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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. lol I would say more like 60-70s porno quality.
  2. So don't do it! *sniff sniff*
  3. She can't emotionally handle this lovely hipster kumbaya style of life that she wanted. Wah!
  4. I think I spotted one of your white liberal friends.
  5. Looks like YT is increasing their shadowban and censoring this time of year. First time ever happen, my comment didn't show after I clicked post.
  6. I was naive enough to think 2020 would be a good start off into a new decade to come. I had plans to make life changes, but because of this COVID-CRAP and rioting, I have to put all that to the side until all of this settles down and we can go back to normality. If that even exists anymore...
  7. lol Well, it's pretty fucking funny and shameful at the same time. I mean my goodness. The amount of boot licking and virtual signaling is incredible by the left. and....
  8. Here's one for K2 in Texas. She's smokin' too.
  9. Guys like this give me hope in my state and country. I'm trying real hard to maintain hope that retaliation will occur on these rioters.
  10. And there you have it. From their own mouths.
  11. My roommate met these twins. Told me they went to his KFC store once I think back in 2018 or 2919 when that new cheetos chicken burger or something like that was out.
  12. Where's those leftist climate change freaks outraging over this? No?
  13. I wish they would cut their electricity and water off. Let them figure it out like they have with their lovely botanical garden. And the irony of open borders, but they sure have their borders to keep unwanted people out. In reality, socialism cannot exist without capitalist resources. lol
  14. BLM... so bold and brave. Fighting for justice...
  15. Wake me up when it's over. https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugz4KHNMIuzlNkFlRhV4AaABCQ This is just how dumb leftists are. Their destruction and annoyance will only red pill their own. Destroying stores owned by leftists isn't helping their cause, nor is yelling in their faces.
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