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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. Bob: Not much, just taking my family on a Vegas vacation. Want to come? Bill: Busy. Reeeeally busy right now. Maybe some other time. In all seriousness...we are having a grasshopper plague. It's pretty hilarious.
  2. Here's my two I currently have. I'm strictly a Schecter guy. And for some reason I only like my guitars either in red or black.
  3. She sorta reminds me of the witch from OZ. She just needs the crooked nose
  4. What kind of guitar do you jam? BTW Your brother's band is pretty badass.
  5. lol I think if she had a Red Bull she would be humping that sign post faster than the dog humping Adam Sandler in that movie Click on fast forward. Or this scene too.
  6. He deserves the worst moderator on the internet trophy. Him and the rest of the moderators make Nexus moderators look like a bunch of decent guys.
  7. Trump Derangement Syndrome is for reals ya'll.
  8. Even Geralt. They could have chosen someone who looks more like him from the game.
  9. Him performing this song live with no PA at a funeral. Just a mic speaker and his guitarist. One of my favorite all time male vocalists for metal. Roy Sætre Khantatat aka Roy Khan (stage name) and former singer of Kamelot. For anyone who isn't aware, he's back with his original band, Conception.
  10. Another flip flop liar. Here's the full of it. I'm guessing like the trial with Cuckerberg, this wasn't under oath...
  11. Spawn is my first and favorite comic into the image comics series. Funny I liked him not because of his skin color but because of who he was and his backstory. The film is underrated but I'm glad it never went full mainstream like Marvel and DC superheroes did. The film was really good imo.
  12. That's the problem. The rest of us have to pay the price for the overwhelming stupid people who lack critical thinking and common sense. You can tell someone a zillion times 'they aren't real people, it's just a game' and their driven emotions trump logic. I was looking at one of the forums Bjornk linked and the fact that someone made a post about the thought of people killing pixelated kids makes them question what type of person they are for wanting to kill children in a video game. Typical left leaning thought process. Everyone who owns a gun is automatically a murderer. If you kill pixelated children, you are a real life child murderer. That's explains everything. This world is filled with mass murderers around the globe. Yet, surprisingly enough the population has remained more or less the same. I wonder how that works. Maybe if I shove my head in the sand like an ostrich it'll all start to make sense.
  13. Why can't companies just give you an option to in the menu screen to enable or disable to kill important NPCs and children at the very least. People still being sensitive over killing children. If people can't distinguish the difference then they need to go find something else to occupy their time and stop trying to shove their morality down other peoples throats. These people remind me of bible thumpers in the 90s and what they called satanic music.
  14. Right on. I didn't see that one. I kept running into skimpy custom armors. Edit: Bah! It doesn't cover all the vanilla armors. Only the ones shown in the images. It'll do for now though.
  15. Anyone know if there exists male vanilla skimpy armor? I'm still currently searching but I'm finding modded armor that's skimpy.
  16. This thread is designed to ask if a mod you are looking for already exists somewhere on the web.
  17. 2020 is going to be another 4 years of crying and cringe videos to come along here. Gentlemen, prepare another 30 blank pages. We're going to be here for a while.
  18. It's Shitcago, not surprised. Someone made the lovely ladies and fellas angry I bet.
  19. I guess her bath water is greater than holy water. God must be impressed.
  20. The question is, how much longer is this crap going to be put up with? ANTIFA declared war a long time ago. These faggots make me sick and that second amendment of a well regulated militia needs to be put into practice. Their government has failed them and the cops allowing these domestic terrorists to roam the streets.
  21. I don't like iPhones after 4th gen. Especially when they went all wacky with the vibrant cartoony apps. After using Android, never going back to IOS.
  22. Very sad and disgusting. Glad I made the choice of not wanting kids. I seem to dodge a bullet with a lot of bat shit craziness that is going on with these generations only to look back and have a sigh of relief.
  23. Alrighty. I thought this was going to be a thing for the PC version. That would of been messed up. I tried looking around the CP2077 forums about it being win10 only just to see what people had to say but found nothing.
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