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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. He's referring to this video And this is one of the biggest reasons why I avoid cars with all this flashy new tech in it. Sensor will send an error on this and that and this. Car doesn't want to going into drive because of this error code. Traction control engages and disengages because it detects a spare tire on and it's sending confusing signals.
  2. If I still had an account on LL, I would refer to one of these woke morons as male or female and see them get offended just to see if LL would give me a warning or outright ban me. Let's face it. It's bound to happen at some point where a member does just that. Even if it's not intentional. Because we must protect their feelings. We must adhere to their demands and get rid of our old habits. This just leads down a dangerous path where one will have to walk on egg shells hoping they don't offend anyone because it will lead to consequences.
  3. Wish he would try that in a country like Russia. He wouldn't last 5 minutes.
  4. Glad someone put this idiot in his place.
  5. Yep... glad I left that cesspool. https://www.loverslab.com/topic/218267-modding-out-pronounsrainbow-group-stuff/
  6. Awful game. And yet people defend this turd of a game.
  7. Been thinking about this for a few days now. Now that the wokesters have home to complain and upload their stuff, what Is D0 going to do when people upload pretty NPC mods. Is he going to allow them to complain on the modder's page and not silence them? Is he going to comply with their demands and take it down? You're right, K2. D0 has bitten off more than he can chew. He's going to have to alienate one or the other.
  8. Okay. The same company that panders to woke makes minorities ugly out of racism. Make it make sense...\ And you thought that the devs from ME:A set the lowest bar on the ugliest NPCs. Bethesda: Hold my galactic latte.
  9. I guess I'll just dump this here... Didn't know about this until I saw the second video. I mean not the evilness of vault-tec but rather Tim Cain's video about it. Really don't know why I would even care. But I guess those that still care about the franchise can see it.
  10. Reminds me when my cousin told me once why he never donates to any of these stores like Walgreens. Because when the time comes they will say Walgreens donated this amount to this charity and not mention the people themselves. Has Toddler the Howard ever given the mod community any credit for the longevity of Skyrim's success? Or why it still being played by a lot of gamers? Or is contributing that to the god damn re-releases of Skyrim?
  11. I don't have an issue with the females in BG3 having the option to have a penis. For me there has to be motives behind it to consider it to be woke. But I can understand why there will be those who don't want it at all and go as far as to say it's woke because of our current climate. At the end of the day regardless if the game is woke or not and whether they put a penis on a female or not, it's up to the company. I'm not fighting this fight because I don't care about the game industry one way or the other. I don't care if it continues down the woke path or collapses never to reemerge again like it once did. I gave up that good fight long ago. Now I just spew my opinion on the nonsense of wokism and the crap games that come out. If a good game comes out that peaks my interest and it doesn't have none of that woke crap in it maybe I might consider it. Depends on who made it as well. I will say this. I personally don't care that SF is woke. Only because it's a new IP. That doesn't change my stance on what I feel about the ideology. If I was still the person I used to be back when I really cared about the industry and tried to get people to reason then maybe I would have a different stance on it. Even if it's a new IP. I would shit on it like I always do with certain games. If I still cared about the Fallout franchise and they did this to it, I would be mad as hell. But i don't. So they can implement woke into Fallout 5 (which I'm sure they will because it's such a 1950's thing) and I wouldn't care. All I do these days just just fiddle with Fallout 3 and Skyrim every now and then. I've ultimately grown tired of both worlds. And talk shit about broken games, terrible devs and the progressive garbage being implemented into them. I occasionally go on LL and read the dumb comments to get a kick out of it. Though, I'm glad to be gone.
  12. I don't feel sorry for either one. This is what they wanted. It's all good so long as it's not directly impacting them. Soon as it is, SOUND THE ALARMS!
  13. Samson drops another Part 2
  14. As expected. Nexus is on red alert to scour and find any anti-woke mods for Starfailed, eradicated from their site and smash the hammer on the non conformed individual. And more than likely same type of mods will be removed from LL because their woke members are going to kick and scream until they get what they want. I don't think they'll issue a ban unless it's repeated.
  15. Being a successful person, no matter your skin color is hated on the left. I don't know why they just love to live in misery. It's like they were al;most taught to become part of the system they so much claim to hate.
  16. Wait till the bans on Nexus start to roll out because people removed the woke crap from the game. I remember them banning someone for uploading a mod replacing the rainbow flag or LGBTQ flag in the latest Spiderman game. It was considered hate. I wonder if LL will do the same. I guess we'll see.
  17. This just keeps getting worse by the day. I feel so bad for Hawaiians and the way this failed administration has failed them but have enriched Ukraine.
  18. Though, I'm curious how the suspension will hold in the long run. Also, I don't know how they expect you to put in bigger tires with the upper control arm and the hook-shaped knuckle impeding that. But it's nice to see how the suspension works. Don't really care for the high tech in it. I could live without a touch screen and put in my own, but still nice nonetheless. I'd rather go with a stick shift any day over paddle for sure.
  19. I can attest that Rage 1 has aged incredibly well for a game released back in 2012. You don't need to modify anything to make it look better. Unlike Bethesda games that either need to be enhanced through GECK/CK. or use some kind of post process for it to stand out from the bland their games can be. I think the problem with Bethesda is the color palette they aim for. And it doesn't help back with Fallout 3 when they used a green tint to try and give off more of a radioactive look and feel. New Vegas suffered the same with their awful orange tint which looked so terrible on light skin characters. I'll take artistic style over high quality graphics. But it seems like high quality graphics is the focal point of most studios these days.
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