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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. Try reposting it. Wait a few second before you click submit and see if the link expands to the thumbnail. It happens to me once in a while.
  2. Writing a science fiction story. There is no main story right now because I'm noting down everything that consists of this world. From characters, factions, the world itself, etc. When I started doing this, I was doing it on my phone using Samsung Notes. Really liked the dark theme and white text and allowing me to import images. I knew I could do this on MS Wordpad as I had done this many years ago. However, Wordpad doesn't offer a dark theme. or changing the page to a dark color along with the text being a lighter color so that it's easy on the eyes. For days I was researching until I stumbled upon LibreOffice, which allowed me to do just that. It's a great alternative to MS Word and Office. So I have been transferring it all over from my phone. It's going to be a long time before I put this story together because I'm putting in many important characters that will exist in this world. Like if they are unique named NPCs in a game world. I also have another for factions, settlements, the world itself, vehicles, currency, locations (wilderness), locations (city, towns), weapons, attire, etc. The idea is to come up with a story for a game. And then learn to develop with UE5 and just create small worlds for fun with these characters and factions. Though, that is a long ways ahead.
  3. lol They hired that woke Elianora person. Yeah, Bethesda hit rock bottom.
  4. Is it at least better than it was in Fallout and New Vegas? I would hope so. lol
  5. Watched it on John Talks channel. And posted "Don't worry. Biden has a plan. Send more money to Ukraine". I mean, it worked so well for Hawaii. Biden's the man for the job. Always looking out for all our needs.
  6. It was a scam then as it is now and always will be. TreeOfLogic did a video of this years ago. It was never about what they claimed it to be. Video is already 7 years old.
  7. It's pathetic if the content that should've been in the original game to begin with is offer in a DLC. More of a reason why no one should ever buy a game until all the DLCs are released and when that grandiose edition is on sale. Nothing will change the fact that this game, like Fallout 4 is an absolute turd. And having to add what should've already existed is just pure laziness and predatory practices.
  8. Maybe was a fanboy for a long time. They tend to be short sighted until reality hits them.
  9. This grinds my gears. These two mofos better get some serious sentence because they clearly show they are a danger to the public.
  10. If they do a remaster of Oblivion, I will definitely ignore it as I would rather support the Skyblivion team. And for them to do that, that would be fucked up. Also, if they do decide to do that, more than likely it would be on their Creation Engine 2. I doubt anything they do would be anything in the scale of what the SkyBlivion teams has done. Their 3D modeling far surpasses BGS. With Fallout 3, I could see it being possible. But the game needs a lot of improvements. Combat, both melee and gun play suck. It needs a weapon modification system. And both Oblivion and Fallout 3 need a better character creator. if it was crap when Fallout 3 was still fresh and it didn't jive with a lot of people, it certainly won't in the 2020's. I think if this is the case, it has more to do with milking the fans with their laughable cash grab shop like they did with SSE.
  11. I expect more of this to come for the next few years once the butterflies in the stomach wears off.
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