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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. I turned my back on them long ago. Not once, ever since, have i regretted that decision. The only regret I have is ever buying TES Anthology and getting into Skyrim. But then again, I'm glad I did. That buggy piece of shit, but most of all, their stunt on paid mods in 2015 was the final nail in the coffin for me. They have been predictable for a long time. Even a fucking blind man can see right through them.
  2. That's...nun of our business. Nothing to see here.
  3. I saw your comment. Let's see if he responds
  4. Awwwwww look at that, even Pete Hines came out to thank Avellone for defending him.
  5. I just realized after skimming through Creation Kit for Skyrim in the Head Parts and Actors that Bethesda used the male child head for the female as well. I knew they looked similar but thought maybe there was some distinction. I guess not. Fucking laziness. Not like it matters. Their kids look like shit. They must be that sensitive about children they had to make manginas. Or maybe they are into the LGBTQXYZ1234567 and catered to them girly bois from weird ass parents who like to dress them up like porcelain dolls and give them their proper pronouns. They were also too fucking lazy to add children of races that are not human. I suppose in Bethesda land Mers, Khajiit and Argonians can't have children. They must be going extinct.
  6. Looks like it is and the same engine with minimal upgrades. I would also bet the assets are the same. It looks all rehased except for the new creatures.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if Bethesda Games Studio regrets making an online game. Since they are the type who does minimal patches and proceeds to ignore the remaining bugs and the bugs that have infiltrated their official patches. Their ongoing of having to address these bugs is going to irritate them.
  8. You know, it was funny when members on LL would criticize me for making fun of how bad Fallout 4 was and not ever playing it. Bethesda is so predictable you already know in advance that Fallout 5 and TES6 is going to be S.H.I.T.
  9. Them 60USD was so worth the BETA. How could I have not jumped in on some of them goodies..
  10. This game is designed for the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. N.E.E.D.S. known as the fanbois.
  11. It's old, I know. But laughing at them never gets old.
  12. The whole private server thing smells more like lies just to hype people into buying the game. From a business standpoint, it only makes sense in Fallout 4 because 1) they released the creation kit before Creation Club was announced and launched. 2) They are trying to slowly get their fan base adapted to it, which didn't seem to be working. I don't know how it's doing now and really don't care to go and find out. If it's even possible to find out. MMOs are generally created for people to play for a long time. Just look at WOW still pooping out expansions. It would make more sense to leave out the creation kit and stick solely with Creation Club as the only option for mods in FO70shit. Otherwise it's just strike 2 on the failure of making profit from Creation Club. I'm going to laugh if they really do lie about the private servers and a lot of people get pissed off. I swear, it's like they know Bethesda is capable of lying, but they manage to fully trust their word again. I guess "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." doesn't seem to get to their heads.
  13. Bethesda fanbois are the equivalent of the brain dead extreme left pink puss hat wearing snowflake that believes everything Jim Acosta says on CNN. Just replace it with Bethesda and Todd and it's the same thing.
  14. in terms of Fallout 3 not really being a Fallout game, very understandable. But I still thought it was a fun game. It was my first Fallout not because I was even into it, but because I went from modding one game to wanting to mod another game and I happened to stumble across a article talking about Fallout 3 and mods. And that lead me to Nexus and I was amazed how much support for mods it had. But stepping into the whole post-apocalyptic world style game, I instantly got hooked with the whole theme. I don't think the story is all that bad. It's far better than Fallout 4. Because at least you aren't reminded to find your dad, you do so on your own if you choose to. I never felt like finding my dad was a errand. Though, I will say that they could have done a better job on coming up with a more convincing story giving your dad more reason why he left you behind knowing that the overseer is a lunatic. He did spend nearly two decades knowing how he was like. I agree I don't think it deserves the award of best story. I was more affected by the story from Broken Steel having to choose between the slaves or the baby. Because what ever choice I made still made me feel like a piece of shit.
  15. That's beyond poor writing. But it's the best writing according to their cult. Might as well serve them a dish of turd, Todd can tell them it's mash potato soaked in gravy and they would love it.
  16. I'd get this game if it came out on PC. I doubt Bethesda will go bankrupt. One thing to know about their super hardcore fanbase is they excuse everything they do. Bethesda Games Studio could still use gamebryo for the next 20 years with slight graphic upgrades and their fans would love it no matter what. Bethesda does it because "it just works" for them and their fan cult. They will always be miles behind other top developers.
  17. I miss the Nexus thread over there. That was one of the funnest threads they had.
  18. Whenever you stumble upon a Fallout or TES video and it has 1k+ down votes, you bet your ass it's going to be a good video.
  19. They've been selling unfinished games for how long now? Fallout 76 just takes that unfinished development into the next level. And as always, fanboys will continue to give them a pass.
  20. They are so caught up worrying about some youtuber exposing them. They've already had enough exposure not to even worry about it.
  21. Saw that. You can't have fun in threads because even if it goes off topic and in a direction more interesting, some people just like to ruin the fun.
  22. I like how the youtube Fallout fanboys and fanboys are trying to dismiss criticism and call the opposition a "minority". I've said it before, fanboys are the equivalent of SJWs. They both have common goals.
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