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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. I remember when I was a little kid and my mother would take me to K-Mart back in the days. She used to write checks a lot. I would ask her if I could have this toy I saw. She would reply "Sweety, I can't right now" referring to not having the money for it. I would reply to her "Just write on one of those pieces of paper like you always do" obviously thinking that would solve everything. lol The part where it's talked about how kids are not mature enough to understand what's really going on is what made me remember this.
  2. Time to ban high capacity automobiles.
  3. That would make you a misanthropist. Now if you include hate every skin color, ethnicity. Yep, your a GOD DAMN RASSSSSSSIST!!!
  4. Lefty entitlement as always. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtNoSKvunR0 Tried to find the original video, but the snowflake removed it. How do I know it's the same video? The moron spelled "rasist" which is seen in Zed's video and a google search.
  5. For me, yes. But that's just me. Could make variations.
  6. They're trying so hard to turn Texas blue. Don't let that shit happen unlike here. We get the unfortunate trash from California. Crime has risen left and right for decades. And Californians drive like fucking shit.
  7. The earth rotates on it's own axis which is about 23.5 degrees while it spins at a certain velocity. The earth also orbits around the sun. Because of this, this is how our day and night cycle occurs. This is how it gives off the impression that the sun rises and goes down, but in reality the sun never moves. If the earth was straight on it's axis, there wouldn't be a sunrise or sunset. Wait, what! This isn't a thread about astronomy or something? Well, if I must, the site opens at a proximity of light speed. whereas it didn't before. Wasn't much of a difference, but it is noticeable.
  8. I first thought this was was propped up as fake news reporters, but it turns out they aren't. It popped up in my recommendations.
  9. I've searched and never seen anywhere on the net about this so I figure after years of doing this, I'd share with you how it's 100% possible to make the Mistwatch bandits permanently friendly and use Mistwatch Tower as a hub, but not completely a player home because I assume (I haven't checked in CK) the chests and barrels all reset. I made this video to visually show you how it's possible to do the little mini quest without having to kill a single NPC. Keep in mind this is all vanilla. No mods or console command(s) are required to do this. Before you do this, make sure you have a high enough sneak level, or you have Muffled boots or the spell Muffle casted on you. Take the back road that leads around to the back of Mistwatch Tower. You should be looking downwards upon Mistwatch Tower. Sneak your way down into the entrance door of Mistwatch Tower and enter. Make sure you don't attract the Mistwatch Bandit. Or rather, get too close to make them hostile. Run (or walk) up to Christer and begin the mini quest to search and find Fjola. Drop to sneak mode and sneak very slowly on your way out the east exit. Upon exiting sneak along the wall on the left and once you are far enough you can get up and run towards the geysers. The point is to go around and back up, but not back up to the road you took to Mistwatch Tower. Only to the dirt road that takes you to the North East entrance to Mistwatch Tower where a Orc Bandit leans against the wall. Instead stick to the hill on the right side of the dirt road and go up and eventually you will near the tower. You'll get high enough to reach the highest door to the tower that leads straight to Fjola. Note: when you exit the entrance, the Mistwatch Bandit up the stairs to the right above the exit, that bandit will become hostile regardless if you are distant from it. It's the only one that will go hostile if it detects you and the rest will become hostile. So be careful when going around the left wall after exiting. Talk to Fjola and select the choice to convince Christer to leave. Upon exiting the door, sneak your way to the hatch and enter. Getting detected will cause the bandits to become hostile and it won't work anymore. Once you've entered through the first hatch, you can run your way to the next exit of the tower. The bandits inside are friendly. When you've exited once again to the exterior, sneak your way to the next hatch without being noticed. Again, if detected, it will make the bandits hostile and it won't work anymore. Run your way down the tower. Once again these bandits are friendly. They will not attack you. Even if you try and speak to them. Talk to Christer and tell him Fjola is not here or dead. Optional if you want to give him the ring or not). Run back up the staircase and you'll encounter Fjola. Tell her it's done and the mini quest is complete. If you did it right, you have successfully made the Mistwatch Bandits outside that guard the tower permanently friendly. Edit: According to UESP (https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Mistwatch) under notes: "You can enter and speak with the bandit boss without starting the quest if you have the Wax key Lockpicking perk. Unlocking the master locked door before the final tower gives you the Mistwach key, which then can be used to open and enter the last tower. Doing this will make all bandits inside and outside of the tower friendly." Doing it this method would require you to unlock the hatch which is to the left the tower where Fjola is. Upon unlocking it, once you enter in the tower you will automatically get the key and you can just exit and go straight to Fjola. This is a much simpler way of doing it but requires the Wax Key perk in order to do this. If you aren't interested in that perk then the alternative would be to do it the way I've always done it.
  10. Chappelle's comedy special has become a beacon of light. There may be some hope in bringing back political incorrectness. If more comedians start to push back that would be good. Maybe through comedy we can see a bright future ahead.
  11. A lot of threads there turn into a shit show. It's one of my go to for the latest controversial forum topic.
  12. This thread: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/25605-why-shemales/page/12/#comments went into cringe-mode because of those "I'm offended!" snowflakes. But, but! Finally! someone with some common sense! https://www.loverslab.com/topic/25605-why-shemales/?do=findComment&comment=2740841 I just find it funny shemales not in the porn industry get offended, but those that are don't. Could it be because they rather shut up and get paid instead of REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and lose their job over it, or maybe they just don't give a flying fuck-hole... I have the urge of trolling, but just created a new account and I don't want to get the boot for misconduct aka trolling which is not a rule breaker on LL, but we all know how make believe rules are somewhere in there unseen by members.
  13. Another limitation on role-playing. I found it fascinating back when I was posting the videos on the lore of each class. I was inspired to have create a character for each class. I would of definitely enjoyed being a Nomad or Techie for sure. Only time will tell if these other classes will be included in a DLC or expansion.
  14. You know what also killed it for me? Only being able to choose 3 classes. But since CDPR is primarily about story telling cutscenes, I guess adding all classes as an option to choose would be far too many to do with their cut scenes. It makes me just want to stick to RPGs with no cut scenes and a silent protagonist.
  15. Yeah, I'm glad I'm dodging this game. The CP2077 fanbois are just as pathetic as Bethesda fanbois. Anyone who questions CDPR they go full rage on you.
  16. Like this shill? He's clearly a CP2077 fanboi. Glad I stopped following him a long time ago.
  17. Speaking of Dave Chappelle. I missed this one.
  18. SJWs be like huh, that's not funny, that's racist!
  19. It's not even worth making a team project for a Bethesda game. It wouldn't come with a surprise if they screw over the team making Skyblivion and Skywind for their SSE version in the future. One of the reasons why jumping on SSE was a mistake. Regardless of the ((((stability))) as people claim and it supporting console mods. The Creation Club was a red flag ever since Fallout 4.
  20. In short, there's been a team of modders that have been working on a Fallout 3 mod for Fallout 4. Bethesda knew about it since the get go and Bethesda decides to create and release a Fallout 3 mod for Creation Club.
  21. I had envisioned this game would've had that 80s retro cyberpunk look and feel to it. When I saw the 2018 E3 trailer, it looked like a GTA game instead. Nothing about it since then has impressed me other than being able to ride a motorcycle.
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