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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. Here's the original clip to skip all the yapping from Optimus. This 'dude' needs to chill the fuck out.
  2. It's like getting someone hooked on drugs for free and then resorting to selling it to them. If they have no other way, they'll end up buying it. Many people are used to using mods for Beth games. Even console gamers now. And now that they are used to mods, there's no way those who have used mods on Fallout 4 and SSE will not want to use them for TES6. This is just another 'must have' scheme like loot boxes.
  3. They're slowly pushing forward their paid mods. I still believe (eventually) their Creation Club as you see now for Skyrim will not be the same for TES6 and other games going forward. I think they will eventually release a half arsed version for the public while their CC modders will have the version equivalent to Skyrim available to them. From a business standpoint, it makes sense only allowing the top notch mods to be behind Creation Club and the lesser derpy dewpie mods to be free. They want that money and following the same formula they have been for FO4 and SSE isn't going to improve those sales. Nothing beats free. Or free and better like it is right now. I won't be surprised if and when TES6 rolls out, one of those available mods will be a survival mod of compilations of previous ideas from Skyrim all in one and Dark0ne has to keep his head down on allowing any survival mods for TES6 uploaded on Nexus. They are already showing signs of using force on anyone who is hurting their Atomic Shop from competition.
  4. So, patches is now proved wrong. Ignorance is a bliss. Oh well, they locked the thread because...feelings. Also further proves that their Creation Club (Atomic Shop... same shit different name) is going to replace free mods.
  5. I just took a gander over at the 76 thread. The sooner people realize LL is NOT the place for chit chatting the better. I hope the staff continue to become more strict and show brute force on trolls and wrong thinkers with "hate speech" aka different opinion. Let it become Nexus 2.0. Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder. Idiot me forgot to clear my cookies.
  6. I can only guess. You started the topic?
  7. So Camelworks and Mr. Matty knows what it feels like to be attacked by their own kind.
  8. Well I'll be... Almost makes me want to repost his Skyrim investigation vids. They were good but meh...fanboys. Bethesda's biggest issue with 76 is no creation kit. As bad as this game is, if people like Arthmoor had it, he'd fix the problems in a heart beat. And people would have excused the game in the current state. This is a prime example of what a Bethesda game actually is when you release a game without any creation kit. They would of pulled this many years ago, they would of out of business. No one in their right mind would of ever bought their games on PC.
  9. The things people will do to land a job at Bethesda... https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/news/13846 If you can't be bothered to read the comments on this particular modder. He removed all his NSFW work because he was denied a spot for Creation Club because of it. So he's cleaning up his portfolio or whatever and trying to get good with Bethesda for a second chance. His NSFW content is no longer available. At least not on Nexus and by him. I guess his work is uploaded somewhere else. Probably LL. He might as well go get his legs waxed just to impress Bethesda while he's at it.
  10. Bethesda is doing the same with Atomic Shop like they did with Creation Club. YongYea is wrong. It will play the same way. Their fans will eventually let it go and accept it. As much as 76 is a disaster, it's going to be a long term financial success. They are great at marketing. Wait when their expansions roll out with new world maps. They'll probably bring back DC and Boston as expansions. And those will have more new clothing, armor and other trinkets for their Atomic Shop. I can already see them completely butchering the lore with 76.
  11. @ritualclarity They don't listen. They don't care, LL is ran by people who are never wrong. GrimReaper learned for himself that feedback means absolute shit because every concern is taken with a grain of salt. And they have their wimpy cheerleading bois side-by-side defending them. People post off topic crap all the time in so many threads. People post gif memes all the time in many threads. CPU got mad because the gif I posted was actually try and it was time for me to GTFO because I already know what was coming (deleted comments, warnings, silencing those with the wrong think, etc.) Gregatwat banned me because he among CPU and Doxy and more than likely Bruce all hate my guts. They don't like me because I don't sit and roll over like most members do. They don't like people who will challenge their stance and decisions. I guarantee you if I called any of them in the FO76 thread fanboys or white knights, I would of gotten a warning. But I bet you Halstrom and the rest who labeled us trolls and haters got a complete free pass. And here's the thing, I'm not offended being labeled as such. That's not what bothers me. It's the injustice and favoritism that does. LL is a shithole because those moderators and their cliques make it a shithole.
  12. Well, they definitely blocked me from having any sort of access. They aren't very transparent. Giving the illusion that my account is still active, but I'm actually banned. I wonder how many they've already done this to and people probably think those members just have no desire to visit LL anymore. At least Nexus is honest about it. They don't hide who they are. They murdered me in cold blood in a back alley, wrapped me in a blanket, took me back to my home, left the TV and lights on to make people believe everything is normal as usual.
  13. I knew he was going to do it. Scroll back a few pages of the FO76 thread on LL and see if my comments still exist. It should say I'm banned.
  14. @bjornk Probably, but I'll just post it again. I'd like to see them ban me.
  15. I'm making a new avatar with the words "LL is a shithole" for that community.
  16. Yeah, CPU is a fag and I wish he would come to this community so I would confront his bitch ass. Just like Gregatits. All because he came in like the dictator that he is and started to delete comments and me posting this.
  17. What he said in the beginning sounds very familiar. Describes the fanboys over at LL.
  18. I've made up my mind. I'm never going to support a FPS only game. Really sick of the FPS fanboys shitting on anyone who would like to have third person. If devs want to cater to this type of people, fuck them.
  19. You can't hump me and dump me. XD
  20. I guess Bethesda can look on the bright side and fire their devs and hire a bunch of modders to develop their games. Probably get away without paying them as well.
  21. More youtubers need to make their top most worst games of this year. I bet FO76 would be the worst on many of the lists. I'm proud of Bethesda. They need to do the same for TES. I hope they do. They need to tank.
  22. I've been watching to see if there's any confirmation if it will be on GOG. I don't think it will be. If it's only on STEAM, I'm definitely not buying it.
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