a new thread with Nvidia's latest GPUs but this just keeps on going.... Come on Radeon! We need competition.
  6. Brittany is always on-point. I admire this woman. We are a divided nation and I honestly never see the nation united again.
  7. I think Bethesda nailed it very well with the raiders in Fallout 3. Not only the hairstyle and colors, but the voice actors for both sexes were very fitting. They carried that very rebellious anarchist persona. You reminded me of this image.
  8. Well, from what recently read the game is more geared towards being independent and not relying on other players like it originated when it came to doing the moderate to extremely difficult tasks. This all started right before I left around 2012. So none of this is a surprises me. A lot of people complained how the game was so hard to level up because you had to rely on others. Anyways, I hanged my primary choice since I forgot at the moment this was to do with SPG.
  9. You are making me reconsider changing my primary choice because that is so true. Even though I could do so much on Fallout 3, it doesn't even come close to Skyrim.
  10. Can't find one of just listening to Nathan talk about Enclave. So just go to 4:10 XD
  11. ^ this. This is why I made a reference to that image as to what I envisioned with my critique of what it actually looks like. https://lookbook.nu/topic/42733-Difference-between-cyberpunk-and-cybergoth Cybergoth isn't the point, this was just someone asking what the difference is between both, but what the third post in that link says aligns with what Bjorn is saying. And the fifth post someone also brought up William Gibson. This thread is super old (9 years ago).
  12. Primary choice: Skyrim LE Reason: Replay-ability due to the mods. the capability the due to the engine and dev tool. Fallout 3 (only if Remaster existed) Reason: Same as Skyrim. For the mods.
  13. This will have to wait. I have about 150 tabs open. lol 99% of them are mods I need to download and I never get around to it. ; ;
  14. Here's their few latest dev log and last upload video from 8 months ago.
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